Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy

Ep. 5 - Marijuana Milk or Cannabis Cream

Grace and Lora Season 1 Episode 5

Join funny honeys Lora and Grace as they try to sweeten up their java with THC. Brew along with them or just laugh through their party memories - oh, and have you heard the one about their crazy family members?

Thanks for listening! Send us your ideas and recipes at potandkettlepodcast@gmail.com.

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spk_0:   0:01
Hey, guys, you're listening to Pot and Kettle, the comedy podcast where we are cooking

spk_1:   0:07
with cannabis. I'm Gracie and I'm Laura. We hope you enjoy your show.

spk_0:   0:12
Welcome to the pot and kettle rehash. This is where we discuss past episodes and also correct.

spk_1:   0:18
Are many errors enjoy. So I just wanted to let anybody who's listening know that we recorded our Christmas episode out of order. So what we talk about in the two episodes being this one and the Christmas one might not match up. Think we did a good job, but I think we did it. But it's not just let you know we're not losing our minds. We just recorded out of order. Yeah, and normally, Yeah, like I said, they're consecutive. But in this case, this one. We have episodes in the bank, and we're putting this one out there, So if it's messed up, Sorry,

spk_0:   0:52
all right, So anyway, how are the race? Krispie treats the Christmas

spk_1:   0:56
or the writes Christmas writes Christmas Tree. That's you so lovingly call. But I

spk_0:   1:01
did it. I did,

spk_1:   1:02
even though I think I don't think we said Merry Christmas in that episode. So America's most everybody happy holidays, but related related every New year. They were really good. They tasted like regular rice krispie treats said Good, nice chill, relaxing feeling. Could you Did you make them so you could eat like eat a whole square and enjoy? Yep. I didn't make them super strong. You're about a 15 milligrams per square night, so just enough to just take the edge off a little bit. Perfect. Perfect. Wonderful. I wanted to ask to about your Shoney's collarbone. Oh yeah, he's fine. He's covered. Fine. He's back to doing everything he would normally. D'oh, you deal.

spk_0:   1:43
You are so not a lot about your broken husband. Like what? I think the poor guy like what is that about? He's

spk_1:   1:54
always broken. Eventually you just go whatever you know. So, back before we knew you, we were living in our first house, a right out of college. He was playing pickup football with some friends and he tore his A, c l and M CEO Yanks. Yes, when he was in, like this boot or no, this immobilizer. So for months he couldn't. He couldn't bend that leg by the way, he took his immobilizer off like you could take it off to shower and sheriff, so I would put it on and run around the house.

spk_0:   2:27
I can't move my leg either. It's horrible. I broke my toe. You broke your

spk_1:   2:34
being an ass making fun of him. Are you

spk_0:   2:36
wearing that moment I realized you something because I couldn't bend my legs to get me. Oh, did he say good? Oh, yeah. You deserve that, Beings. They laughed about it. I mean, you were laughing at

spk_1:   2:55
me, making fun of him. My pinkie toe. Oh, my gosh. I broke my big toe kicking a chair right before prom. But that's a whole another story. Okay, Okay. That's why I think toes bent.

spk_0:   3:05
Oh, yeah, because you don't have time to fix it. You got a problem? I just cram that into the hell with you with

spk_1:   3:13
heels. That does not surprise me at all. Right. You have quite the shoe collection. So anyway, moving forward then and we're living in our house. No. So he must have. That's when he broke and then throw it So it healed. He was out of the immobilizer, and we had cats and their cat toys around her house in the middle of the night. He got up. I went to get water or something. Stepped on a cat toy. Thought it was a cat, stepped funny, blew his knee out again, like muscle. Right after he got off the mobile life immobilizer. Or he was he's still wearing the m o. He was off of it. Okay, so they came in and woke me up and said, um, so I think I'm gonna go to the hospital. I just stepped on a cat toy and when she

spk_0:   3:55
stepped on a cat toy, and you're going to ask you Are you okay? Right?

spk_1:   4:04
I know he wasn't because he was going. There you go. Yeah. So to recession answered on to the next time.

spk_0:   4:13
All right, So did you take him to the hospital? Uh huh. No, I don't want to get

spk_1:   4:18
me the phone and call me when he got there, because we didn't have, like, we had a house phone. So he drove himself to the hospital and he had a stick shift.

spk_0:   4:27
You're was the middle of

spk_1:   4:28
the night, and I clearly wasn't thinking right. Like, if I had been thinking right, I obviously would have taken him, but I don't know. He uses that as a story to go. Well, of course she didn't. She didn't take me to the hospital when I like Tor my hep c l in the middle of the night. I'm not surprised that she didn't drive me here. She didn't do this. So that poor decision in the middle of night has given me lots of leeway going for basically, just eat out. Just Laura. You get away with pretty much anything that sounds about right. Oh, so, um, um, how is that going to talk about? I know we have other things to talk about. Well, while you're thinking, I did want to know how is your finger? Oh, yeah, My middle finger.

spk_0:   5:13
Right now, I still hate that dog I stuffed. Where? The Band

spk_1:   5:16
Aid, As you can see. I mean, it's looking better. I don't know. It's got a weird bump to it. Oh, I think I probably should have, um, you know, went to the hospitals as well that I chose not to. So, you know, life you make decisions and we'll

spk_0:   5:30
see. So it's better. It's getting

spk_1:   5:32
better every day, several weeks. I know. And I just like my husband said you should not be wearing a Band Aid. Let it air out, and I just I don't want to bump it. It's

spk_0:   5:41
kind of like a little piece of skin

spk_1:   5:43
that, like, I feel like if I bump, you know, if I have afraid, I'm gonna re injure myself. Yeah, it's gross. And, you know, I'm not doing I was gonna do pictures, but I'll take a picture of the scar when it's scarred. Oh, no. Yeah. You know, scar pictures fun. Awesome. You're so excited about a tough girl with your scar on your finger.

spk_0:   6:07
Yeah, you know the reason that because I'm not, uh,

spk_1:   6:13
my one had thio, I got my ears pierced. And I would be only because Yeah. Um, but,

spk_0:   6:19
you know,

spk_1:   6:20
I'm a wimp, but that's okay. That's okay. We'll learn more about that later and off. My wimp Tums victim nous when wimped. Um, no, I think it's one Penis. Oh, yeah, I don't so, Yeah, I'm fine. I'm fine. Everything's fine. Um, I wanted to ask you about we wanted that when we were talking about the swingers clubs, we were going to do some research, so find out anything about the, you know, status of coupledom or what? You know. Give me. Give me the low down. Yeah, I found out so much

spk_0:   6:53
video. So Okay,

spk_1:   6:55
so I wasn't fully correct. You don't have to go as a couple. Okay? You can. I'll be. The purpose of swingers is to go as a couple. Because if you don't have a mate, then you're just, you know, having a one night stand and moving on. You're not really swinging. However, if men choose to go alone, they have to pay more than if they go as a couple. But women going alone apparently isn't really a thing. Okay? I don't know. Why did you ask your friend about this? I did. You think of the subject matter experts. What else she say? Honey, I'm sorry. I also asked about I know she's a cheese, I think, probably. Anyway, yeah, you're right. You're right. Yeah. So, um, the other thing I asked her about, like, the medical cause we erected they have to go any through any testing or anything. And she said No. No, they don't just kind of like an honor system. Okay, it's on. You know, and there's a form that you have to fill out. And that's where you checked. Like, if you're a couple and oh, it doesn't matter what level of couple of them, like just two people going in together made at the gas station be like, Hey, I'm heading. Yeah, so they're like, if I as a girl, was like, Man, I really like to go. But girls don't really do that. And then some guy on the street was like, What are you doing tonight? My own logo, The swingers thing? You want to come with me as my date? We could do that. Okay. Long story short. So short, sir. Like

spk_0:   8:21
me. And I'm sure that

spk_1:   8:22
they might have married parties or somebody like there might be like, you know it like Joe's house. But, I mean, you're tight like this Thesis, detective. Things almost like a god. I don't know. Women can't do it. You just said that they they don't know. You don't? Sure. So, um anyway, so you're kind of on your own to get your product tested before you go. It's not like a traditional escort service where everything's tested. Before you purchase this is, you know you're on your own. Oh, you mean like you mean, like so it's not like there's, like, medical. So on the floor, and they don't ask any medical questions. If you want to know, you've got ask, you're on your own. Oh, there's no there's no honor system. Yeah, so I mean, like, I don't know, But I'm sure that these people, like, frequent the same stuff. So maybe you can just go in, you know, ask around. You know, like, aboutthe I'm interested in a hot blonde over there. Were you thinking going on down? There was anything I need to be concerned with. Smells or riches or rashes? Jump, ese.

spk_0:   9:28
Do you think they get possessive

spk_1:   9:30
of like, you know, if I went and asked somebody like, Hey, I know you were with this guy last time. Do you think she would like, um, yeah, you stay away. Or do you think she'd be, like, happy to share? I don't like it Like all the good stuff. I don't know. I don't know either. Well, next time we go, we'll ask. Okay? Go to a swingers

spk_0:   9:45
club. I'm sure the situation you know what's funny

spk_1:   9:48
is. I told somebody at work this story and she said, Oh, my God, the same thing happened to me.

spk_0:   9:53
Oh, you mean next time

spk_1:   9:54
you go to a hotel that's happening on this. Okay. Were you freaked me out because

spk_0:   9:57
you were late? Sorry, we're going.

spk_1:   9:59
I e not this week. Maybe later. Okay? I mean, by the time we rehash it again, But, you know, if and when we go, I'll let you know. But in the meantime, it may happen again because I told somebody at work that she was Oh, my God. Were you at the same place? And she she told me the name of city she was in, and it wasn't And I said, no. It was in Virginia, and she goes, Oh, I said, What was it? A Hilton? And she goes it Woz. And I said, Oh, so maybe that's the hotel chain of choice for these cause, she said was the same thing. Like she was in the lobby and it just filled up with people and then down. If the Hiltons are the swinger, certainly you know how they have the They're, like, preferred hotels. Yeah, well,

spk_0:   10:35
don't you remember when we went

spk_1:   10:38
to the hill. Was it help? No. Well, it's an embassy Suites. Yeah, that's a Hilton chain. And we were there, and it was a Was it It was just It was a tranny transvestite convention. And that was interesting. So they do what I like. Maybe they're alternative lifestyle. Yeah, I'll chain. Yeah. And, um, you know,

spk_0:   10:55
let's say he points for me. All right? Cool. Cool, Cool, cool. Very interesting. But my other

spk_1:   10:59
question about that was like like, um, I wanted Did you ask her if people, um I gotta go to the same people over and over, or she said, typically, like they'll go to all the places and a lot of a lot of times the same people end up hooking up so well, doesn't that just become a relationship?

spk_0:   11:19
Then, like

spk_1:   11:19
if you're around hooking up with the same person and spending time with the same person,

spk_0:   11:23
you know

spk_1:   11:23
that it's just a relationship. And she said, Yes, that is true. And that's what happens. And that's why 95% of the couples that she's interacted with in her time in that scene have broken up because they ended up developing feelings for somebody else because they had a good time with something the first time that it develops. And I'm really having a good time. And, boy, I just don't want to ever have. Not a good time. Yeah. No, no fighting with my husband because never fought with this guy. Yeah, he's perfect. And wow. Crazy. Interesting, right? Very interesting. Very much. Isn't always greener

spk_0:   11:57
grass. Oh, the bushes

spk_1:   12:00
greener. Oh, no. But not s o. You also did your your TV in the bathtub. How long did you end up

spk_0:   12:14
watching TV in the bathtub? An hour and 1/2. Holy cow. I know. We're so grooming. Prudie.

spk_1:   12:20
Yes? My fingers were so shriveled up, but what was so great? Because I did the water

spk_0:   12:24
get cold?

spk_1:   12:25
No. Was I just kept putting more hot water. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah, And the old and I had this really great bath bomb that just kept like it just kept going. It didn't run out. It still had bubbles and color and physical for an hour and 1/2 0 what

spk_0:   12:40
is view? What was it?

spk_1:   12:41
It was from lush. Oh, you know, the, uh don't boo Tiki cosmetic. Organic? Yes. Yes, yes. Oh, you have to tell me what that is. I don't know What an expensive. Ok, so I watched him along, right? I wouldn't use it for, like, a 15 minute bath, But you're gonna be in there for an hour and 1/2 or two hours watching

spk_0:   13:02
what it's like.

spk_1:   13:03
No, it was, like, fruity. It was lovely. All right. Nice. Yeah, just watch. And the only reason I got out was because I realized only should I've been in here for an hour and 1/2 I should probably go see my family stayed longer. It was amazing. Well, good. I'm glad you enjoyed it. Thank you so much.

spk_0:   13:19
All right, well, we rehash it now. What? Today on

spk_1:   13:24
the show, we are going to be making cannabis milk. Yeah. So you

spk_0:   13:30
will need two cups of

spk_1:   13:32
milk and 1/4 of an ounce of ground marijuana. Now, we're going to make a little bit less because we're gonna use just drops of it in coffee. We're not going to use it for cereal, but you certainly could make enough and use it for cereal for your son or whatever you want to do. Got it. So, um and that's literally it. So we were going to use, um, just one cup of, actually, we're going to use half and half.

spk_0:   14:02

spk_1:   14:04
I love your little I love your measuring cups. They're adorable. Thank you. There, rainbow. They, like, fit in each other. You're adorable. I have to show everybody Picture of your cute little I'm gonna grind. That's just because I feel like I always do this before you get here so you don't get to experience the grinding process. Didn't want you to miss a cute little brander

spk_0:   14:30
way. Always have

spk_1:   14:32
such good sound effects from their riel way. So we're laughing. You're gonna mess up the whole thing. You're right. Okay, so we've got the cup of half and half or milk or whatever you're using in the pot. We're gonna put it on medium heat, and we're gonna watch it. Wait, You don't want it to boil. Oh, so you want to get warm? Jot to the point of boiling. Should we break out the candy

spk_0:   15:13
thermometer? I really wouldn't know. So I just said it at this goes from

spk_1:   15:19
low to five with a superb oil, so I figure medium is like a three ish. Okay, Okay. Least this pot fits on the stove. So it's perfect. Yeah. Doesn't wobble. Yes, we just I'm just gonna stick my finger in it every now. You look so cold. Thank goodness for these fire Stop safety oven things. It'll probably be fine. Just fish. Yeah, so probably be initial. Very specific. I like your issues like yours, too. It's on the ground, You know some. And then I'm gonna grind the rest. Okay? Shit. But I gotta put it in the grinder.

spk_0:   16:11
What's wrong with you? Have no idea. That's the kid, Is Yeah.

spk_1:   16:15
Wait. Your grinder in a Really Good. So how much are we using again? I'm sorry. Are using, like, that's an eight. So probably like 1/16. I didn't use the whole eighth. Okay. All right. Looks good. Yeah, So it looks like oregano.

spk_0:   16:32
Next time you can. Brian, you don't have

spk_1:   16:34
any experience doing this. Next time, you're gonna have to do it so that when you go to make it at home for your son, you don't have toe Call me and ask me.

spk_0:   16:41
Oh, you mean, like, just get you to do it is that? Laura? Can we do a gluten free cookie for my kid? Oh, so Hee

spk_1:   16:51
don't see why not. No, it's true. What's getting warm? Not getting hot. Kind of broke my finger. And how's your finger? It's hot. Okay, so All right. So I'm gonna just, um

spk_0:   17:06
look at that separate. Yeah. Siri, why is this your

spk_1:   17:10
first gas stove? Is that what I remember you telling me? Yeah. Um, so you need to turn it down a little bit longer. I've been cooking on gas since I was cooking. We've always had gas, so Yeah. Fancy pants. Yeah, we're so fancy. It's called. We lived in the in the middle of nowhere, and that was we couldn't like. The gas is used for heating oil. Actually, I had a coal furnace growing up

spk_0:   17:34
way. Get the big coal trucks coming in and they dump it in.

spk_1:   17:38
We did this in the basement. There was a

spk_0:   17:40
coal room we had. I

spk_1:   17:42
am cold and in our garage. Alexis, I just mixed it all in with my not metal spoon in my heat. Safe for my what are these called sticks? A stink proof non stick pans. Yeah, Monster e mixed it all in. Looks like No, no, no melted ranch

spk_0:   18:01
dressing. I don't know. Like it looks like some kind of

spk_1:   18:08
dip That's about to happen from, like, paper Chef. Excellent. Look, so we just let this cook for you? I told you I

spk_0:   18:17
listened. It's on. The love can turn.

spk_1:   18:19
Any really needs to be like his.

spk_0:   18:20
Think about a crock pot.

spk_1:   18:22
Once everything's hot, then you turn it down. Yeah, I don't Yeah, you've never Yeah. You probably wouldn't eat crockpot food. I would eat it. I just You

spk_0:   18:30
have a

spk_1:   18:31
crock pot. I just don't ever cook in it. Ms. Sandoz, I just don't know how to do it. So, um, I cook this.

spk_0:   18:40
Yeah, but we're making this for

spk_1:   18:41
coffee. Miss, I don't actually make ever have made coffee. I go buy coffee from Starbucks. So explain to me why we're making you're making coffee now. Well, so first of all, I've tried to make coffee at home a lot, so

spk_0:   18:57
I know I

spk_1:   18:57
remember you had, like, it was what, like, $700 a lot, You know, steamed milk so much that I

spk_0:   19:06
say we have to

spk_1:   19:06
cook this for an hour. Oh, so you have to turn it down more. I

spk_0:   19:10
can't turn it down lower than low. What? You can't turn it down lower than low. Oh, my gosh. No, you can't. I was wrong. I would go down lower, like my past. Lo e don't have this trick. Super low, e. I don't know why I just can turn like

spk_1:   19:35
that. Like that's just where you're going, you know, working. Okay, so I say it a little bit.

spk_0:   19:42
Oh, shit. No, I did it for anyone listening, Laura, but all of the pot into into the milk. Thea other stuff that she was saving

spk_1:   20:01
to roll herself. Looks like a joint is in the

spk_0:   20:06
milk. So? So I think there's a little

spk_1:   20:09
Astor in there a little bit stronger than we originally. Yeah, because now she doesn't know where the pot is that she ground for

spk_0:   20:16
herself. Well, I know where it is in the milk, so Yeah, so that milk will be just for your coffee. Just don't give him a

spk_1:   20:24
CE much like deluded. No, I'm not. He doesn't drink coffee, so I'm going to do this with milk. I know, I know, but I mean, like, serialized. It would be very like a very little bit of mouth because he's just gonna get, like, an eye dropper of this into a bowl of cereal.

spk_0:   20:43
Oh, e e a lot I wouldn't use. Okay, you understand? This is

spk_1:   20:55
all new to me, Okay? I don't know about this stuff, so Okay, so, so sorry s o ground some more since I dumped all my extra way, have an hour. And I wanted to talk to you, and I wanted to I just thought it would be nice to sit and relax and chat for a little bit. While this is cooking. What do you want to talk about? Well, so I

spk_0:   21:16
wanted to tell

spk_1:   21:17
you, you know, how we had people over for the party, and I want to talk to you about that in a second. Right? Right. I want to tell you, when I was cleaning up, I thought of you going around the house and just putting stuff away cleaning up and I keep it, eh? Pilate is just a little one in the powder room on the first solar because, um, I hate like that, delighting in there for some reason. I'd always go in there like, Ah, there's a hair I've got to get, and then I don't have to eat. Is there anything? So I had this little EPA leader, so I stuck it there, and I saw it on. Wait, wait, wait. So you're talking about not the apple lady for your legs that were the little one. Like, I'm anyone that you would use on your face. It's called an apple later. Yeah. Okay. I know what you're talking about. I didn't know the actual name. Go ahead. I'm sorry. It was

spk_0:   22:01
like, what, did she talk about

spk_1:   22:02
her? Okay, we do like snow. You know what you're talking about. Okay, anyways, with you. Okay. So, um, so I was walking around something like,

spk_0:   22:18
Oh, this doesn't.

spk_1:   22:20
Then I looked at a little bit closer, and I thought of you because Oh,

spk_0:   22:27
it looks like a little brighter. Does people are gonna be gone?

spk_1:   22:31
Did she leave her vibrator out? This is uncomfortable, and it is not. It doesn't look like you just saw it sitting there. Oh, my goodness. 100% people are gonna think that totally looks So you thought of me because of the vibrator

spk_0:   22:43
because you left. Oh, I want a star.

spk_1:   22:46
All of my friends put it away. So I put it

spk_0:   22:50
on. So you didn't even leave it out? No. Lame. It would've been so funny. Not to the people who don't know you and know that you did that. No, but it would just be funny that everybody thought you got a vibrator in your bathroom. Well, hilarious. I would love to hear that. I just want it out. You'll be

spk_1:   23:06
watching TV with my husband and kid, and then

spk_0:   23:09
I think, you know, it doesn't

spk_1:   23:10
fear in the bathroom for a

spk_0:   23:11
minute and come back like mom. So happy after p e. I think

spk_1:   23:17
that you're doing that instead of what you're really doing. He's

spk_0:   23:20
probably smoking. I don't do

spk_1:   23:23
that, man. I know. I know. I'm just kidding. I'm just kidding that I just think that but you would be would probably pop in edible in there. You don't eat your bathroom no more.

spk_0:   23:37
One time. You're the one that needs in her bathroom. Okay? Okay. I have to tell this stuff. So Laura

spk_1:   23:44
and I went we went on vacation together with her husband's. It was super fun. we went to homeless Obama's. This was at Atlantis, right?

spk_0:   23:55
Couldn't remember which vacation I've done. But you're right. I was like, Look on your face. Shit. Where did wear red Atlantis?

spk_1:   24:02
And, um, she was starving into the star. Yeah, Laura was starving, and

spk_0:   24:09
everything's closed, cause I don't

spk_1:   24:11
know if any of you all have been there, but really, anything that's just really going on when the cruise ships air there.

spk_0:   24:17
Once the cruise ships leave, everything closes down. It's kind

spk_1:   24:20
of lame, but we had so much fun, it doesn't matter. So the

spk_0:   24:25
only thing

spk_1:   24:25
that's kind of open at night is like the main casino. Nary ass. You can go gamble, and then really, that's it. Maybe, like someone at the front desk like nothing like no hot tubs, No pools, Nothing. Just like that. The internal restaurants? Yes. So we thought they'd be open a song as the casinos are open. Which was all night, right? And no, they don't know. Nothing was open and looked from one end to the other. If you've been to I mean, you know, you've been to Atlanta so gigantic and we went from one into the other looking for anything to eat,

spk_0:   24:53
right? And we didn't want to

spk_1:   24:54
go off property to find food in the middle of the night. Yeah. So in the morning. Yeah. Now there's, like dogs roaming.

spk_0:   25:00
You don't really want to do that. So it makes me sad. But that's another story.

spk_1:   25:05
No, B k G. So anyway, um,

spk_0:   25:09
so we're in the bathroom going to the bathroom, and there's this woman in there and she's got She brought her food in the bathroom, last over s So I went out and Laura's

spk_1:   25:19
still in the bathroom. I stated, my husband I'm like, Oh, they'll have their grisly with our food in the bathroom. I'm like, I don't think I'd bring my food in the bathroom of a public

spk_0:   25:26
restroom and because Laura walk it out with take out food. I'm like, What did you get takeout food? You were just in the bathroom. She chicken fingers and fries. Woman had chicken

spk_1:   25:46
fingers and fries that she didn't eat. And Laura said, All that sounds

spk_0:   25:51
delicious. And the woman said, Do you want them? And Laura said Yes. So my best friend got takeout food from a stranger in a public bathroom. Atlantis just let that sink in for a minute. So then we went somewhere like a closed restaurant that had

spk_1:   26:12
seating. You could just sit And she said it was one of the best meals off and bears ing and eight strangers Leftovers from the bathroom. You know, what I love is what I love is said. Stranger also took her dipping sauces and the little metal containers that they came

spk_0:   26:33
in. So could I have Oh, my gosh. You have the dipping sauces. Can I ask a question?

spk_1:   26:41
Yeah. Did you use the dip? Yeah. You don't know if she double D'oh! I didn't care. It was two o'clock in the morning. I'm

spk_0:   26:48
starving chicken fingers and fries without dipping. Oh, you kind of like I

spk_1:   26:54
don't even know I was already eating a stranger's leftovers. I don't think I was too picky about the dipping sauces. Okay, so anyway, um, it's not It's not boiling. Okay, good. Yeah, Take it off the heat a little bit. Just shifted to the side because it was still getting really hot, even on, like, super duper low aslo is it goes looking as you go. Not really, No. You say so. Yeah, it is like the limbo song. Um, maybe is that it? How low can you go? I don't know what they do when you go to, like, roller skating parties, and they do The limbo. Is that like the song? I don't think so. Maybe is it? How do you even know that happens? Because I used to go to those as a kid. Okay, so you just forget. Yeah. Okay. So I shouldn't say. I don't know. I should say, I don't remember. Yeah, if you hit the times me and got into those are recesses of my brain, I could probably recall the song and tell you if the one you were singing was it or not. So I stand corrected. I don't remember.

spk_0:   28:00
Yeah. Thank you. She's

spk_1:   28:04
Elise. I'm no back in. Okay. Uh, all right. What are we doing? Um,

spk_0:   28:15
so anyway, so I was telling you how we that party

spk_1:   28:17
that was I'm sorry. What do you think? Um, So, um, it was like a year in the making and Jonah train became and saying for Shawn's birthday gift from last year, the day after your birthday. The day after my birthday. This year, your party will be honest.

spk_0:   28:35
I gave him a gift, and then I checked the gift

spk_1:   28:38
of work, right? He got planned a whole party because he had to plan the whole thing and buy everything for it and set up for it. So, yeah, you're such a giving life that you noticed. See? Because I know how much he likes to make lists. Yes, And check things. Office list. Right. You're awesome. Thank you. And then he sang a song to me. Not a good lawyer.

spk_0:   28:59
Jonah did. Yeah, well, he

spk_1:   29:00
re pre recorded a song. Yeah, wasn't it? It was amazing. So I love Pearl Jam. And so here he recorded his version of, um, just breathe by Pearl Jam. And he also sang another program. So he did he sing release, Which is your favorite? Yes, it is. It was really awesome in your basement. It was It was in his bare feet. It was so cool. Instagram. So if you go on his inspiring count,

spk_0:   29:22
you can see Laura's face. Yeah,

spk_1:   29:28
but it's the entire basement is program gain All the posters of all the shows they've been to and in some sign stuff and some records It's pretty phenomenal collection, to be honest. Thank you. All I need now is a picture of me and Eddie to complete it. Oh, you know, it's coming. He just doesn't know

spk_0:   29:47
it. Really creepy. I have. I

spk_1:   29:51
have one of the gifts for your birthday, Um, is a pop socket, and you can see that there shouldn't be telling this, but too bad or good tomorrow night. It's really

spk_0:   30:01
cool because you're getting one. That's Mike. Yes.

spk_1:   30:04
So he has crone's disease like my son. Oh, so he's a huge part of the crone's foundation. That's also s o. We bought pop sockets, and I got you one for your birthday, because I know you'll

spk_0:   30:15
approach, but it's also

spk_1:   30:17
like because of my son when his disease. So oh,

spk_0:   30:21
was that right? So I figure, one way

spk_1:   30:23
or the other, we're gonna have to meet Pearl Jam. Right? Obvious. Anyway, so, um, on the lungs were on the music subject. I wanted to tell you, too, that, you know, I told you I was editing that book for Yeah, Nathan Grey singer boy sets fire. Yeah, So I turned in the first round of edits which was so cool to get to read the whole book and edit it and, you know, kind of, you know, maybe just some changes that, but though, but then when you go and read the next version, you can go. Oh, my

spk_0:   30:52
God. I kind of

spk_1:   30:53
wrote that. Yeah. Yeah. So because you can't tell what he was trying to say is fixed it. Yeah. Yeah, it was really a lot of fun. You said so far. He's really loving it. Yeah, that's what they said. Congratulations on that. That's awesome. And up well, and I would feel nervous. So, you know, I'm glad that I was nervous for you. So good. Feedback is awesome. And I really enjoyed it. I'm gonna check on this. Quick. Okay. Just make sure it's still put you finger him your finger cold. It's

spk_0:   31:22
not getting cold,

spk_1:   31:23
but I can, uh, put my finger in It. Tastes awful.

spk_0:   31:27
Oh, it's supposed to be good.

spk_1:   31:30
Well, OK, I shouldn't say it tastes awful. It tastes like it's just like like a dill dip dip That study hot sitting in the

spk_0:   31:39
sun, So Oh, yes, I told you. Told me what he told you.

spk_1:   31:45
It looked like ranch dressing. that looks like dill dip dipped it.

spk_0:   31:49
Have you ever had

spk_1:   31:50
my favorite dip still dip? Yes. I also have that dildo you got me.

spk_0:   31:56
What does a dildo? The Dil dough? That was like a dream. Like how you a dildo? I've never gotten you in. Did she attack you with your kid? Bought you one. But he did. That is a bottle opener that happens to

spk_1:   32:14
be in the shape of a very big Penis. Wouldn't Penis bottle opener from Jamaica is hanging on her refrigerator. Kids thought it was hilarious. And apparently the guy that was selling them didn't want to sell it to them like that. He said, no, I can't sell this to you. And they said no, It's for my

spk_0:   32:28
dad's. So they gave it to

spk_1:   32:30
their dads? Yeah, I mean, it wasthe, but still Do you think that Okay, e, I don't even want to ask. So yeah, it's a great dad gift case

spk_0:   32:43
you are looking

spk_1:   32:44
wouldn't, uh, Jamaican dildo with bottles. It's just a giant Was that this wouldn't giant Penis with a bottle opener. But, you know, by Jamaica style, I think that's still small degree.

spk_0:   32:59
Oh, okay, way. We're saying something else. It taste like, oh, so guilty. It's my paper. It I love it was radishes. So good. Sure. So good. So good. So good. So good. I like you,

spk_1:   33:18
babe. I think we've got about 40 more minutes to go on this. Okay? That has been We have been talking longer than 10 minutes. Well, it's supposed to be an hour, so not 50 minutes. Right? 40. Okay. You know, math,

spk_0:   33:38
Wade aggress way. Never seeing it again. I don't know. Five times in

spk_1:   33:51
the last week alone. Okay. So I don't like that word. Anyway. Tell me you talk about your party because it was so amazing. Well, so that was the new thing that I did. You know, we always were trying to do new stuff. At least one new thing. You a week? Yep. Sometimes it's hard when life gets in the way, but I really think it's important to do something new. So this week was easy because we had already planned. So the new thing I did was throw a party because I'm not I'm not an entertainer. I mean, in person. I'd rather do it, you know, from a distance, it was amazing. I gotta say I was impressed. Especially because you don't have much parking. And I thought that was gonna be here. And it worked. Everything worked.

spk_0:   34:32
It was great.

spk_1:   34:32
People had so much fun. It was really a cool night. And now you have to do it every year. Yeah, that's not gonna happen so good. Well, you think you're up next, we'll stop Jonah Combat. I'm not. I am not having a party. Sorry. Any what happening? You have the party house? The same house? No, I'm not a middle of nowhere, huh? Gotcha. Complain. So you have a a neighborhood of people you could invite? I don't have anybody report every name around people that I don't want to invite e. Some of them were nice. Let's say, like I know, like, 10 families. But like, I've seen people have parties. And then people show up and it's awkward and you don't know them. And what do you talk about? I'm just not a big party person. I was at your party and it was like, Oh, my gosh, these air. Too many people here. So it's not really about the people. It's about the fact that there are people. I can't. I I looked at my husband and I'm like

spk_0:   35:30
debris. There's a lot of people here. I'm here because I love Laura. That's why I'm here. I'm here.

spk_1:   35:36
And then when the music was a rough school, because I could be in a crowd the concert, Like I can just enjoy the moment, enjoy the music. But a party is like,

spk_0:   35:45
so you'll talk to people.

spk_1:   35:46
It wasn't. Yeah. Gets me. Gives me anxiety. Good times. Yeah,

spk_0:   35:51
I know. But I was so much

spk_1:   35:52
fun and it was really impressive.

spk_0:   35:54
You couldn't

spk_1:   35:55
be kg me can made it. Can you just tell? Tell me the rest of you wanted to tell about your party.

spk_0:   36:01
Oh, that was really

spk_1:   36:02
just it. I just want to say that I had a really good time and, well, the spread was beautiful. Oh, I didn't do any of that. No, your friend did. Yeah. Your friend. She's my friend to friend. Holy Amazing. Right. Well, so

spk_0:   36:14
she s so she's like, Well, let me know if you need anything. Like I think I

spk_1:   36:17
got it. And then look, you know what work? I put the food. No idea what to do with the food s o. You learned all about stuff? Yeah, I did. Because, you know, in typical fashion of my friends and family, they don't actually let me do this kind of stuff. No, they don't.

spk_0:   36:36
So I was like,

spk_1:   36:39
word I put the food. I just thought she would tell me like, where is best for the flow? Because it was like an indoor outdoor. Your basement outside. Like, what do I D'oh! So she goes, she goes, use elevations, and I go, huh? What?

spk_0:   36:52
Now? She's, you know,

spk_1:   36:54
different elevations. So the food is a different levels throughout the counter. I get what you're saying, but I have no idea how I would do that. She was I'll be right over. And she shows up with all of these, like boxes and crates and decorations and little like wooden balls and flower petals. And she, like, made it look at you. Okay, so when people come because it was kind of way, Yeah, we provided the meat. And then people insist on bringing something like, just bring aside, you know, no need. But if you want anyway, So there's a place for everything. Like she had when people

spk_0:   37:25
bring food,

spk_1:   37:25
just set it here. And then eventually she just started taking the food and putting it where it went.

spk_0:   37:29
But people thought she was working at your house. She was such an amazing friend, right? I asked her. So what does Laura bring to your relationship? You're such an amazing friend. She said any bread. She's the one that suggested

spk_1:   37:47
we make the panini bread after listening to our first episode. She's like, you guys have to make any bread. Now you're so right. It just makes absolute sense. So that was our first fan request. And I think it counts even though it was from a friend. Yup.

spk_0:   38:00
She named

spk_1:   38:01
Bernini bread, right? Did you? Well, after you screwed up your song, Yeah, it was the right. It was a song. Laura Here. So did you do

spk_0:   38:08
anything? Well, kinda. I ordered

spk_1:   38:15
this stuff that you put on your feet to pill your feet to pill your feet Peel. Sorry. Western Pennsylvania people. Your

spk_0:   38:23
feet on the sill with the lumber up there up there

spk_1:   38:27
at the end. There. Yeah, for about Ugo, push the buggy with the cart. Yeah, this is how you're gonna get hate mail. What does? This is how my whole family talks. Okay. And this is how I

spk_0:   38:40
used to

spk_1:   38:40
talk, But I don't anymore. And because everybody made fun of me. So when you get down to the big city cow When I moved in, it was in Philly, and they were Sand Drinkwater. I'm like, What am I drinking water? I don't know what that ISS because I drink pop, like, uh, it's soda. So, yeah, neither one of those is water. I know that, but I'm saying they do. They were, You know, you said water. I don't know what that is cause I drink pop like, Well, pop isn't water. It was said I don't drink water. I drink water and pop. It was just showing that there's I say silly things to you. I was just trying to follow along. I'm

spk_0:   39:20
there with you

spk_1:   39:21
now. Okay, Cheese. Anyway, So the new thing you did Waas drink Pop.

spk_0:   39:28
So I bought this stuff for my feet. You want the stuff that

spk_1:   39:34
fills your feet? Yes. I had all these great reviews. And you get it? I ordered it came. You need an

spk_0:   39:40
hour. So I got already there. I didn't see that. Oh, my goodness. I've been away from home too long about now. So So Okay, um, and I and I like

spk_1:   39:55
the way they talk, so whatever. And I like the way they talk. So, um Anyway, um, I can already I took a shower, my feet were all clean, blah, blah, But then I

spk_0:   40:07
didn't have an hour, so I didn't do it, So I meant

spk_1:   40:10
Thio to know my feet are still not peeled, but but that was sort of a supposed to do. That was new. Um, and I did it.

spk_0:   40:20
You know what? That would be your thing for

spk_1:   40:23
next week to Okay on that. I knew my gonna find an hour. Do

spk_0:   40:26
you know how

spk_1:   40:26
hard it is for me to find an hour in my day? You feel my feet takes about an hour to kill your feet. Stir your cannabis milk. You know what I'm gonna turn this into? I'm gonna turn into sweet cream. I'm gonna use it in my coffee. Yeah, but because you love Starbucks. Yeah. Nitro brew cream. Right. So I tried to make so first of all, my my frustration with coffee goes way back. Okay, We have a mutual love hate relationship, me and coffee

spk_0:   41:06
because I've never met

spk_1:   41:07
anyone that loves it so much, but doesn't have a coffee pot or make it in their home. Something is wrong with you. I have a coffee pot now, because when Shawn's brother was here for the party, he came up from North Carolina and ST coffee. Yeah, he's like, Richard coffee pot. My guy don't happen, but

spk_0:   41:19
you drink

spk_1:   41:20
coffee every day. Yeah. Yeah. And what's great about Starbucks is my account is linked to Shawn's phone, too. So every time I go, he get you know how it gives you that, like, pop up receipt. He gets it, too. So he knows how much money I'm spending their on.

spk_0:   41:36
He knows where you are

spk_1:   41:37
for, like, you know, one minute of every day. 20. Yeah, it's true. They take, like, yeah, so anyway, so I got this way before I had my son, and I gotta save money because, you know, I'm not gonna be working. Well, he's, You know, when you're out on leave, it's like 60% pay for so long and no paper so long like I can't afford to keep going and buying my coffee with this Starbucks. Have it? Yeah. So I got a machine. Something got me this machine from a birthing. My mom got it for me and my sister, I think anyway, something. Okay. So I can buy all the Starbucks stuff done by the Syria. Beckoned by the coffee. I can get the same milk that they get from store. I can make it. It'll be exactly the same. Why, Bottle? Same stuff. I follow the recipes online. It's not exactly the same.

spk_0:   42:22
Just snob. But it has to be. The state gives it close enough. Good. No, I don't understand why it's not the same if I'm buying all the same stuff, the same love.

spk_1:   42:35
You're hurt. So I went to Starbucks and, like, you know, our usual guy was there and he hey, said something and he said, Yeah, I tried. I tried, I guess he said I hadn't seen you in a while. I said, Yeah, I was trying to make it at home, but I can't do it. It doesn't taste the same as I don't know what you do, but it doesn't taste the same when I make it at home and he goes, Ah, we have a secret ingredient. I knew it lost your secret ingredient. We make it with love.

spk_0:   43:02
I son of a bitch. You're right. I make mine with hatred, frustration and anger every single day because it never tastes your and I can't get to the love point. So I gave up. I thought I'll just let the person who makes it but lovemaking

spk_1:   43:20
for me because that all the hate isn't that kind of

spk_0:   43:23
right. So they're right. So now that

spk_1:   43:26
I got turned on to their nitro cold brew a tar at Starbucks said you were gonna tell you attempt to do it. So for my birthday this year, my family got me a nitro cold brew machine. So it's like a little keg being with, like, you know, there's like, nitrogen or nitrous. Whatever things you put on, like if you're gonna make with cream, you like the cartridges, so you screw it in, and then it gives it the what a rather new By Colbert report little cake thing that you keep in your refrigerator to keep you nice and coal, and it's got a tap on. It s o the nitrogen or whatever, and I just I don't know what it is. The nitro crap that I should know what I'm drinking, but I dont shoots

spk_0:   44:01
intothe. Sure, it's fine. It's fine. And then So

spk_1:   44:07
I needed to make sweet cream because I like the nitro cold brew with ST cream. So? So Because they won't make a venti. Don't know why. I just put the pretty cap on a venti and call today,

spk_0:   44:19
right? Just give me double. I don't know what your problem is that they were

spk_1:   44:23
the ones that would do anything you wanted. No, not anything. Yeah, right. So we'll put that in your letter. Yeah. Smoking smoking anyway, So, um so I'm trying this. So to make sweet cream you use, um, half a cup of, uh, half and half, which is why I have happened half. Well, what? I'm gonna use this happen at four. I should say, Right. And then, um, half a cup of milk. Got it. And then, um, a teaspoon of sugar free vanilla syrup or even ella's here by you. Sugar free. Okay. And that's the Starbucks recipe. Cool. And then so you put that into your cold brew, so I'm trying that out. Did you ask or do they have the recipe's online? Okay, if you go to Starbucks website. Sorry, I'm starting. So Okay. So awesome. Yeah. So I'm gonna try and making that See if I can replace my nitro cold brew Starbucks habit with an at home called Nitro Cold Brew. Well, you did it right. You tried it. I did. You like it? I like it. I don't think it's quite is good, but I don't. But it's better than the past. Yeah, Extra. I was thinking that, um, You finally, You know, after years of spending lots and lots of money on coffee stuff that you've either donated or sent to a friend or a family member, I thought maybe you found that he did it. You finally conquered the It tastes just like Starbucks. But I'm not feeling that right now. You haven't done way. Were at Starbucks before we came and started recording, So I ordered a nitro cold brew.

spk_0:   45:56
Yeah, so does that. Answer your question. We were just at Starbucks. Yes. Yeah. Good luck. I think you've spent

spk_1:   46:08
and, uh, I don't talk about a copy. Careful now, You could have opened up your own star.

spk_0:   46:13
You know,

spk_1:   46:13
I would if they would franchise that open one of my house,

spk_0:   46:15
you know? And I just

spk_1:   46:16
pay the fee, and you probably should just, you know, work there for a week and learn how to make everything. Maybe that's the key. That ISS the key. Do you think they'd hire me for a wee? Sure. You think I could shadow be restored? Your 100% look like you could work at Starbucks. Oh, don't boil. Oh, okay. I'm not good at this. Oh, so anyway, so we're gonna do new stuff, right? Yeah. I was gonna tell you that if you're gonna do your your foot pill? Yeah.

spk_0:   46:41
Foot peel says it. Sounds like I was taking a pill. Oh, I just heard that. Gosh, I don't know

spk_1:   46:49
why I can't talk. So when you do your foot pill yeah, I'm gonna be

spk_0:   46:54
Oh, say it right.

spk_1:   46:58
You say it s so when you do your foot peel. Yeah, I think you're, uh we're gonna go. So there's this place, um, kind of near where I work. This is your something new. This is gonna be my something. Okay? To coincide with your something, Okay? Lay it on me. Yes. So there's this place near where I work at. Forget what it's called something bunny. And it just went in. And I apparently they're like a chain that's everywhere, but nowhere in Pennsylvania. So we get everything. Last week is finally made its way here. I guess I don't know if it's good or not. Action say, finally. But it's here now, so we'll see. I'll reserve that finally, for next time. Okay, I'm not, you know. So ah, friend of mine had told me that she went there and they serve wine and she thought that was, like, super great. So she goes, Well, we need to all go on. I said, Sure, we'll all go like me in it. So she and I and this other other woman I work with went to lunch and I was like, So I don't know what this place is. You I agreed to go, but I don't know what what it is, and she's all they do, like they have spray tans and they do look, body waxing and, you know, whatever that kind of stuff like spa stuff, but not like massage is not that kind of spot, is it? Okay, well, what did you get down? And she's well, I had a Brazilian done like

spk_0:   48:07
Oh, okay. They didn't hurt you, so yeah, just after, like, the first look

spk_1:   48:14
at a couple Nick rips.

spk_0:   48:16
I guess

spk_1:   48:16
you're just numb and you can't feel and then sew my other friend. That was close, but we got to be definitely all have to do them. I'm not sure that that's what I signed up

spk_0:   48:25
for more. Yo,

spk_1:   48:26
I'm not whatever. So Hey, I'm telling you, use up a lady I can at one little stroke of the lady and tears I have in years. So I know you have a very high threshold for pain before you have a very low threshold. You're a very high threshold for anyway. Um yeah. Uh, Brazilian.

spk_0:   48:47
Oh, yeah. So So you have to like

spk_1:   48:51
being weird situations like, I'm just kind of like, weird

spk_0:   48:56
style. You have todo e. I

spk_1:   49:01
appreciate that. You're gonna be all like up in there grabbing, ripping, tugging, pulling, But do I have to do weird stuff too? Or can you just do the weird stuff, right? So what's the answer? They just do the weird stuff. Yeah. So you can apparently No, I'll let you know how exactly it happened after you do it. Yes, but apparently your friend, it's not as bad. You just you don't have to get in a weird position, but it hurts, but it hurts until you go numb. They like they can get you just laying there. They'll get everything. Yeah, okay. But supposedly we'll see. You don't have to roll you over framing. I I think you might have to roll over for, like, the back side. I don't know. I've never had once I don't know exactly how it works, so I won't be joining you. So to say, you know, that's the razor is a ce faras. I'll go. I'm not gonna wax that. No, thank you. Well, you also wouldn't go to yoga. I will go to yoga. Not going to that yoga because I need to get back in yoga shape at home before I can go to yoga. Okay? Yeah. Don't look like an idiot. I don't like my feet. And Yoko people like to be barefoot and you kind of have to be barefoot. And if I wear yoga toe shoot like socks. Mottos don't fit in those right because I got weird feet, so I don't know when I go like yoga and groups. I'm self conscious,

spk_0:   50:22
Your silly Nobody's gonna look at your feet. Everybody's too

spk_1:   50:24
worried about themselves sweating all over the place. Your feet are fine. I've seen them. There's nothing

spk_0:   50:28
I remember as a child

spk_1:   50:29
not realizing I had freak show feats that was at the

spk_0:   50:32
pool, and I'm standing in

spk_1:   50:34
line to go off the high dive because we had those back then. That's how I'm dating myself and this kid is staring at my feet and I put it up and I was like,

spk_0:   50:42
look a little closer.

spk_1:   50:43
But then I was like, Oh, my gosh, that's when I realized I can't like their freak show feet. They're not freak show feet. They're just not normal. I mean

spk_0:   50:52
that Don't look at me. Oh, look like quote. Normal people lead, but they're not freak show, you know, they're not even ugly. People feed. I mean, I mean ugly

spk_1:   51:08
feet, like they're just not just ugly feet. Yeah, they're not there. They're freaks. Okay, let's go with you. Have freak show feet. What, You don't They're They're

spk_0:   51:20
pretty freak show. They're

spk_1:   51:21
both the same size. I left the leftist freak show. Keep your feet of the same size. It's not like you two by two different shoes.

spk_0:   51:32
Freak shows snorted right. You don't have freak show feat.

spk_1:   51:43
Defy. You just have different feet. They're fine. Nobody would look of adults. Nobody's gonna look at them. Go. Oh, my God. Look at her feet. Nobody cared.

spk_0:   51:53
Just quietly go. Oh, especially not at yoga.

spk_1:   51:57
That yoga principle is no judging anybody else. Okay, I hear you, okay. I think about it. Okay? It's best you're gonna get You know where you don't know what you always D'oh! Yeah, Miss, you have to let us know about the Brazilian. Oh, yeah? Yeah. So you have to let the athletic grow. Yeah, like half your half an inch of your pubic hair.

spk_0:   52:20
You have let your pubic hair It's so funny because like it's so do dio I'm like it's weird

spk_1:   52:29
term. Let me grow. That's me. Like really shave it when you know I'm shaving my wings.

spk_0:   52:35
Me too. There's a couple of months in the winter. That is really cold. You need

spk_1:   52:41
an extra body here. My fourth

spk_0:   52:44
grade on his birthday, doesn't it do your legs itch? I am very fair. Like I look, I don't It's fine. My hair is fine. You think? I'm sure they're

spk_1:   52:58
probably Harry now because I only shave, like, twice a week, but you can't see it suck. Yeah, I'm not dark like I'm fair skinned and dark haired, so you can see everything, so I just don't I don't know. I get lazy in the winner. What you're gonna say, get laid along.

spk_0:   53:23
It works for you. A judge.

spk_1:   53:25
Now he doesn't care. Don't judge me. You know,

spk_0:   53:28
I don't say that I played a lot judging you. Do you on If he wants to. Do you two, that's all the better way making

spk_1:   53:45
again. Milk milk for your coffee. All right, I'm gonna start. How long do we have been keeping an eye on it?

spk_0:   53:55
Keeping an eye on it. Do you know what

spk_1:   53:57
I heard about today? A 0.5 k. Oh, you get a beer and I don't know what you have to train. Is there like a couch? 2.5 cakes I don't know

spk_0:   54:06
that. It sounds so. Five. I need you to put 50.5 k on your car. And somebody How many people

spk_1:   54:13
are gonna look at the point? I think we should do it, right. I thought, Seriously, we need to train. We're not training for a 0.5 k. Come on now. But I want to do it, okay? Because I'm sure would be much funner than a five k o. No doubt, because I'd actually do a 00.5 K. Yeah, well, I wish they could run night Meyer runners. I think they're amazing. Going crazy. Yeah, I think they're amazing. I'm so impressive. I have a friend who did the Boston Marathon so impressive to me, but yeah, definitely. I'm also crazy. I just can't believe I could do that. And they say, Well, you have to get past a certain point. You get a runner's high. I've never gotten me neither. I get to that. I'm gonna die right now if I don't point. And then I stopped, so I don't know. So So look at my new bag, by the way. Well, I get my chap stick out.

spk_0:   55:03
Oh, when did you get that

spk_1:   55:07
s o remember the yellow one. I had, like, the yellow I was like, I'm just in my brain. But that was the same bag, and I just released its red.

spk_0:   55:15
No. So I had the yellow

spk_1:   55:17
one with the Boston terrier on. It was a Mark Tetro bag and a long story short. I had this bag and I loved it. And I carried it so much, and I threw everything in it, including in my laptop for work. It's cute. Like it? Yeah, well, then the strap came on, so I said, Forget it. I'm just gonna buy a new one. So I went online to find a new to find that same bag. Well, they didn't have it. But, you know, what I did find is this red one. That's very similar, but I guess that you've been right. So it is red with a little pug on it on, and it's by the same the same guy. So I got that. And then guess what else I found. What a yellow one. Very similar with the Boston terrier on it. But holding the Statue of Liberty in its mouth a little like liberty, and it says New York City on it. So I got no one. Of course you did. And guess what else I

spk_0:   56:11
found. It was another

spk_1:   56:15
yellow one. But these are kind of plastic. Easy. There was more leather eat. Okay. And then it had the Boston terrier on it. But the head kind of stuck up past the Thea. This the top of it. Okay, so it's like a cut out, but it's like part of the bag and has a little hard on a string that's draped over it. So I got that one, too. You got three because he lost one. What happened? Did you? What did you do with the one that did you throw it away? Now I put it in the closest gonna have my papa. Hey, fixes everything. He so's he fixed Everything okay? Yeah, My homeless. That which, which, you know, I didn't say before, but the beginning of that story, So event you have everyone listen to the previous episode. People thought my dad was homeless, but I didn't really go into the story of how that all came about. So my good friend was talking to her. I can't remember if he was her fiance at the time, or they were just been dating for a while. And they were just talking about the home that we live in a small town. I grew up in a small town, and we have a small homeless population, is so so he brings up to my friend, the homeless guy with the dog, and she goes, I don't know that guy and he's like, Yeah, he's like we call him vacation. It's amazing. So I think it's can man and and my friends looking at him funny and she

spk_0:   57:35
wants to see you have a black dog

spk_1:   57:36
and the guys in her boyfriend's sick. Yes. And

spk_0:   57:39
did You were like a warned hunting cap

spk_1:   57:42
and her boyfriends like, Yes, and does

spk_0:   57:45
he have, like, you

spk_1:   57:45
know, kind of, you know, plaid jacket and her boyfriend said, Yeah, she's like she's

spk_0:   57:51
like, Yeah, that's That's

spk_1:   57:52
my good friend's father.

spk_0:   57:56
So it wasn't just It was. Apparently, the consensus

spk_1:   58:00
with his whole family and surrounding friends was

spk_0:   58:03
that my father was homeless because my father,

spk_1:   58:05
who I called Paul Bunyan growing up, they walked like five or six miles with the dog day like he is a nature man. We could drop him in the middle of, you know, the rainforest, and he would survive. He can find his way. Has he would He should have been on Survivor before he got too old to do it. You have been phenomenal and actually probably more like making

spk_0:   58:30
afraid because he's not

spk_1:   58:31
really, you know, he's not. Somebody would not Survivor mentality. He wouldn't, like, stab someone in the back or anything you want. Just survive. Right? So, you know, not he wouldn't want to strategize, strategize, and no, no, he's he's he's, you know, he's just a good person. And

spk_0:   58:47
so yeah.

spk_1:   58:48
So, uh, so Yep. My poor dad, who you know, was the homeless man. I'm sure people to this day, I still think it Well,

spk_0:   58:57
I don't know. Of course, they lived

spk_1:   58:58
there for 40 years. Something by now, most people know you would want to hope. Yeah, I know him. Or at least nothing. He's not can man can still can. Man, at least came Manus and homeless, right? He's not homeless. Got a family that loves him. We should put up signs, just letters. But I didn't make him wear a sign like they dio

spk_0:   59:18
I am not homeless. Please do not

spk_1:   59:20
try to give me spare th I will answer to can make. Oh, so anyway, that's my dad was crazy growing up. He, um he loved to embarrass us.

spk_0:   59:35
I'm kind of like

spk_1:   59:35
your dad. I mean, you're done. What? He Maybe he's just your dad's just fun. But my dad liked to embarrass us. We had this huge red Ford that was like 30 years old. My dad thought was an antique, but it was just a old beat up truck and just for fun, he would pick us up from school in it, and he had a stool on a

spk_0:   59:54
rope. I throw the rope out, me like it in kids. And so that's how you're going to be. Oh, yeah. Then

spk_1:   1:0:05
on the way home, the paper boy who had a huge crush on who was like three years older than me, who drove like a really cool bike who I just thought was adorable. My dad knew it because he's friends with his dad and he pulled up in the big red truck and he'd be like,

spk_0:   1:0:21
Hey, have you met my daughter? This is my daughter in the floorboards hiding because I was petrified and he'd be like, Come on, really, I want you to be my daughter

spk_1:   1:0:33
off. Yeah, and yeah, that's amazing. I remember when he would like he would be like doing gardening in the back. And my dad doesn't like to our clothes because he literally is a Sasquatch.

spk_0:   1:0:48
Figuratively so. I know

spk_1:   1:0:50
he's very. He's very caring Italian. He's so hairy, but he's hot all the time. So you

spk_0:   1:0:56
keep how Harry is Harry Carrier and hairier as it gets older. Wear shorts,

spk_1:   1:1:03
right? I'm like these gardening like any chance he gets like it was cutting the grass he never, ever had a shirt on. He just has a, you know, human sweater that's always with him. So he's in the backyard and you know, he's I'm so embarrassed. My friends are walking by, um, and all you see is my dad's crack because he's like the

spk_0:   1:1:26
plumber, like his pants are

spk_1:   1:1:28
falling down. He has no but and he's in the garden as he always does. Like 1/2 a, um, like 1/4 of an acre garden with all the stuff we've always had. Fresh vegetables, fresh fruit. That's my dad. And I'm like,

spk_0:   1:1:38
Dad, your crack is sticking out and he goes, he starts dancing. It was horrible when he was decide and doing this big thing and

spk_1:   1:1:46
making it worse. And that's just how he rolled. He was like, whatever he could d'oh to torture us his kids. But do you think he went around in homeless gear, picking up cans to embarrass you? No, I think he just doesn't care what people think. Uh, yeah, he doesn't. He never give a shit. That's how my oldest is, which is awesome. He literally would go to school with his pants on backwards and not

spk_0:   1:2:10
sure that I think happened. You know, he's like, whatever. Like

spk_1:   1:2:16
switching it Rob with that. Did you almost lose all that? Oh, yeah. They're

spk_0:   1:2:23
only stop opening it. You are raising Use it during the bad job. Oh, gosh. What face did you call that? Never mind e Laura

spk_1:   1:2:36
with cross eyed And she goes, Oh, you're giving me your bedroom eyes. It's awful. I'm not the one with the hickey.

spk_0:   1:2:45
Oh, he was away for four days. Way

spk_1:   1:2:51
are sticky e. It was really embarrassing. I don't know what happened? I didn't even know you had it. I didn't know I had it until, like, later. I was like, Oh, this is embarrassing. My friend at work was like, What are we

spk_0:   1:3:02
in high school? Right?

spk_1:   1:3:04
Where are we hitting an hour? Yeah, because what we make in coffee do you have coffee? Are you just gonna do it? I'm gonna do the whole Prue electrical.

spk_0:   1:3:12
Oh, yeah,

spk_1:   1:3:15
but we have Thio string this. Okay, so it's been about an hour about on their asses of my one eye sight later. I would say one hour later. I can't do much about so much as a narrator one one hour later. There. Good. Good. Either That was triggered anyway. Okay, strain it. Yeah. I don't know how much we ended up having to cut it. Dump it, dump it. My dad, This is the phone. I got it. First

spk_0:   1:3:51
off, we saw it, had your name on I had to buy it. It's for dip, Laura. You know, I don't think his own

spk_1:   1:4:02
personal. That's a rude You're right. Okay, so now we have to strain it. Yep. We strain it, I'm gonna bring it. How? Don't burn yourself. you needed. Like you have many handles. Yeah, I see that man. Where is your? I admit, I'm just gonna pull my sleeve now. So good of you. Yeah, right. So I'm just gonna pour it here. Okay? Here. You need to hold us. Well, look, I got a lot of it out. You did. You did. You mean it wasn't awful? I don't think that was bad. No, except for the stuff. You spilled stuff, but I didn't actually get in and stuff on your

spk_0:   1:4:41
hands like that.

spk_1:   1:4:43
Looks like I just gave birth to

spk_0:   1:4:44
tease. You know, like not baby cheese. Blue cheese is right. Let's go. So much less disgusting. Like, literally, like

spk_1:   1:4:58
gagging in my mouth. I'm so glad that's not anything. I'm putting in my coffee. A vote on this one. Okay, so this is good. So now is your pot literally like cooking pot? Sorry, I should clarify. So so now what? We need to dio Can I put this in the sink?

spk_0:   1:5:25

spk_1:   1:5:27
Make sure you were done. Yeah, I'm done. Okay, so now we're gonna make it into creamer. So you just take your, um Well, yeah, I'm gonna make sweet cream out of it. Okay, So if you just want to use it for, um, coffee. You just want to put your milk or whatever in coffee or cereal or whatever you gonna do when you're done, you can do whatever you would do with Mel. Okay, So there's you just this would be your milk and then, Okay, sweet cream, because you're gonna be putting it in your nitro brew and letting us know how that goes. I'm gonna taste. All right. So what do we need to do? So we just take this okay? Cup or so Half

spk_0:   1:5:59
a cup of

spk_1:   1:5:59
cream, half a cup of milk, and just a teaspoon of vanilla syrup of some kind or sugar free vanilla or whatever kind of flavor you are. You sure you could do any flavor? You could. I suppose Sweet Kramer is vanilla. But if he wanted to make different for our purposes, we're doing the sweet cream. So it's and you use the sugar freak is you're being conscious of calories and all that good stuff. You know, we, um, had half a cup, so I poured half a cup of milk it and half a cup of the cream. And then here's a teaspoon of vanilla. Uh, just mix it up, Put it in a movie starring this. You good. You just put in a container now, like a mason jar you put in the fridge. Yep. Shake it up in the jar. Afraid you're good to go. So with your fancy shmancy, show me your cold brew machine. You're gonna make that yet. And then you, uh, tell us how the coffee is. Yep. Right here. So it's kind of like a little keg could say. So there's taps. I'm just to pull the tap and then awesome. Oh, well, all right, so So you know, it'll taste good. Yeah, it's just a matter of yeah. So let me know how much you use, and you know, we'll do that in our next wrap up. So I guess we're That's it. Yeah, I guess so. All right, well, until we meet again.

spk_0:   1:7:09
Coming by.

spk_1:   1:7:09
Thanks for listening. Be sure to rate review and subscribe. You can also follow us on instagram and Facebook at pot and kettle podcast. Be sure to email us with your ideas, stories or recipes at pot and kettle. Podcast at gmail dot com. So, until next time, this is Gracie and Laura. Have dope Day