Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy

Ep. 6 - Ganja Gummy Bears

Grace and Lora Season 1 Episode 6

Talk about high jinks... Gracie and Lora, the hilarious cooks who create the Pot and Kettle podcast, get themselves into a sticky situation with yummy gummy bears. Cook and laugh along as the ladies whoop it up about self care and family travels, infusing their special brand of comedy with THC and marijuana edibles.

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Hey, guys, you're listening to Pot and Kettle, the comedy podcast where we are cooking with

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cannabis. I'm Gracie, and I'm Laura. We hope you enjoy your show.

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Welcome to the pot and kettle rehash. This is where we discuss past episodes and also correct Are

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many errors. So So creamer. Creamer. Didn't you have something? I was good. Yeah, it was really good. Yeah. Any tips? So I would say it was really good, But make sure you store it in, like, an airtight container because I think a little bit of air got into mine, and it got hard and kind of crunchy, crusty on the top. Oh, yeah. So I want to say that it's not supposed to do that and that I did something wrong. I'm just saying,

spk_0:   0:49
Beware of it or or you basically use it right away. Okay, so it was good, though. Yeah, well, super good. Okay, great. I'm sure it'll taste delicious in the coffee that you buy from Starbucks. Yeah,

spk_1:   1:01
And it wasn't over. It wasn't overpowering, So it was just a nice mellow, um feeling. Oh, yes. It will taste delicious in this coffee. On my way. No, we know Thea Nitro is probably already in the cabinet and never being used again.

spk_0:   1:20
So it's still in

spk_1:   1:20
the fridge. Okay, Okay. Just just not being used at the moment, okay? Got it. Got it was going around future using them. Well, you know, when it's hot out again and I want my trickled through all day long, I'll probably still use it. Okay? Because it also she'll go to Starbucks for the good stuff. So speaking of Starbucks, for the record, I know it sounded like the franchise was the piece. That was why we were gonna have one in your basement. Right. But, uh, Laura just for the record can afford a Starbucks in her basement. I mean, even if they did franchise way, we're editing back through that. It really sounded like that was the problem of stood in the way that they wouldn't franchise. I went Wow, I really It sounds like I really think that I could afford to put a Starbucks and no, in fact, I'm well aware that Starbucks in my basement No. No.

spk_0:   2:12
So you will dream,

spk_1:   2:13
You know, maybe when I continue to Honestly, if if you did it, we'd have to open it up to the public for help. Like weird. Strange people would be coming in and out Buying Starbucks in your basement. Can't be a drive through. Yeah, through. That's just people home. Ask So I choose to move from here. Maybe that's an option. I'll just come back and visit. Get Starbucks. You move from here and you'll get a cervix in your basement, then. Oh, no. Turn this into a Starbucks. Oh, right down my head. How it would work here.

spk_0:   2:46
Place. Got it. So it's good to go. All right. All right. Tell me about that.

spk_1:   2:52
You were talking earlier about the race Krispie treat. Someone made those up. That happened. I missed that. Can you tell me about that? Yeah. So one of my friends was just playing along and listening and following along. And she's like, I'm gonna make breast crispy treats, cause I like my scripts. Which Whatever. Yeah, so she made him, and then she's like, how do I store them? And I see what you can wrap him individually, and you could just store them over there. They're not really perishable. Before you could freeze him. Sure. Okay, well, just freeze him and then she eighth. Um and she's like, Yeah, I didn't have There was no potency left after I froze. I'm like, Really? That's weird, because I freeze like brownies and banana, like frozen everything we've made. Sure. You know, I'm not gonna eat it all at once anyway, right?

spk_0:   3:33
No way. Because we do.

spk_1:   3:36
We made, like, a loaf of grand banana bread and a tray of brownies. And you're the only one that eats at stake. So freeze it right, But it's always been fine. So she did. This is still that sweet. So she looked it up. And apparently it has something to do with the airiness of Oh, uh, of the Rice Krispie treats and against the air when it freezes and the sea freezes something, it disrupts the teach see pattern. I don't know at something do with their I'm not describing it well at all. But a scientist would have toe. You're not a scientist. Regardless, I said something area like that's not going to, so maybe don't freeze it. Hold No. Remember the scientist I saw? That's just for parties, right? You are. Make it really, really. They need to eat a whole tray if you don't train last quite a while, right? Yeah, sure. Don't come back too soon. No, just wrap them individually. Keeping fresh. So tell me

spk_0:   4:33
about the book that

spk_1:   4:34
you're editing. Oh, yeah. So you know, I told you was editing that book for they think Ray, the singer's voice. That's fire. Yeah, well, it's finally done. Submitted it for him out in it. And I guess,

spk_0:   4:47
Yeah. Wow. When does it? When is it gonna hit the show? I think it's pre

spk_1:   4:51
ordered anyway. 31st. So what? Super cool. It was so much fun. And you have the original original because you have, like, of the unedited original right from his mouth. But it person, So no, that's super cool. That's big. Can't get cooler than that. Yeah, All right. Wow. I think we rehashed everything. Do you want to talk about our promotional

spk_0:   5:13
idea? Yeah.

spk_1:   5:14
And can I tell you why I think that we should do this? Yeah, because you know how, like when you're on Facebook post are our new episodes and we put on iTunes. Not much. As be sure. Facebook pops up and says, Hey, do you wanna promote this post like

spk_0:   5:29
you know what?

spk_1:   5:30
Why not? Let's have fun. We're having a blast doing it. Let's just promote it and there's a couple of bucks. So I went through the whole process, and then it comes back and says, No, you can't promote your post because it it goes against Facebook policy and encourages illegal activity. Right, Bill? Because you know, marijuana is not legal and early. Yeah, and it was legal for us to buy. And so then I got annoyed. Yeah, because we can't promote ourselves and we can't We can't get our

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messages out to

spk_1:   6:00
anybody. So we thought, Why not have a promo? And you will give away a smoke buddy on for 20 in honor of at 4 20 20. So for everybody who shares one of our posts between now and for 20 on April 20th we will. And are you in a drawing and we'll pull one and we'll send you a smoke buddy. It's not super exciting, but it's pretty cool.

spk_0:   6:33
Smoke buddy sober. Exciting If you don't know what a smoke buddy is. Oh my goodness, it's so exciting. So anybody who's a smoker now I'm so I love this thing you're so I'm not even kidding. So excited. So I saw Laura got one of these for herself, and I was like, That's the coolest thing ever

spk_1:   6:55
because right well, and it's not even just it's for all for my sister in law smoke cigarettes and I got her one. And then her husband smokes pot for medical reasons, and I got him

spk_0:   7:09
one. And they're so cool. They're these little cute little things

spk_1:   7:13
that really they you can inhale and then you blow into them and then literally nothing comes out. It's like no second eliminate secondhand smoke. It eliminates the odor, They're adorable. And they work so really well. And I was like,

spk_0:   7:28
Look, I'm saving my sister in law and brother in law from freezing

spk_1:   7:32
in the winter, and I just thought they were the most clever thing ever. And even like here for you, Like you know, you're able to, you know, not freeze because we do live in the colder climates and get your

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medicine. So they're fantastic. Everyone has to have one who

spk_1:   7:47
smokes anything. Agreed. So So maybe I undersold. It

spk_0:   7:53
should really be paying you to promote their eye, right? Hey, smoke, buddy for listening way like your products. But anyway, yeah. So we will give one away on April 20th at 4 20

spk_1:   8:05
And all you have to do to enter is share one of our posts. Perfect. Perfect. So we rehashed it. So now we can get into our episode. Perfect. Um, well, today we are cooking gummy bears

spk_0:   8:20
coming here. The only thing

spk_1:   8:23
we're missing is a funnel. Oh, so we're gonna use a piece of silicone because what I thought was a funnel was not one of those things you used to open jars. I don't even understand how grippy things you put on, you know? I mean, you just turn him. So did you just in your head think of, you know, look like that? Or did I

spk_0:   8:43
thought it was a silicone

spk_1:   8:44
funnel, But, Leo, you pop it out. And that's what I thought that was when I went to grab it and nothing popped out. Nothing. No. So we're just gonna bend like a silicone placemat or a silicone cutting board and turn it into a funnel for this. But your That's all you Yeah, you're the mess maker. So that'll that'll be you Yeah. So we need Thio. Read off a list of ingredients, I guess. Right? Oh, yeah. And you

spk_0:   9:06

spk_1:   9:06
need food. A food grade condiment bottle. Ah, food grade silicone, gummy bear modes saucepan, funnel or whatever. Laura's using a measuring cup, a whisk whisk and a spatula. And then the ingredients are going to be one, eh? You want to do this? You read that? No, It's one ounce. We don't need to hear me talking to me. Oh, can't Ready right now.

spk_0:   9:33
Hey, I read just five just

spk_1:   9:38
anyway. One ounce of tincture. So we made wth e th e. Think sure that we made at the when we made the lollipop. So? So we just remade that. So we've got an ounce of that to green tea bags. Interesting. Interesting. Three tablespoons of creamed honey, which Laura loves bythe. You just It's like your finger in it. You know how and friends Joey makes peanut butter fingers. Yeah, you could make honey

spk_0:   10:07
figures. You don't even like hottie. But

spk_1:   10:12
you love that. So good. It's so funny. It's probably really bad for you. Just gained, like, £6. It's just for honey finger stuff. Look what's so sicky. All right, So it's What? Uh,

spk_0:   10:24
no. It's always like 60

spk_1:   10:25
calories a serving. That's one tablespoon eat per servings. Yes, so that's like a finger each 60. That's what I had, like, four thing for honey fingers. That's like 240 calories. I don't think so. All right, come on. Go on. Anyway. Three tablespoons of creamed honey. I said that you Ah, half cup of coconut water. 3/4 cup of tart cherry juice. Mmm. One

spk_0:   10:56
and 1/2

spk_1:   10:56
tablespoons of agar agar powder or a gar powder or or jealous because we're using gelatin. Don't even need to say that we're using gelatin. Well, yeah, but if people like that, they should know, and I pronounce it wrong. I'm gonna be the idiot that didn't pronounce it. So I wanted to give a couple pregnancy figure. You get it right on one of them, right? It's probably gonna be completely different, probably. Or one a teaspoon of him. Oh, no, Not or and 18 teaspoon of Himalayan pink salt. Sweet. So to summarize. Tincture, teabags, creamed honey, coconut water, cherry juice, gelatin and pink salt. Sweet. Like they think so. Yeah. Okay. All right. Let's start here. So, um what are we doing here? You need to pour the coconut water. How much? Coconut water. Ah, half a cup of Africa of coconut water.

spk_0:   11:57
You know I can't help it. I

spk_1:   11:59
get to it. I like sickening just cause it's bad dancing just to cope. Is

spk_0:   12:06

spk_1:   12:07
like a song with coke? Lots of songs. A lot of songs. Okay, so what I do with coconut water into the saucepan? You did it. Good. So what? We have to dio good for you. So Oh, so bring to a boil that so we're just gonna take

spk_0:   12:25
it to the stove

spk_1:   12:28
and boil it better. I'm going to a super Boyle.

spk_0:   12:31
Oh, it says super boil on your stuff. That

spk_1:   12:35
seems a little obnoxious. I haven't figured out what the difference between that and the regular boil and all the other ones is on the level yellow burners. It's just that one that has superb oil because it's super. So we're gonna super you think it's super fast or super awesome are like super like powers are super. I don't know. I just kind of thought I thought it was super cool. I mean, a superb oil everyone else is. I can't. Well, I'm gonna go to high, and this guy's like, Yeah, well, I'm gonna go to Super Boyle. What's up, bitches? Bad ass burner over here with the Super Bowl. It's fantastic. I want one. Everybody's gonna have everyone's e No, They go to high. Whatever. I know it doesn't look any different. I don't know what the difference is. Maybe it's bigger. Bigger? Yeah. Everything bigger is better right now. Oh, maybe it is bigger. All right, so then after I get it boiling here, we need to put our tea bags, and we need to t bag it. So I got new green tea because, um, I don't never drink it. Yeah, I have a tonic. My house and probably didn't need to buy a whole box. But why not? I knew we need a tea. And for some reason, in my head, I love English. Breakfast tea. So for black tea, Whatever. Figured I've got plenty of that. I'm great. I wonder why Green, You know, looking up, telling me there's something we can talk about next time. Okay, I'll write that down. Okay, so we'll find that when we edit Mark that Reverse it. What?

spk_0:   14:05
See you around. So weird. A

spk_1:   14:10
za boiling. Is it super boiling yet? Uh, no, It's fairly boiling looking right now. Maybe in this super tell

spk_0:   14:17
me about

spk_1:   14:18
do you do anything new? Did you do your new? You know, I failed. I didn't do I did not do the foot peel, So I will. Foot peels. I

spk_0:   14:27
just haven't

spk_1:   14:28
had time. My life was

spk_0:   14:29
boiling. My course is super this super stick. Those tea bags

spk_1:   14:33
in there. You don't come. Should I keep it boiling? I don't know. My special. Should I read that for you? Yeah. Okay. It says bring two boiled and steep green tea bags in coconut water for up to 10 minutes. Okay, but no less than four minutes. Okay. So at least four minutes. Yeah, but keep it boiling, and then it sounds

spk_0:   14:55
super. Boyle.

spk_1:   14:56
It doesn't say no to usually when you're steeping it, I don't think it's on water. Maybe that's what that means. What? It Okay, well, state. That's probably what steeping means. We should look that up anyway. Wrong thing. And afterwards you're supposed to compost tea bags. Oh, okay. That's what it says. here. These people are very specific. Okay. I wanted to be good, so I guess we'll have to compost. Oh, yeah. Yeah. I'm sure that the compost pile at the moment, but I will start when I just throw in my woods. You have? What's exactly something? And one big compost pile. Did I tell you with the dogs brought Bahama scared?

spk_0:   15:36
Oh, no, don't tell me. Is it gonna be like a Debbie Downer? Yes and

spk_1:   15:41
no. So it was a cat, but it was long dead, like it had to have been well before we even lived here, Okay, Because it was it was just me. Yeah, it was a skeleton, and they brought it back, but it was still intact enough. But you had to be very gentle, you know? So whoever brought it back was very gentle with it and laid it down. And it was still in one piece, like if to you. Yeah, they found it. And there's, like, a piece of a job. Okay, Okay. You know, it's gross. I think these things are either dying of natural causes or killing each other out there and they're bringing peace is bad. I'm sure they're strays or strays all over the place around here. Did you check the time for this? It's been about a couple. I keep an eye on it. Okay. So anyway, we were talking about happier things. What else were we talking about? Right?

spk_0:   16:28
Posting our tea bags.

spk_1:   16:30
So I put I put stuff out in the back of our backyard for the deer. You put tea bags out for the narrow know? Like if apples get soft or Millie put the mountain back. Millie merely

spk_0:   16:42
I talk, and I don't like you for pointing it out. Anyway, I won't do the foot

spk_1:   16:49
peel another week when I actually have time. Because my time is just insane. You tell me about your something new for you.

spk_0:   16:56
Didn't you have an appointment to go someplace special? I see. Yes, I did. So you don't have to tell you about it. Yes. You have to tell me about it. Well, yeah.

spk_1:   17:07
Yeah. You need to tell me about your What's the place called? Bronze Bunny. Bronze Bunny. And you had a Brazilian for those? A little bit nervous. Yeah. You think? Yeah, because you know, like going to the gynecologist. Yeah, but you don't

spk_0:   17:20
after you're being pregnant. And you

spk_1:   17:21
know, if you do that so much, and so many people have been down there and then, you know, when you give birth they bring the whole teaching hospital in the watch,

spk_0:   17:27
you know? But I'm always curious his mind still look okay. Like like, you know, like, obviously

spk_1:   17:32
don't look like the ones that are all fixed up, like with surgery and everything that you see in, like certain types of movies that genre. So if, like, like, do you feel like yours his movie quality? Because,

spk_0:   17:46
like, I'm not sure that it's not like they're

spk_1:   17:48
filming a movie. No, I I get you, but I think I'm a little self conscious. If it's you know what if like, I get in there and I don't know that minds like the weird looking vagina like what if they talk about it afterwards? Like, I'm sure it's fine. But we had two kids. I'm sure it's not as pretty as it used to be, but I'm sure they're way worse. Ones that have been in there.

spk_0:   18:08
I don't know.

spk_1:   18:08
They probably really good ones, though. Well, sure, I don't know anyone. What a weird fear toe have. I don't know. I just always like I don't wanna I don't want people talking about any of my stuff when I leave. Oh, well, even if they had it for a split second, they have an appointment right after you. And they were gonna That one was gonna be on their mind. Then I guess

spk_0:   18:27
I have you

spk_1:   18:27
get into that business. I don't really know. I'm sure there's money in it. Yeah, and it looked like so it

spk_0:   18:35
looked like

spk_1:   18:35
it could be fun. So I'll tell you, you can get for you. You want to start on the side, you know, ripping hair off of women's cooties. Well, one, I don't think I'm qualified. Oh, because there's definitely skill. I can't even wax my own legs. Okay. I'm not it, Like, hardens and try and get it off. Then it gets all goopy. I bought the whole system wax and all. Of course you did. Really? Well, I'm just gonna wax my own legs. You always have such big dreams. You know, I

spk_0:   19:00
think I think I'm

spk_1:   19:01
way more capable. Laura, do it yourself, but not really try to do it ourselves. Yeah, here and then you're somebody to fix it. Try D Y Yeah, see? Do you? Yeah. Because if

spk_0:   19:19
anybody can do it, I go I'm part of that group. I mean,

spk_1:   19:22
anybody. Do you? My I d I house? Yes, D i y whole Wow. Yeah. So I tried. And then I think I'm I'm one of these people. I could do anything that anybody else can do. I'm certainly capable batter anything, can you? I'm just trying to match the quality. I'm not trying to do better on the stuff, Understand? Rip the hair out of my legs for a better cost savings. You got it Didn't work. So anyway, my point waas I'm not trying to do it to anybody else. I got there and they go. Would you like a drink? A Bellini hook? If you insist. What's ability? No wine fruity. Something nice, Like peach. I think I'm not a big peach person, but anyway, sorry. It's not like biting into a peach or anything anyway. So then you go and they give you know, But I like real peaches. I just don't like peach flavoring like I could eat a peach, But no, I don't want to drink anything that's peach flavored. Oh, no longer snow.

spk_0:   20:27
I e that word so much. All right, your turn. Sorry I ate it. I say all the time. You ain't it. I just think you

spk_1:   20:39
hate it. Don't you think you have a love hate relationship has been so lucky, man. Er rooms got, um Oh. Anyway, so you get there, you go back and go,

spk_0:   20:53
OK? You can take everything off from the waist down.

spk_1:   20:56
And did you leave closed above you? Yeah. Oh, your sauce on everything, huh? Yeah. I mean, I suppose you could wear legwarmers fear, sore socks match? No, I didn't think so. You know what? I didn't even wear socks. Okay? Cause I was gonna say cause your socks never met. No, I wore socks. They're talking about you because, you know, you're late. It came in with the non matching socks from the really long cut her hair. I think they're all supposed to. Well, you know, it just felt really long, though, did it? Yeah, like you could braid it. Well, no, not that. I felt like, you know, it gets too long at this. Has to go so anyway. Um, go. And then there's TV on the wall, and they were watching the ranch on Netflix. Okay, She's

spk_0:   21:38
you know, where we were watching friends before? So anyway,

spk_1:   21:40
they go in, and then you watch the show and they rip the hair out, and then you go and they go out.

spk_0:   21:44
How many people are in there? Oh, just you

spk_1:   21:47
and the girl. Okay, but there's TV's in all the rooms. Yeah. Okay, to try to help you relax. Yeah, they like I would think they would do music or something. No, no, your watch TV. So it's kind of like when my husband got his vasectomy. Yeah. Just have the movie up in there, like Yeah, OK, yeah. That hurt. It's Stone likes it wasn't too bad. Okay? But I would definitely do it again because it's been nice. Nice, smooth. Yeah. Yeah. And you have to shave it or do anything, so, yeah, I would definitely do it again. So I came home, and then I was so excited. I want to show Shawn

spk_0:   22:20
like I did

spk_1:   22:22
know. Tm I know. But anyway,

spk_0:   22:24
yeah. Did you say

spk_1:   22:25
you were like He's like, It's nice and you're like,

spk_0:   22:27
Touch it. That's all right. You look, I just want to pay. That's abuse.

spk_1:   22:34
It's very smooth, honey. Yeah. So I got home and I was like,

spk_0:   22:39
Oh, excited, Right? I had

spk_1:   22:40
to pee. And I was that there was, like, a stray hair. They missed a spot. No, just a hair. I missed that hair and I couldn't have that. May be it may be terrific. A horse. Weezer's or something. We got my oppa later. You got your You're like the thing you use for your, like, facial hair itself. The Little Apple later thing? Nope. I used to want to use for my legs.

spk_0:   23:00
I don't know that the first thing that came to mind, that's what I use when

spk_1:   23:04
I see a stray hair. Just grab that and do it. Okay? So I grabbed it and I got

spk_0:   23:08
my life. I don't recommend doing that. Are you polluted? Yeah. Oh, my God. So you spent all this

spk_1:   23:22
money and time to have a pretty little lady part?

spk_0:   23:30
Yeah, just a little cut. But it was bleeding. Yes, I slept it up. I'm I gotta

spk_1:   23:37
care. You can really tell. So they're showing at home,

spk_0:   23:39
but I didn't show him. He goes Oh, my God.

spk_1:   23:40
You have blood all over. Your leg is running down your leg and I

spk_0:   23:43
go, Yeah, don't worry about that. I could help yourself after pickup. What did he say? Oh, my God. I was thinking you should get a refund. And you're like I know how did how did you get it out? Your piece behind to actual. It wasn't like it gets sucked in there.

spk_1:   24:04
Just like it. Just never staying. Yeah, like Nick. So, like, is this little razors that are so close to her? Not razors. Tweezers like you. Open it, please. Between their tweeze my skin in it and pulled it out. Oh, okay. Oh, so you're feeling better

spk_0:   24:20
now? Oh, yeah. It stopped hurting

spk_1:   24:22
as soon as I, you know, doubled over in pain and blood. Young blood and plane cleaned it

spk_0:   24:27
up. Good, good times. Good times. Well, I'm glad you like the place.

spk_1:   24:30
And it was good. When do you have to go back? So you can go back after two weeks for a free touch up? It was your first time. And if there's anything that could get her that whatever hadn't grown in, right. And then after that, it's like, I think, 4 to 5 weeks depending. Do you have to let it grow in every time? Yeah. So that's the kind of Illinois. But then they said, over time of less grows in, and it's not as thick heiress Course. Okay, Did your friends like you? Yeah. So? But everybody's like their consensus is everybody's going

spk_0:   24:55
back. Wow. Yep. Yep.

spk_1:   24:57
I won't be going, but good for you guys. I want to find that that I want with those. So I told my fiance that I don't care what he says. I don't do my Don't go take it. My hair done, and I'll pay to get my nails on. I am paying to get my hoochie done. Take something

spk_0:   25:17
else. I don't know how long it

spk_1:   25:21
has been, but it's probably been like 10 minutes. Sure. Let's go do the next thing. All right. This is steeped. It looks disgusting. It's green. Okay, so now we had at the cherry juice salt and the creamed honey to the saucepan. Okay. So you need, um What are we looking at? We need 33 quarter cup of cherry juice tart cherry juice. I mean, string these little tea bags before we compost them. Okay, Because we don't want to come post all of our now. Good call. Good call. Yeah. All right. So we steamed a coconut water you had in your cherry juice. 3/4 cup. All right. 1/4 cup. Okay. And then we need the salt. That's an eighth of a teaspoon of Himalayan pink, sea salt or just pink salt that says, You know why I said that? And then I think the rest of the recipe is so specific You don't screw it up there, right? And then we also need the creamed. Honey, Honey, you're my eighth of a teaspoon. Where would you be? Oh, okay. Got it. All right. So in they go with assault. Eighth of a teaspoon in toward a mixture. Yeah, You need three tablespoons of the creamed honey and we're gonna mix that gently in homogeneous Lee Homogeneous Lee Homogeneous. Lee. I know, you know, But anybody it doesn't know you may not realize your mom I was kidding this time, but not the scythe way. Gotta return to make sure to a boil. Oh, okay. So you could just turn the fire on that super Boyle. Superboy. There's one. And then after we do that, we reduce the heat to a simmer, and then, um, whisk for 3 to 4 minutes while we're adding in our gelatin. Okay. Sorry. I was listening, but not really. Well, I was, But then I got sidetracked counting to three. Okay. Like making I'm looking in the honey house. The tart cherry. Did you try that? So I guess these are gonna be cherry gummy bears. I'm gonna assume correct. Is it title? It's good. You're gonna taste like Cherry Python. Really? Try. Does it say here? Maybe it's because I have share in my mouth. Sure knows. Like 25 carbs. I can't have this stinks to piano on it. It's probably cause you're just eating honey. My wife, he's good. Tastes so good. Yeah, all right. Bring it to a boil. And then where's your whisk? You. So for it to be super, you have to put this big hat on. It is green hat. No, it's a lid. It's not live. It's a flat piece of silicone. Yeah, that you put on top of it, and then it makes it. Okay. Well, I think this is about to a boy. What are we supposed to do after something going to whisk? Whisk it up. Whisk. It was constantly. Oh, For how long? For 3 to 4 minutes. Okay. All right. All right. Watching. So, what'd you do last week? I know you didn't do your foot pill. What did you do anything out my foot peel? I didn't do my foot, Pio. Um, I did have weak moments of infomercials. No. Gosh, I just can't help it. So now, instead of watching them like I used to back in the day, You know, when I had the Abdu er and the What's the thing, you rock Rock Rock Rock? Yes, I had a ab rocker. Apparently, I'm obsessing my abs. Um, I have Brokenness so many things, so many things in weeks, weeks night, moments would never get those knives. You know, like the nice that we use those steak knives. Yeah, that cut through like, tin cans. And you know what? Those are the ones we use when we have steak. When you're over here. Oh, cool. Well, I mean, they're like, 20 years old. Yeah, I highly recommend them.

spk_0:   29:30
I don't buy

spk_1:   29:31
things like that. I buy things like self improvement things in the middle of the night because I'm feeling like, down Larry with one hand and chips, on the other hand, on the remote, feeling bad about myself. So that's what I do. Yeah, way. I can't picture my go to. So anyway, I thought I was like, Oh, you know, And then I have boys and

spk_0:   29:54
one of

spk_1:   29:54
the boys never smells, but the other one is stinky boy. So they have those gloomy stuff. Have you seen the ads for it? You know, So it's like the owner it that you can put on all your parts so you can put it on your feet. You're who? Ha. Really? Your armpits? Yeah. And what it does that it was a lady. I think she might have been a gynecologist or a doctor. I don't know. A really smart lady invented it, and I don't know. We should have been more prepared anyway. So So I, um, but said inventive did it. Oh, no. And then you said invented. And then it made me chuckle that I thought you said inventive. And it's not even a word. It's a good word that was thinking about you. I was a good story, so no. So I ordered the stuff, basically what it does is it actually, like, eats the, um, or start like So what? What smelling is is like you sweat. But then this bacteria gets on and it eats, and then it farts. And the smell that you smell is that the bacteria farting in a sense, that's how they explain t o. So anyway, this stops the bacteria from farting. So then you don't smell anymore from, like, 72 hours. So I thought I'd tried on my on the soccer feet of the child and stuff because it comes in like a lotion. So, you know, let me know if it works because I have a soccer footed child that I can't well, sandal it in the car, right? Okay. Does not. It does not. And then I was like, Well, I can lose it. Use it for my lady parts. Not that you know that the same one you used on his feet, I hope. No, no, but it's lotion. You just squeeze it in your hand. I thought it was like a stick that you got done. No, you

spk_0:   31:36
could buy

spk_1:   31:37
sticks for your arm. I'm saying Don't rub your cooter stick on his

spk_0:   31:40
feet. I thought that's what you were saying. Don't do that, Do it. She's Louise. I'm saying so anyway, you know, so far, so good.

spk_1:   31:50
I mean, I don't We don't have huge like a pea. Apparently, people that have, like issues have used it, and they're like, Oh, my gosh, no, I can, you know, Don't smell. Tell my stinky friend Network about it. Not stinking, my sweaty friend. Yeah, well, I don't know if it stops sweat, though. I think just staying. She never said a lot. No, A lot of people. It's not really for that. It's for have stink. So I was just like it would be really good

spk_0:   32:14
because, you know, my nine

spk_1:   32:16
year old shouldn't be stinking already, and he's so stinky. So I thought I'd be good for him

spk_0:   32:20
anyway. So far,

spk_1:   32:21
it's working really good, and I like it. It's my something new. Well, he has a tournament this weekend, right? I'm going to use it. Let me know if that works after a tournament. If he doesn't smell I, Alan. Yeah. Yeah. Right. So it's been 3 to 4 minutes. Okay. So,

spk_0:   32:34

spk_1:   32:35
Okay. Oh, my goodness. Okay, so now, um, we're gonna add the gelatin. Okay? Come on. We gotta add.

spk_0:   32:46
Oh, where is it? One and a

spk_1:   32:49
half tablespoons. So one and 1/2 of those? Yeah, Florida sticky. So All right. So keep it boiling. Um, hold on. Hold on. Hold on, Jenna. Okay. So okay at whisking yet? Yeah. Put it in while you're whisking. I only have two hands. Amounted octopus, you know. Yeah. No, see, you were supposed to were supposed to reduce heat. It's reduced. Okay. And then the 3 to 4 minutes is putting this in. So you just accidentally, since I'd only have to him to just dump the whole pack. Okay, that's fine. Whiskey amount. Okay. Whisk, whisk. Whisk whiskey. Now we gotta whisk for 3 to 4 minutes again. Yeah, It was just that way. Didn't do before you did

spk_0:   33:30
to You told me to whisper 34.

spk_1:   33:32
That's after you put the gelatin in. What?

spk_0:   33:34
I already did it. Yeah, we're gonna do it again. You're just supposed

spk_1:   33:37
to simmer it for a little while you told me to whisk constantly for three to

spk_0:   33:41
four minutes, whisking constantly. Now you have to Wisconsin. Maybe. Now you have this constantly. You wanna hold it?

spk_1:   33:50
You can do it. You were

spk_0:   33:51
supposed to

spk_1:   33:51
put that stuff in. Then do it. Well, you should have told me that. But you didn't. You skip that part, so did we cook it too long? Do we boil it too? All right, Because you were supposed to be simmering. It we just wished for how? Well, simmer

spk_0:   34:00
for three, like, three minutes. Good. Look at

spk_1:   34:06
that face. That's a face of I'm not trusting your face Anyway. We're gonna be fine. Perfect. So we put we dump the whole packet in accidentally, so we're gonna assume that that's the right amount.

spk_0:   34:18
Didn't you say

spk_1:   34:18
that was like a table? A tablespoon or something? Yeah, I had a tablespoon in, but then because you wanted me to have octopus arms, I put I put the open gelatin, pack it in the same hand as the tablespoon with the tablespoon in it. And I wanted to just just stop the tablespoon while I hold the whisk in my other hand. But when I dumped a tablespoon. Since, since it was since it was in the same hand as my open packet hand, I accidentally dumped all of it in at the same time. Because you know what I mean? Like the whole handbook to both things thump. So my point is, you screwed up. All right? I got it because of you

spk_0:   34:55
eyes. Because you're not an octopus. Yeah, I have two things in my hand, too.

spk_1:   35:02
Pitch. Okay, so anyway, now, after the four minutes, 34 minutes Yeah, well, we're gonna add the CBD tincture. Okay, But we made T h c tincture a problem. No way

spk_0:   35:15

spk_1:   35:15
could use ta. It said both. Yeah, it really doesn't matter. I'm just telling you that. Okay, well, thank you. If you go to take this home for your son, you should know that it's th see Nazi V d. Oh, right. You need this stupid, leaky thing. I am buying you. Unlike ing materials, I don't know how you make your goodness. Oh, and a funnel. You're racking up the Christmas presents, babe, you're getting all kinds of stuff this year. A roach clip because I don't wanna watch you burn your fingers anymore for the three year through the window of your back porch. What? Oh, watch me. But I know I don't like you're burning your fingers. What radio? Okay, so constantly pour this in. Great. Lost my place. OK,

spk_0:   36:00
add your desire

spk_1:   36:00
dosage of tincture and then whisk thoroughly until fully incorporated kids incorporated d do you know if you remember that show I do now that you sang it. But if you ask me if I remember that, I would've said knew What? Do you remember that theme song? I don't know. I'm a theme song kind of person, you know? Yes, I got a problem when you're, like, done a damn thing. I guess that I could do my watched a lot of TV. What's Gilligan's Island? No, that was the love boat. No. Hell, I dream of Jeannie. Thank you. I knew it. I just couldn't get there. That's the left. Yeah. Now D'oh do Bewitched. Oh, did I win? You would know what if you heard it that wouldn't you? Yeah, I would. I don't know it. What was I supposed to do after I dumped the tincture in? You're supposed to make sure it's fully incorporated. Oh, it is.

spk_0:   36:57
So get on

spk_1:   36:59
and then you turn off the stove top and place funnel in the convent. Then we're gonna put it in the kind of condiment bottle. Oh, and then easy peasy. Sugar pie would be careful, cause it's really hot. Crazy hot is what it says here. Look crazy hot. Oh, it is. It's not capitalized. Oh, so I think it's just It's

spk_0:   37:19
crazy Hot. Not like crazy hot.

spk_1:   37:21
Yeah, yeah, we're gonna get creative, and we're just gonna pour it back in the measuring cup, okay? And then poured it. Those numbers So smart. See, we're gonna avoid the whole funnel thinking funnel. We don't need no stinkin Funnell done. All right. So, uh, crazy how you need to work quickly. Okay. We're gonna need to work quickly using an oven mitt or a hot pad of you burning yourself right now because I got a food grade condiment containing No, but it's still hot. Okay, so I'm packing up my little squeezy thing, all right? And we're gonna squeeze them into Ramone's. We got our molds right here. They're

spk_0:   37:54
so cute. Largest

spk_1:   37:58
literally squeezed it. Non most.

spk_0:   38:01
Holy shit. I don't know. It's just it's too. I think it's to

spk_1:   38:10
use the droppers and not yeah.

spk_0:   38:12
Oh, my goodness. It just splashed everywhere. Like Like I think

spk_1:   38:15
someone was murdered on the counter. That's probably why they gave us these cute little droppers with the molds. Yes, because it doesn't work to use the what is it called? We could have just done this out of the container, and I put it in this stupid container, so yeah, no

spk_0:   38:29
to everyone. You can just

spk_1:   38:31
use the droppers that come with the molds and not bother putting it into a What is it called? Foodgrain condiment container? Yeah. Forget the food. Great condiment container. Just use a dropper that comes with out of the bowl or the pan. What a waste of a food grade condiment. And we definitely did something wrong because this is only supposed to make 50 and oh, what we do wrong? I don't know. I don't know too much. Something in Be careful. I don't know. Let's just see what happens. Okay? Maybe I put too much tincture. Who knows? It would It would have been the coconut water so much as you say, to put in half a cup. Oh, I did a cup and 1/2. Oh, that was that. That was the That was the gelatin. So is it an act of one? I did half a cup. Yeah, you did. Waken get the second rolled out. We'll just fill that and we'll see which one turns out better. Okay. Okay, So we figured out that the person who made the gummy bears before had much bigger gummy bars. Ours are tiny ours, or, like many. So it's fine. We did. We did not screw up. Ah, a small panic attack. So it's good, but we're gonna put, um we just use the extra we had to silicone. Um gummy bears. Gummy bear. Trey. So it just kind of doubled it because they're about half the size of a regular gummy bear. So

spk_0:   39:58
we're good.

spk_1:   39:59
All is good. It is sticking in the fridge here. All right. Something about this size thes air. Didja, Bryn. Yeah. So, like coming. So what? We have left after we did our tray and putting in in here. All right. Sounds good. So I stuck. That showed me There's so much an adult dosage got me there There you go. Awesome. Here, move over here. Too far away for me? Yeah. Did you miss me? I did. I miss you all the time.

spk_0:   40:31
All the

spk_1:   40:31
time. Good. Bold salt and vinegar. Other show, Oklahomans, I gotta try one. Uh Ah. That's yucky. It's not. You like vinegar, though you should. It's really good for you. I drink it in the morning with water. Um, you do shots of it. It works. Um, something It's not enjoyable. Why do you do shots of it at work? Had something different to do. One other different things. You d'oh. Decide to go with your work friends to get a Brazilian say, Oh, no. Oh, my goodness. All right, cool. So, yeah, I did that. That was my weak moment. Trying to think What was your weak moment? I bought that loom a stuff. I think it's called Loomer. Oh, yeah? Yes. You have to let me know. Definitely, because I'm always looking for something to make him stink just a little bit less. I tried to I tried the, uh, meo drink things I love those for You scored him in your water, getting on board of water. So those were going me? Wave my hands. Now wash your hands. Weird. Oh, what you like about me? No. Yeah. So we're gonna go pick up my mom and dad tomorrow. From where? Oh, so I think I told you a little bit about this, But my mom dad, go on bus trips. So they're always looking on these tour bus companies. And then my mom found this one where they're going to Dollywood and Pigeon Ford. And, you know, um OK, pretend I did not go on Hollywood and history for Tennessee. Is it Tennessee? That sounds right, I think. Google. Where's Dollywood? I found a few locations for Where is Dollywood? Near you. It's a religion for it. That's not helpful, E. I thought, OK, so anywhere they went to Tennessee. I Sorry. I'm tired

spk_0:   42:45
anyway. So they went to Tennessee

spk_1:   42:47
on a bus trip. So that's not the funny part. So my parents see this trip and they're looking for, like, a good price trip. Sure. And, you know, that goes on trips with aluminum cans. So, you know, you know, sometimes it's higher than others. You know, I don't think I think it's been down. So anyway, So So you found a bus trip, and, um, my mom calls, and the woman's like, this is for the I don't know, some class alumni and my mom, who any normal human beings have said, Oh, things have a nice steak buy. And my mom was like, Oh, can we go

spk_0:   43:27
on it? And And the woman's like, How did you find out about

spk_1:   43:31
this? And she said it was on your website. So then I guess there was a cancellation. So my parents, you know, um,

spk_0:   43:38
crashed somebody's alum night. They went. So somebody booked it privately. I guess

spk_1:   43:45
it was It was It was an alumni for school. Yeah, around me. My parents don't live around here. My parents lived two and 1/2 hours away, and so that's why they came

spk_0:   43:55
up there like we're coming up. We're gonna

spk_1:   43:56
catch that. You can drive us to this Lutheran church where these bus was gonna bay. That's insane. And they went, and it made me have anxiety the whole time. I'm thinking, Oh, my gosh, they're being it outed.

spk_0:   44:09
Nobody parents ordered. They had to order the alumni shirts, the order shirts, and they were like, Go whatever school. So

spk_1:   44:22
they didn't tell anybody. They weren't on them neither. I don't know if they have since, but as a drop off they were going on there.

spk_0:   44:28
They're just, you know, be part of the alumni way.

spk_1:   44:34
Do that next vacation. Can we do? Right? Can we just crash somebody education? That would be so.

spk_0:   44:40
I've talked to him a couple times. We're having a great time. It's just because it's not like

spk_1:   44:44
one year. It's not like Class of 76 no one has any clue what they have Theme nights. And they have to like, like, things about, like, school and stuff. Oh, my gosh. I think that most of that conversation would be sent around the school since that's what brought everybody to the trip. Probably. And they're gonna go.

spk_0:   44:59
Yeah, man,

spk_1:   45:00
they were not able to say they were in any class of any of these people.

spk_0:   45:03
Within four years, I can

spk_1:   45:04
go home and check their yearbooks.

spk_0:   45:05
Yes, So

spk_1:   45:06
they could just be like, what were you? Oh, yeah. Or they could just My mom could be like it was me and then could be like,

spk_0:   45:12
Oh, you So when someone should be like? Yeah,

spk_1:   45:14
sure, that was me. Because they don't even look the same anymore. My mom's like, it's not like one of us look like that in high school.

spk_0:   45:19
Could have been any of us love my parents, so yeah. So my parents

spk_1:   45:24
are doing this week for a vacation. They they crossed a bus trip. They crashed a re union

spk_0:   45:30
thing. So, yes,

spk_1:   45:37
I will pick him up tomorrow. I hope you had fun. Oh, my God. Yeah. Oh, my parents did something new. Yeah, you couldn't be bothered, but your parents fresh

spk_0:   45:45
was busy. It takes an hour.

spk_1:   45:49
You have to have an hour to sit and do nothing. Do

spk_0:   45:52
you understand

spk_1:   45:53
how impossible it is in my life right now? Do I? D'oh! I do. Why? I d'oh! So anyway, that's what my family stay with you. Thanks, But my mom, she's She's hilarious. She, um she's the kind of person that would order fast food and then just keep going

spk_0:   46:17
So she'll pay. And then she goes leaves without the food that she has to go back around me like I forgot the food. I remember.

spk_1:   46:24
Listen, as a kid, okay? This is funny. So as a kid. We went to Burger King, Okay, And my mom goes up to the counter straight face that my mom's like, he's like, What would you like? It was the manager of the Burger King. Okay, visualize this and he goes, What would you like? And she goes, Oh, a big Mac. He goes, What? She goes a big Mac, He goes or what? He's all serious because he's like, I'm the manager. Won't be a day

spk_0:   46:50
that my monk owes a Big Mac.

spk_1:   46:52
He goes, or what this went on for It felt like forever. And my mom goes, it finally dawns on her a big Mac. What a big Mac or what home goes?

spk_0:   47:03
Oh, Hopper, always people online, all staring

spk_1:   47:08
at her and like me and my sisters were like, Oh, my God, we're

spk_0:   47:12
gonna die!

spk_1:   47:14
Yeah, 10 minutes. 10 minutes of my mom ordering a big Mac it Burger King. This is all the time. I think this is all the time. That's all

spk_0:   47:20
I remember. Was the Wendy's e feel like my

spk_1:   47:25
life is a sped up version of your mom? Oh, yeah, Like I can see that I can see me doing that, But like once. Yeah, yeah. I mean, my mom does it all the time. Yeah, but yeah, I know you could I could totally see you doing that. That's why I love you. I love my mom so much. And I love you because it's so funny. Like I said, there, I remember she went toe Burger King the number. I'm sorry, Wendy's. And for some reason, she couldn't get out the words Junior bacon cheeseburger. So

spk_0:   47:52
in the drive through,

spk_1:   47:52
she's going. I want to do pick a

spk_0:   47:54
teeny bit. Do pick a team because I did a big table. People are like What? I didn't think she had a full up. Just relax, junior bacon burger. I couldn't get it. Like what, man? What? What? I may be bad. I don't know. So yeah.

spk_1:   48:19
So, yeah, we have 70. Like, yeah, my mom in the drive through. And then they get it wrong every time. Like she's cursed. I don't care. We could order the most simplest thing, And it will be wrong because my mother ordered it, so yeah. Yeah. So, like Sean on flights. Oh, it was shot on. Flights exploded. Just cursed. It doesn't matter how, How much you think it's gonna be on time? It's not. Yeah, because he ever had a non time. Anything he had the last leg of his last flight was on time. That was the first time ever. Wow. See, we should never travel together then. Well, we haven't invitation together, but not on the same flight.

spk_0:   48:59
We were in the

spk_1:   48:59
same flight that on the one of the legs because

spk_0:   49:03
we were sitting

spk_1:   49:04
out there together something either going or coming back. Well, we didn't know because we waited in the airport for you to get there. Oh, and then we left a couple days before you. Oh, so yeah, I'm wrong. Go figure me

spk_0:   49:18
wrong. What? But you were right twice in a row today. Oh, yea, We're

spk_1:   49:23
gonna celebrate the small victories. Wait, Just talking.

spk_0:   49:29
Oh, no.

spk_1:   49:30
So when is this the last flight member he went and, um, he texted me and he's like, Oh, my gosh, I'm in the airport. The plane is here. It's de boarded. We're just waiting for our turn to board. Like I think we're gonna be on time. Wow. Yeah. He was so excited. And then he texted me, like, 15 minutes later, he goes fucking blew a tire, had to go out and change the tire on the plane. So not only were they delay, they missed their connection on, then had to wait until the end of the day in Philly. So I was held before he had even gotten on his plane to go to Texas or Arizona. Arizona? I think that's why he left before me in the morning so I wouldn't have a full day at work while he was sitting in the Philadelphia airport. Where? The Harrisburg airport Between Harrisburg in Philly. Wow, That's terrible. You

spk_0:   50:20
could have

spk_1:   50:20
just robbed a filly that stinks. Four times. Yeah. Wow. Oh, all right. So we'll get those in the fridge. Yeah. All right.

spk_0:   50:28
How long did I didn't read?

spk_1:   50:29
How long is supposed to take to set? I think it takes a while. Doesn't enjoy one or two sit for at least 15 minutes. Okay. Okay. And then I guess we'll waken just rehash they setting a little bit jelly. Okay. Well, they haven't been in there for the full. That's great. Their jelly ing. Yeah, Okay. But I think maybe you like I want a revision of put more gelatin. It's not gonna hurt. It'll just make it firmer, right? Yeah. No, Chewie, two year. Yeah, sure. That's what I believe. Some jerk drove because I double the gentle did.

spk_0:   51:07
Wait. So so anyway,

spk_1:   51:10
So I guess that's it, So I don't know. Um thanks for listening. All right, well, we will, um, everybody know how it tastes next time, right? That's what you just said. Yeah. So we're all caught up now. Went someplace when I had checking into the gummy bears and just doing the math. You do the whole what? Where do they have to go? So they have to do if they like us. Oh, you have to go, Thio. Email us at putting kettle podcast at gmail dot com, Or find us on Facebook and instagram a pot and kettle podcast. And, like, a song on iTunes and subscribe. And you'll get all over anyway. So it's

spk_0:   51:45
a please like us. All

spk_1:   51:47
right. Thank you.