Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy

Ep. 8 - "Secret stash" avocado pot brownies

Grace and Lora Season 1 Episode 8

Lora (the CEO of Mess Making) and Grace (she has Ben Franklin eyes) make avocado brownies with cannabis while discussing what it's like to get older, but still not admitting that they're "old as shit."  

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spk_1:   0:00
Hey, guys, You're listening to Pot and Kettle, the comedy podcast

spk_0:   0:04
where we are cooking with cannabis. I'm Gracie, and I'm Laura. We hope you enjoy your show. Welcome to the pot and kettle rehash. This is where we discuss past

spk_1:   0:16
episodes and correct Are many mistakes. So, um yeah. Episode 7/7 grade coffee cake.

spk_0:   0:26
I said it. Good. Say that's a

spk_1:   0:28
safe. That's 10 7 times. Say that

spk_0:   0:33
seven times. Not even gonna try. All right. Sounds good.

spk_1:   0:35
Tell how was it? How was the coffee? Think it was really good? It was good. I don't think it was as good

spk_0:   0:41
as I remembered it when I was in seventh grade. Probably because, like, being able to cook anything that wasn't burned and falling apart was a marvel at seventh grade. And I'm just so proud that I could do it. However, it was quite good. Well, I wanted to tell you that I made it with gluten flea free flour free of cannabis.

spk_1:   1:01
And I thought it was really good. Good. Yeah, I like It s so you don't say. I told

spk_0:   1:06
you, you don't have thio cook with you. You can listen to this and just make some fun stuff. You don't have to if you don't wantto make pot, you know, coffee cake. It was It was really good.

spk_1:   1:15
Excellent. Yeah, I want to try it.

spk_0:   1:17
Because you were all talking about it. I thought it was really good. I thought it was, too. But I had it built up in my head like it was gonna melt. It was a memory. Yeah. Good. It probably will. We probably could. We could get it to that That degree. Yeah, I put butter on it. It was really Army should do that. Next time you can use your pot butter? Yes. Yeah, but the the amount we use was perfect. So I recommend that, um, think was used two ounces and, uh, sorry. The amount of weed we used. The recipe? Yes. Perfect. Good. So just so you know. Good. What kind of buzz did you get? Just a patient's chill. Yeah, that's perfect. So, um, I also wanted to say that, um, my father refurbished my vacuum. Your ship spreader 3000. It is no longer the shits, brother. 3000 0 God. Working unit in my home again. Oh, So this thing you said you would never put back in your house. Yeah, your father refurbished? You know what? It's expensive. And you gotta you know, I figured if I take vacuums from other people's garbage, agreed. I'm also take one for my own. I think that's what Y station, So that so it's back in house.

spk_1:   2:26
Eyes were

spk_0:   2:28
five. Excellent. I just can't do it unless I'm, you know, watching it. So it's just super lazy. It's not because I'm not home and I don't have time. It literally is because I don't feel like it.

spk_1:   2:39
Couch and

spk_0:   2:40
let it do the job that I should be doing myself. Yes, place. You're honest with yourself.

spk_1:   2:44
Yeah, So you

spk_0:   2:45
know, it works. Sometimes you need to rest. You have to listen to your body.

spk_1:   2:50
That's what I always

spk_0:   2:51
do. Dio Oh, hey, someone wrote in. They asked us what in the world kind of truck that I was driving Or, you know, my husband and I were driving that we got pulled over for being too. Why? Because we talked about that in the last episode.

spk_1:   3:11
What kind of truck wants

spk_0:   3:12
it? So it was a rented. It was a rented moving truck. It was one of, you know, he was pulling all of our stuff. Why does it have to be to get pull? It

spk_1:   3:20
was it was the size of a

spk_0:   3:21
rig. So apparently, if you are commercial truck driver, you know, you were aware that this highway was closed Thio size vehicles, but us being in the Ryder truck had no idea. And I just made me cry.

spk_1:   3:37
So I reserve for this

spk_0:   3:38
guy and this police officer in the middle of Ohio on a loudspeaker going get the truck off my highway. And I'm like, Are you kidding me? And then he dumped us in the middle of the city and he wouldn't help us figure out how to get out. It was just one of those memories, but yeah, just odd things that you know would never happen. Anyone else that happened to us, So that's a yes. That's why I was there.

spk_1:   3:59
What kind of truck do

spk_0:   4:00
you own? I was like, Well, you know, I'm a real redneck,

spk_1:   4:04
so I have like, so I'm kind of a hick eyes rule. Why make it even wider? This guy has got those big tires, and it was just so goddamn wide. No way wasn't my truck thing.

spk_0:   4:36
Anything else? We need it to rehash. No coffee cake. Two thumbs up. Right. Weed and gluten free coffee cake whole. Hands up. Who's so good? I don't eat that. Don't get sugar very often. So it was really good.

spk_1:   4:50
It was probably like

spk_0:   4:51
it was for you in seventh grade. You because I didn't get chicken very often. All right, great. Well, I guess we rehashed it. I guess we did what we

spk_1:   4:57
make in

spk_0:   4:57
today. Well, today we'll be making avocado

spk_1:   5:01
brownies. Oh, yeah. You

spk_0:   5:03
know what? We kind of needed a pot brownie. We did. It's kind of a staple. And we never did it. No. So since we're trying to be healthy Yep. We're gonna use avocado. I'm sort of butter. Oh, so, yes, it's not hot butter brownies. It is not our brownie flower. Good, good, good. So it's kind of like that Better in the banana bread anyway. Oh, that's right. Not that tasted good. So I thought would be interesting to see what it tastes like in a brownie. Sounds from scratch. I'm so I'm, like, excited. This is gonna be impressed yet. Okay. It still has

spk_1:   5:32
to work. All right, All right. So what? We will

spk_0:   5:36
need half a teaspoon of salt or a pinch of sea salt, half a cup of semi sweet chocolate chips or a cal Nibs trying this. I got this recipe online, and we're just adding the weed to it because I think this was not meant for your, uh, your, uh um when

spk_1:   5:55
l a So pretty. Oh, thank you. Oh, yeah. This one, I think. I think you saw it

spk_0:   6:00
before. Yeah, you know, it's so fancy. But now I can't remember. Anyway, we got in the Dominican. Yeah, it's straight from their imported by me. I'm gonna take a picture of that, his hand imported. You don't get much better than that and imported you get it. Wow. Uh, okay. So what we need to do first is preheat the oven to 350 degrees and set aside a lightly greased eight by eight baking dish dish is there? This is there. Okay, preheat it. All right. Turned

spk_1:   6:38
on. Okay. It's okay. It's a good sign

spk_0:   6:40
s Oh, can I just use spray to you for the pan? Oh, good. So just spray it on up. I didn't do that because I wasn't sure if I needed to actually use, you know, butter or beautiful, easy

spk_1:   6:57
peasy, lemon squeezy

spk_0:   6:58
or what? Is that all of boils? All right, what's next? Okay. In a food processor where we're going to use a, uh, mixer because I'm gonna try out my new mixer. Yeah, it's so pretty, um,

spk_1:   7:13
matches their wall. That's fantastic. You know, it's the sea foam

spk_0:   7:17
color. Beautiful. Totally. You know, when I get bored and repaint my accent wall, they'll be a mixture of that color, too. Yeah, that would work out Well, yeah, because if I paint the accent well, color doesn't match the mixer. That would be weird.

spk_1:   7:31
It's beautiful. You like

spk_0:   7:34
I was serious. Oh, slow today. Okay. Oh, okay. You're gonna dive right in in a food processor. We're going to put the avocado, maple syrup and sugar. All right, let's do it. All right. I have a condom. Here's one. Yeah, on it said, let me see here. You just have to cut it. Court cut in half, pit it and dumped goners. One. You're really fast with this. Yeah, You know why? Because we do what we used to do on a regular basis. Healthy Mondays at work. Our little department. Yeah. And we would bring in Bunches of the whole department on Mondays. God, that we would just rotate and whoever brought in lunch inevitably brought in avocados for it. But you don't. You generally don't cut him into you're about ready to use them. So whoever brought the lunch with avocados would cut it. It would take them forever. It was my turn. I was faster. So I ended up doing it for everybody s became the official avocado cutter, so I found efficiencies. You're really good

spk_1:   8:41

spk_0:   8:41
that. Yeah. It was a super interesting story. Seriously, they like your fast. I've never seen. I mean, come on. Nearly like, um professional quality avocado splitting here. But I don't even eat them. I don't like them. I couldn't take the text. I don't think it's the texture. Yeah, Okay. What do you do? You put the avocados in super fly fast. I put the maple syrup in, and now I'm putting the craw. Granulated sugar. Okay.

spk_1:   9:08
All those air. Really cute. Measuring cup size or even cuter than the other one. The cue for the kidney

spk_0:   9:14
summarises bucks. Frickin sucks. Yeah, that's a second box. It's going everywhere. Where is it going to be? Next issue. I think you could make a mess. Yeah, well, there's that. Don't tell you that. When I was at, um, vacation last summer, I made messes at the table so much it was Ah, uh, all inclusives. It was the same staff every day. Yeah, that they called me the CEO of Mess making.

spk_1:   9:38
Are you serious? Yeah, I believe it. Because even at my house,

spk_0:   9:42
all the placemats are good. Except for the seat that you said at it. Yeah, I think I've got Children. That's it. They're just like I would sit down and my water would spill like that kind of stuff. Or they didn't bring me something and I would actually drop it on the floor. Oh, I know it's

spk_1:   9:56
ridiculous. I certainly don't

spk_0:   9:57
do it on purpose because the one waitress, the first day that it happened said,

spk_1:   10:02
Oh, it's no problem. It happens to me all the time. She

spk_0:   10:04
was so nice about it. And my dad goes, Yeah, you have no idea All the time with this one all the time. She

spk_1:   10:10
was Oh, it's okay,

spk_0:   10:11
honey. And then, like, the next day, and then the next thing they're like,

spk_1:   10:13
You're right. Yeah. I think you might be the CEO of Mess making. I'm queen

spk_0:   10:17
or whatever. She said, You know, I'm manager, but you're the CEO. Oh, my God. So that's what you get. It's true. I mean, the stories you tell me about pees flying in the air and lunch. I mean,

spk_1:   10:31
it's about your work. All right, so everything is in.

spk_0:   10:35
Okay, I'm gonna put my little fancy mixing bowl. Well, just your wet stuff right now. Everything. Well, not every everything I was supposed to be putting in. Now check out the avocado, maple syrup and sugar. Okay. All right. Now you have to blend. Yeah, it up. All right, turn it

spk_1:   10:48
on. It's like

spk_0:   10:54
banana consistent. I think I'll be fine. All right, General, I don't know what that looks like. It looks like, uh, p baby food. Not like you're in pee like peas in a pod way should get aprons because we tend to make messes. And I think you're gonna see that consistently with me. I think that I already do. Looks good. What's next. Um, okay, so now we need to add two eggs and the vanilla extract. Unless Boone a vanilla extra. Okay, let's do that first. Pretty What? Two. Okay, I was supposed to do one. Be extra delicious.

spk_1:   12:01
Two eggs, One tea spoon. I was up to you to

spk_0:   12:04
spill off course you screwed up. Well, it'll just be more delicious to normal or Oh, that's a big shells. We just get those out. Usually do it in a bowl. Especially if you're not professional before you put it in. The

spk_1:   12:19
is not professional. I'm not responsible.

spk_0:   12:25
Alright. Right, right. Oh, my God. Speaking of you gotta tell everyone about your gift from your knees. I know So funny. So my niece, who is seven and who is awesome and loves me to death, and I love her to death, Maybe this picture for, uh, Christmas and it's a portrait of me. And then it says you are at the top. And then if the bombs, it's not first, you are not a responsible person.

spk_1:   12:56
I cracks me up because I mean, first

spk_0:   13:01
of all, it's a really good portrait. Yeah, I

spk_1:   13:03
mean, it looks like you you know, I mean, the hair's a little, you know, Could be a lot, you know, But really, she captures your essence, and he's really good portrait and out of all the things I like it. Guess who's preheating a created.

spk_0:   13:20
But yeah, it cracks me up because I mean, of all the things to say like so my thought iss either, eh? That's, um uh what she thinks. What? Yeah, here's where she doesn't. She doesn't know what it means or the hour. That's what she's hearing from everyone else. So just you and I think that she hears it a lot because it's like most of the time, it's in reference to like, I was supposed to take something to our family gathering and I forgot, or I was supposed to tell somebody something, and I forgot. So it's the running theme is if you want it done. You have to tell Shawn like you can tell Laura. But if you don't tell Sean, it's probably not gonna happen. Or another thing you know, you're the fun aunt. Yeah, That doesn't actually what the two things that are Oh, yeah, yeah. Sorry. I'm fighting this cold. I don't if you can hear it in my throat. The voice? Yeah, it's winner, and I just I hate it anyway, so yeah, So she she got me that. So I think I'm gonna hang it like like as I'm going out the door in the morning, it will be my daily affirmation. I get dressed up. I'll be going to work now. Stop. You're not a responsible person. You're not a results in person. You're responsible person so wrong. When I walk out the

spk_1:   14:38
door and start my day, I just think

spk_0:   14:40
it's I think it's hilarious. Feels like the whole Stuart Smalley. Stuart Smalley. Stir smiling. Yeah, you're a good person. Good enough. Smart enough and

spk_1:   14:48
got people like me. So but did she know

spk_0:   14:54
what, like she knows what it means?

spk_1:   14:56
Like I think it was a good thing or a bad thing. I I don't know

spk_0:   14:59
because I actually asked her that. And she said, Well, do you think that's good or bad? You mean that in a

spk_1:   15:04
good way

spk_0:   15:04
or a bad way she goes, I don't know. I think she just thinks that that's what I am. It's not necessarily good or bad, just you. It's just me Okay, Well, I agree with her.

spk_1:   15:15
So we need sometimes, sometimes quite responsible. Oh, I think you're

spk_0:   15:21
you know. No, I think you're very responsible. I'm messy. I mean, the messy thing. Yeah. No. Yeah. That expensive. Remembering to bring things and do things like outside of work. Like I focused all the energy on work. And you're good at that stuff. Like, now that I was in my head, I was thinking messy and no. Yeah, I'm messy. You're responsible. All right. So we should blend this. Yeah. Yeah,

spk_1:   15:40
way. Lending eggs. Hearts are mending people lending perfect.

spk_0:   15:52
Quick. All right. Scraped the side scrape. Those actually says it's actually say I just scraped the science. Okay, okay. Gently. Add in the flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa. All right. You remember those flour, baking soda, salt and Coco four thing, So yeah, Okay, Flower. I saw it was first. I thought flour, baking soda, salt and cocoa. Okay. Right. Wow, flowers. You just stand there and look pretty. I got it at ideo, except I feel like we both had both said that you know, we're doing this because we don't have faces for

spk_1:   16:32
radio way. Totally. Do Yeah, you know. So I think

spk_0:   16:39
you have a face for television. Honey, I don't know if we have the voices either, but especially not today. So we have the faces for radio. We don't have the voices for No. You know what? We'll just call people. Go. Hey, I know

spk_1:   16:59
what we don't

spk_0:   16:59
look the part, and we don't really sound the part, but we'll be

spk_1:   17:03
fine. It'll be fine.

spk_0:   17:04
I don't see how this thing all wrong because you know. Okay, I did a flower. What's next?

spk_1:   17:11
You said I just had to stand here. Look. Hey, um, flower. Seriously. Something you see? Oh, half a teaspoon

spk_0:   17:22
of baking soda. There you are, ma'am. Petit's food now What? All right, now. So, salt. No, that was a pinch of our course. Seafood. Just That's more than a pinch, isn't it? Yeah. You need a puzzling me. I gotta put some of that back to That's a heavy pinch. Well, we have a lot of extra Fenella. Maybe we need it. It's a slutty pinch

spk_1:   17:49
jeweler. Fat slut. What? What? What are you saying?

spk_0:   17:53
Thes Brent know the brownies are gonna be fat sluts. Skinny sluts Because they're healthy Yeah, except for the maple syrup.

spk_1:   18:02
That's putting it in. I'm like, how is this

spk_0:   18:04
Chelsea? Yeah, we cut out the butter and put avocados were getting good fats instead of bad fats. It's good. Okay. It's not only not bad where it's actually good for you. Get one ingredient search. Okay, so we've got the

spk_1:   18:17
maple syrup,

spk_0:   18:18
but it is okay. Saw Coco. Yep. Coco's next. All right. Half a cup of cocoa and then is that it was only four things I need to remember, but Oh, so good. Yeah. All right.

spk_1:   18:35
I can't

spk_0:   18:35
even remember phone number, so All right. All right. Turn it on. His baby on turning me on me. Oh, Okay. That looks beautiful. Looks like Brownie smells delicious ceramic stuff can put this down. They're gonna put half a cup of chocolate

spk_1:   18:50
chips in sweet, sweet

spk_0:   18:54
semi sweet on just a handful for me. Oh, Lord, have mercy thinking, Yeah, I'm trying to tear me away from sugar. So, um, in case folks, you know, we're sure we used weed flower That is the lead in these brownies. And we did make that ahead of time. What did you do, Laura? Um well, First, let me tell you, I'm dumping this into the pan. I'm gonna throw it in the oven for 30 minutes. Okay, so we're done with the mixing. All right, So go ahead and dump a dump away and, um, tell the folks how you make your flower. All right? So I made it the same way we made it when we made the banana bread. Okay. I cooked the weed in the oven for about 40 minutes on to 70. Somewhere around the end of two hundreds. Wherever you do you want. Um, and then we took it out of the oven. I, um, ground it, like with a coffee grinder. And then I put the flour in the sifter, and then I put the weed in the sifter on top, sifted it all the way through until it minded together when I mix it up with spoon. And then we used it. Perfect. Yeah, it was got a little green tint to it. Little so very cool. I'm putting this in. Looks good. And we'll set a timer. No. Here, let me Let me got it. All right, give me. Well, shaky, shaky. Nice. Hey, Google, it's fine. for 30 minutes. Okay, 30 minutes. Starting now. All right. All right. You wanna talk about our days? Sure. You know what I did yesterday? Oh, what? I went to a bachelor party in the

spk_1:   20:46
finger Lakes Fun. You know,

spk_0:   20:48
I knew that I wasn't thinking, but it was cold. And so we may not have been a lot of people that I didn't know before. And then the weird thing I met, um, some of our old friends out there, too, but I didn't know were going. It was bizarre. Yeah, but So all in, all the whole the whole thing was good. So that was a new thing I did, because I've never been

spk_1:   21:06
to the

spk_0:   21:06
Finger Lakes before. So we did a winery tour, and then, um So it was one of my friends that I worked with and her friends, um, and so that all of them were a bit younger than I am because she's 28 OK, getting married. And so her friends, Most of them were around that a shareholder so little younger. And but, you know, 1 41 if I don't really broadcast that, I was a

spk_1:   21:35
little bit

spk_0:   21:35
nervous going ahead of time because I knew that she was younger and not really young. So you have been fine?

spk_1:   21:40
Well, yeah, and we get along

spk_0:   21:41
really well, so I wasn't worried about that. You know, I think after you hit like adulthood, age doesn't really matter just matter for you get along or not things in common. But it's only selling the back your head a little bit. So before when I told Shawn I'm a little bit nervous being older. Yeah. Kids older than their kids by a lot. Like, you know, is it gonna be weird? They're gonna look at me, like in a lady, and it was just nervous about it. So I went and I had a good time, and nobody really said anything are active, you know? And then in one of the winery's this one girl that was with us goes Laura.

spk_1:   22:17
Oh, my God. You're 41. And he said, Yeah, she was Oh, my God. I thought you were, like, 32.

spk_0:   22:26
So they were trying to figure out who the oldest one there was, I guess which was you. Yes, but they thought it was this other girl who was 33. Wow. And then my friend informed them that No, in fact, I was the oldest by quickly. So you must have felt good because they thought you were their age. I did. But not so good, because they really freaked out. Yeah.

spk_1:   22:49
What did they say? Uh, like, you look so good for that. You're so fun.

spk_0:   22:53
And then she kept coming up, giving her house No fun telling me how you got one. You're a loser. Yeah. I don't like her.

spk_1:   22:59
Yeah, you're so cute. And she was

spk_0:   23:01
nice. Yeah, but she was like, I don't know, 25 26. Like she was the youngest one there, and she was sweet. And I think she meant it. Well. Mmm. But sure. You know,

spk_1:   23:14
you're just this cute ist thing. Oh, you're my little thank you, friend. Okay, great.

spk_0:   23:19
Like, and that's what we're seeing. Overcompensating a table eating dinner, and she goes,

spk_1:   23:28
Oh, my gosh. I just can't

spk_0:   23:29
believe that you're 41 then and everybody sitting there goes, Wait, What? You're 41 cause not everybody heard it the last time it was broadcast. And then, of course, it became a big thing about Oh, my gosh, you

spk_1:   23:41
do look

spk_0:   23:42
really young. Like, for example, anytime we go anywhere, if I go with you, we get carded. If I go by myself, I don't get carded. Well, you're welcome. Yeah, It

spk_1:   23:53
doesn't really make me feel any better. What

spk_0:   23:56
we get carpet? Yeah, Yeah, I get carded because I'm with you, But they don't think you're my mom. I work with a lady who is in her mid fifties, and she thinks she looks in her than me. And I'm me. I'm younger than the person I'm with in the afternoon. Yeah, and she thought I was older than her. She's like, she's like, Well, I um she say how she say I show, Well oh, or something. She said, It's like, OK, and I think it's my eyes like we've talked about this before. I have old people, Isaac with sunglasses on.

spk_1:   24:29
Everyone's like, Oh, she's so cool and fun and young. And then it's like, what have those eyes seen like It's like, apparently, you

spk_0:   24:36
know, people see my eyes and they're like, I just I don't know. It may be my old soul. Nous can come out of my eyes, but I really haven't seen that many crazy things. I mean, maybe compared to some people, I got lots of stories. Yeah, but I mean, like, you know, So I've got there. Ben Franklin eyes

spk_1:   24:53
I D'oh,

spk_0:   24:55
d'oh, d'oh! You something. Um, So anyway, so we were sitting there and then she goes, The girl goes,

spk_1:   25:04
you know, you should do This is a good thing you got. Embrace it if you were older. Shit. What? You are cool. Oh,

spk_0:   25:10
my God. Right. And I just gonna be there in a few years. Right? And I just looked at her and I said, Okay. Said, I'm not oldest shit. And there's

spk_1:   25:20
no you are. You are You are old

spk_0:   25:22
as shit. And I said I said, I'm not old a shit. 40 is not old. Maybe it's old to a young 20 I guess. But

spk_1:   25:29

spk_0:   25:29
by 2040 didn't feel old to me. No, because it felt like it was always right around the corner. Once you like graduating, you're working. Really? Oh, my God. Anyway, So when she was arguing with me about,

spk_1:   25:39
you know, you just need to embrace any meaning. It's a good thing you're so cute and I just I just love it. You're adorable. Embrace it. You're older ship, but you're cute. Oh, my.

spk_0:   25:48
Okay, great. But then this is the same girl that later my friend told everybody there to listen to our podcast so

spk_1:   25:54
high if you listening. Yeah, way. Had a great time. Yeah, always. Even when I'm not on a ship, a ship that we're not. Maybe your youngest shit.

spk_0:   26:06
Yeah. Yeah. There you go, baby. That's the way. That's the way we're going to go with it. Okay? That just makes us feel

spk_1:   26:11
better, right? Well, don't worry. Because she's not gonna

spk_0:   26:13
listen until my friend is on, okay? She said, I'm not gonna listen to it. I don't I don't like weed. It makes me feel bad. Or, you know, I've never I don't know what our deal was. Okay, way She didn't want to listen because she's like, I'm not against it, You know, that doesn't work unless you don't have to

spk_1:   26:27
write. That's what I said. So you could just listen

spk_0:   26:29
and you didn't make the food we're making out, right? So if

spk_1:   26:33
you have friends

spk_0:   26:33
that you think might like it, but don't like weed, feel free to tell them that they can listen and just exclude that ingredient. Yeah, so I mean, yeah, we're doing is including it. Right? I guess that was it. Oh, yes. So she said she would love to listen if we had her our friend on as a guest. So I promised her she would be our first guest host Guest, not host. Guest speaker. Okay, friend, whatever's got it. So I

spk_1:   27:03
guess that's it. So how was your week

spk_0:   27:05
or day? Wait. Um, so we went Thio visit me, Maman in Alabama. Oh, and you were talking about Virginia, right? Alabama is a different world, Virginia, to be clear. So Southern West Virginia just not offend anybody. Way. Before we offend people in southern West Virginia, we're gonna offend people no matter what. So, um, eso Anyway, we fly out and then we land in Nashville. So we got a Nashville, Nashville, Tennessee, everybody, our airports throwing things around, people running. It's crazy. You get happening. It's

spk_1:   27:41
welcome to

spk_0:   27:42
Nashville. So chose totally different world. And we rented a car. You were driving the car just weirdest things. Like on the highway. It was it said, um, baby Yoda uses the force and a car seat, so you should use one to like it's on like the big electronic billboards. So where that was and and we're driving through Alabama and literally there's a car that has no hood, no windshield like nothing's covered on the top. And you can drive around because there's no inspection. That's insane. Like you could have a duct tape car and it doesn't matter. You know, there's no instructions. However, if you don't have windshield wipers, he will get pulled over. You don't

spk_1:   28:30
have to have a windshield. Holy are you have with the wipers. And we saw, like, you could see where you had a hood.

spk_0:   28:37
And of course, obviously you used to have windshield and their wipers, and I and I I looked

spk_1:   28:43
at my husband and I'm like, Oh, my gosh,

spk_0:   28:49
um, and he's like, you know, inspection. He's like, however other wipers. So apparently

spk_1:   28:54
you can get pulled over with you, not the

spk_0:   28:56
windshield. Make sure you have your windshield wipers. Well, thank God there. Anyway, that's not my something new. My something new. Yeah. Can I just tell you real quick? Yeah. Forget. Yeah. Speaking of that, yeah. I'll tell you that I got pulled over last week, Uh, right down the street from my house from my tent on my car.

spk_1:   29:11
Oh, really? You just had

spk_0:   29:13
that done? Yeah, apparently it's slightly too dark, but I've always had my cars with the same little tent and apparently this cop that I see like every day you always sits in the same place, like right outside my house. I have to pass it to go to work. Anyway, he pulled me over the other day and he came around the window. It was like, you know, acting all tough and I put the window down and I have three kids in the backseat and my mom in the front seat and his demeanor changed. He was super nice telling me the rules around it. So the rule, apparently in Pennsylvania, applies to sedans. Okay. And I assume coops Well, I guess not because coupes don't really back windows. So it was about as a back window rule the tent wise. So can't be too dark, because And he's like, I could come around. You could have a gun point at me. I wouldn't know. Okay, then he said. But someday. Our, um I think it's hatchbacks and SUVs are exempt because they don't have a trunk, so they don't have a safe, like, secure place to put things that people can't see a Sufi an SUV or have been five.

spk_1:   30:16
Isn't it kind of bullshit,

spk_0:   30:18
cause okay, it's either illegal or it's that is dangerous, right? Or it's not,

spk_1:   30:22
like same thing with,

spk_0:   30:23
like, buses, kid. Somewhere seatbelts on losses. Right. But we have to everybody. So we're seep out. But no, on a school bus. When there's a 1,000,000,000 kids all that stupid, why would you wanna wear seat belts, right? Yeah, I don't understand it all. Like, Okay, if I'm an SUV, I'm less likely to shoot you. It doesn't make any sense. If the logic is whatever. Sorry s O, that was just reminded me that you apparently have to check his check the print law or the tint loss in Alabama. Yeah, maybe they just don't have windshield because they can't 10th. Um, well, the, uh my my I'm glad you told me that my husband just got 10. He needs thio. Check that. But the guy that was there before had come from West Virginia. Oh, and he was getting it from the same guy. I think it's the guy that your husband uses, because it's about what they do. But he was getting his front lawn chilled down to Oh, and like, apparently there it's, like, 15 box of heating care. So if he gets pulled over there, it's like 15 bucks. And he's like, I like the way it looks so But it was, like, totally, even the front windshield. I didn't think you could do that at all. No, I don't think so. I think it's here. It's, like two inches down, the way you handled the whole the whole band. So anyway, yeah, Crazy. Crazy. So, um, what was I saying? Oh, so my something new? Yes. Or something new. Sorry, that's fine. I wake up

spk_1:   31:37
card games and you know

spk_0:   31:38
the one where you count cows and in Pennsylvania. And then, um, you're the one that plays it. You're the only one, but I know they don't talk about it. Yes. You know, I don't want to say yes. I know of accounting Callous game, cause I've never played and you don't want to be clear, and you don't know the game for the first time you've ever heard of it was me saying it, but right, there are other people who plays games. So you can't cows and then on your side, a car or whatever. You know, you can't house. And then if you go past a graveyard, river at the end has yeah, whatever it is, it it's a game. Sure. So it's a card game. There's not like the, like, the license plate game where you see if you can get all 50 states. Yeah, I get that one really don't like you.

spk_1:   32:19
So I'm just

spk_0:   32:20
messing with you. I get the game at school. Yeah, sure, sure, Yeah. No, you don't think it's cool, But you know something? I'm home in my son. Play a game where they count us ups and FedEx trucks. One of them pick ups. The 1st 1 to pick picks one. And then however many they pass that day were together, they get points. I'm gonna add that to my list of games.

spk_1:   32:40
Do it.

spk_0:   32:40
Okay, Because we're gonna be like, uh, tractor trailers count for more than, like, the little delivery trucks. And there's a whole point system associated with it, So, yeah, added to your list. I will. So I get the concept. Yes, I've just never played it. And I think it's funny that involves counts that I think it should be tipping the cows if you want to make it Pennsylvania Now, instead of killing them. Oh, and when you really die well, in the game, they die. So why don't you just tip them over and make it a true Pennsylvania cargo eso like instead of because you go past a graveyard? Yeah. Over. Yeah. What? I pray and of a dead people know you're killing him off anyway. Okay. What's your Pennsylvania game? What else you got so weird. Alabama didn't work. There just wasn't enough cows. I don't know if it's because it's cold. I do. You know what? I don't know why I don't care. We Where were we were? There were not enough cows. Gatun. So we made enough. Another game of what? You see. A lot of in the South. It's his church's Baptist churches. Just any church. So, um, if you pass church, you get a point. But if you pass a funeral home, church burns to the

spk_1:   33:42
way we have to adapt this one way. So you're the nice

spk_0:   33:55
one. I mean, you're the like, you know, the one that keeps me from saying things that are out of line. And here you're killing cows and burning churches to the ground in your car. Get suggesting a gotcha.

spk_1:   34:03
So s

spk_0:   34:05
So we're going back and forth, and, um, yeah, my husband says he want I think I won. But regardless, we have, like, 20 some. I mean, I lost. Was he driving? Yes. Then he cheated. Oh, hey, I

spk_1:   34:15
know him. He's definitely cheating cheating because

spk_0:   34:18
he wasn't found a funeral home. Yeah, but no. But as far as like and, you know, some of that doesn't matter. It was fun. I just mean, if he was driving, he would make sure he won take a course that insured. He won. Yes. What? I mean, well, and I think, Hey, practice. So but we, um And then I said, Well, we have to make a game for this. That's Alabama. Got Pennsylvania. We have one for Vegas because oh, yeah. My husband goes out there and a lot. And so they play Hot Girl High five, which tell me. I know I'm so hungry. I never asked for the details. So you try to see Hot Girl give high five if she gives you a high five back, its one point if she doesn't high five you, it's minus a point. And if she high fives you and then like, tries to grab your hand and like, tries to, like, you know, take you home because she's hooker, right? Then you lose negative five points. Oh, you'll kill the hooker. They don't know you and lose points. So I think we need to go with the guys next time cause I think we will totally win that game for sure. Because first of all, we can tell the difference between a hacker. Oh, I'm not a hooker, which apparently they can't, which

spk_1:   35:21
is just it's just sad

spk_0:   35:23
for them. And on top of that, girls will not feel like a creepy guys trying to

spk_1:   35:28
find them and know how five us like, Oh, good. More girls who were drunk like us. Woo, we're

spk_0:   35:33
so gonna win that game. So So That it was a trip to Vegas is Vegas trips, and then no, we've been Anyway, we gotta come up with a game per state per state. So I have to make use your ups one for New Jersey. That sounds like a New Jersey cape. Well, I don't know what I guess it could be. Yeah, but New Jersey has beachy come with some good for the beach, maybe. Okay. Anyway, I digress, So yeah. So Yeah. Alabama. And that was the new game we made up. That was my something. Raju has Atlantic City. Come on. You can do something with that. Yeah, I could. I could I will say that. Your challenge. I still haven't done the foot pill. You've done your foot, Killian. The foot peel have honor. So no. No way put it. We put the bride's in for about half an hour. Half How's it going? We're good. Okay, Looks good. Looks good. Looks good. Looks good. So So funny story. I wanted to tell you, my friend that lives out West emailed me and she said you got a story for you. So anyway, so I end up talking to her and she goes when we got to make those Rice Krispie treats and I took him to like I get together with some family over the holidays, and, um, she, uh they went over Really? Well, you know, that's really okay. And she goes, But I gotta tell you, this story shows where a bunch of us were standing around talking about our experiences on, like, the last time we had edibles. Like what we do. And she told me some of the stories, and they were really funny. I guess I'm not super relevant to this story. So they decided then that they should eat the rest Krispie treats before dinner. Even though they hadn't eaten yet that day because they were, like, you might as well take it. Bad marriage kit set in it. Just like I said, Our brain is gonna be about 1/2 an hour half owner. And, um So then so everybody in her little circle that was talking about that took someone she turned around on her brother in law and somebody else. So I forget we're standing right behind them, like part of the conversation, but, like, not super involved, she's like, Do you guys want some of the other guy took one and she's like my brother and I was not gonna want one. He's like, straight laced, you know? Sure, it's from there. Right? Right. He's from out. He's from out here. Okay, Yeah, where it's legal there but not legal here. So for and for his job, he she didn't think he could have some product. But she's like, whatever you know, I don't know. So she's I'm gonna offer because it's rude not to, sure. So she's like, Do you want one? He goes, Well, what is it? And she goes, it's inedible and he goes, Hell, yeah, I want one And she's like, Oh, why he's progressive. I don't even

spk_1:   38:00
know it was cool, Okay?

spk_0:   38:02
It doesn't sound like him, but I guess he's listening up in his old age, Sure, but young message. Yeah, I know. I see. So c e to their point. So he ate one, and she's like, Cool. Okay, so they went back to the people who hadn't finished telling their stories. We're telling our stories have helped. Last time they had edibles, and so he's laughing along. And then he looked at the other guy and goes, Wait, what's inedible? And then the guy told him he was okay and he goes, Oh, she was any freaked out because she was right for his job. They It's not that he can't for his job. It's just that that he gets randomly drug tested. God could be randomly drug. It is what it was because it's still illegal. Reverie, ation Aly where he lives. Okay, heels. So that's what it wa. So he was freaking out. She's like, Well, when was the last time your drug tested? He's like it's been years. She's like, Okay, you're fine, you know? Just calm down, just relax. And so he tried to make yourself throw up. Oh, my

spk_1:   39:03
gosh. And she's like, Dude, it's not gonna fix it. It's in your blood by now, you know,

spk_0:   39:06
or whatever. Yeah, just like it's just enjoy it. Whatever. You're gonna be fine. So if I eventually gave in relax and he said it was so wonderful Oh, I'm sure he wouldn't do it again because he's not progressive, apparently. But maybe neo, when it finally becomes legal recreational Hee hee will so end

spk_1:   39:28
of story. Yeah, but that was hilarious.

spk_0:   39:30
That you could have somebody accidentally have inedible.

spk_1:   39:33
Yeah, you know what I was told? It was something that was

spk_0:   39:36
a story. She's definitely right there. Apparently, was it, But so did Everything was good. So, you know, cause follow over there. Oh, yeah. She said he was fine. I was good. Good. Yeah. He's home testing. He's fine. Oh,

spk_1:   39:54
you seriously,

spk_0:   39:55
like, freaked out. And that s for goodness sake. Yeah, it's crazy. Yeah, but to each his own. So anyway, other story. Want to tell you you remember the whole ship's brothers? Yes. With report dog. My poor dog, while we finally have put him in diapers.

spk_1:   40:13
No. Hey, just can't

spk_0:   40:14
I mean, he still you know him, you know? But we didn't we So he's cut diapers and butt diapers or just for a P. You know, they're not for poop. So, um, since we've had babies and stopping, like, you could sneeze on him, you know, put your pants. Yeah, I'm so I leaned down. I'm trying to clean the dogs. PR. It wasn't Pete. It's just poop happened. And then it the smell of the poop made me gag. And then I

spk_1:   40:44
try to hold it because I need to go now. You have to go. What do you have to go. So is the most pathetic thing

spk_0:   40:49
of, like, all the floor cleaning group up. You know, Pete, my pants. Yeah, well, that's our timer. Okay, Some time. Wow. That was a quick 30 minutes, right? I think we need to let it cool, though. Okay? Or we can eat it because I think it's gonna be hot, but let's check those. It's definitely gonna be done. No, it

spk_1:   41:10
looks good. Yeah, look at it. Oh, what does who came out clean? I guess it's done.

spk_0:   41:19
I pull that baby out. Smells delicious. I'm just gonna have to go get some gluten free. Browning's? Yeah, we'll have to try it, but well, I'll have to try it. But let it cool off for a little bit, okay? Because it is smoking Stephen. Anyway, so I know I hate it when that happens. It's like the, uh the one time it was sick. I was throwing up and I had my new uggs on which I just love. They're so comfortable anyway. And the stomach bug hit me. Oh, my God. My throat. I ran upstairs hugging the toilet puke, and all of a sudden, the pieces running down my legs you gotta be hitting me about my

spk_1:   41:58
brand new shoes on. I'm puke ing. I'm guessing myself Shoes off. I'm trying to kick the shoe rebuking. Can't take my face

spk_0:   42:09
away from the toilet for one second. But God, I don't want my Jews ruined. Oh, my gosh. So I kicked them off and then, like, kicked about the bathroom door and just lay there and puked in a puddle of

spk_1:   42:19
pee. It was like the low point of my entire well, you. There's, ah, physical theory.

spk_0:   42:25
My So my doctor was trying to talk me into because, you know, it's gotten after two kids. It's gotten worse and, um, she's talking me into they have physical

spk_1:   42:33
therapy and in my head,

spk_0:   42:35
I'm thinking, Oh, awesome. So I'm gonna be a next Joe with his bicep issue, like Glenn over there and his tricep issues and

spk_1:   42:43
hunted like just click this tingling over here like just clenching my E. Oh, I'm not a creep watching

spk_0:   42:54
you end up in los balls, and right now you don't even know exactly. So she's No, it's actually just for your pelvic wall, and then so you do it. It's just a bunch of women just sitting there. Apparently,

spk_1:   43:08
I think your separate, but I thought wow, like, that's cool. And

spk_0:   43:11
I guess she will hook up electrodes to see where you're weak. Muscles are, and you get all kinds of different things that you can do. Thio strengthen those muscles and stuff, you know? So I thought I might, you know, try. We should do Should girls we should do it together. Do it. That'll be our something new. Yeah, we'll do it together. Okay, Do that and I'll go get a Brazilian, and I'll be, like, super like, Yeah, I will never do And strong yet. No, thanks. I don't even get my eyebrows done. As you can see, they're, like wild because I don't like wax. This is sugar, sugar, whatever rips the shit out. Okay, but funny. You say that, though, because we were just talking about puke ing for some reason the other day, and my friend said, Well, you know, with all the yoga, you know, with all the well you know, you're doing your pelvic wall. Your pelvic floor, whatever should be stronger now. So maybe the next time you puke, you won't pee yourself. Well, that would be great, right? That's what I thought, Michael. Hopefully I won't puke. Well, then it went away to the bachelor party. Weekend

spk_1:   44:19
puked. You cute? Yeah. From drinking too much? I don't know. Uh, I don't know. So he was

spk_0:   44:30
probably from drinking too. It's probably from drinking too much. Goodness gracious. I hate to say that,

spk_1:   44:34
but it was well, drink

spk_0:   44:36
anymore. I don't drink now. I really don't drink that much. And I drink. I had to hang with them. I don't want him to think I'm an old lady. Well,

spk_1:   44:45
bad. Is that the way you wear? Your old

spk_0:   44:53
lady could smoke you under the table. Oh, God, you could So anyway, so and so did you pee your pants? So I didn't.

spk_1:   45:02
So it s all the yoga is working really more ways than you can even imagine. Isn't that cool? That's awesome. Not gonna do yoga, right? I'm telling you, I used to.

spk_0:   45:13
I just, you know, haven't since I I must sign that for a bigger body. Yoga class and I chickened out.

spk_1:   45:20
We need to do it. I love it. I used to Like I said,

spk_0:   45:23
that's what I did in college. that's what I did. I just since I've been an old lady way should set up. So before we record, we do yoga, okay? And we'll make it our new thing that we do together.

spk_1:   45:34
I don't think you're like

spk_0:   45:35
a yoga master now. Like a private club. I don't think I could hang with you right now. I gotta I gotta find that. You know, we keep saying that, but you don't do it, so I'm just gonna force you to do it with me. You have to jump in and read your self conscious with

spk_1:   45:47

spk_0:   45:48
Plus, I don't bare feet. You know that yoga socks can't I don't like yoga socks have toes and, you know, just regular grippy socks like trampoline sauce. Is that what people people don't get? That I do that you've worn a

spk_1:   46:01
groove. Me socks. Oh, serious. Yes. No way. Yeah. That makes

spk_0:   46:05
me feel better, even at your class on

spk_1:   46:07
Sunday. Yeah, sweetie. Okay. I would totally

spk_0:   46:11
go with grippy socks. All right. Next Sunday, we'll go. No, not not that. I'm not doing a group. I have to do like, like, at least a month. Okay. Start. All right. Anyway, so better stories talk about something else. So I wasn't sure. And I was at the spatula party with nine other younger girls. I think should I can't piss myself on puke. I was so nervous. So I grabbed one of the Bath 1000 shoved it down my genes

spk_1:   46:40
so nobody didn't. It didn't

spk_0:   46:42
matter because there was fine. It was fine until today when the girls watch their face with it.

spk_1:   46:47
You know, I didn't put it back through. Just I'll This was wanting to make that clear for girls. I didn't put it back. Not you, Not me. You know, it was just like

spk_0:   47:06
a moment of panic. Like I'm gonna puke. I'm gonna

spk_1:   47:09
piss by, shove it in there, and I don't have any.

spk_0:   47:11
Like, I have another pair of jeans. But like, they were dressy jeans and they all would have known That's not me, right? I brought, um, in case I wanted to dress up. Right. Anyway, point of the story. I didn't pee my pants. That's so happy to

spk_1:   47:23
Pierre Pick me to thank you so much. All right. Good for you. If you'd like to

spk_0:   47:26
share that with somebody who can really appreciate it If you want, you can have kids. They just stole My gosh, that's terrible.

spk_1:   47:31
There are some people that

spk_0:   47:32
have kids and don't have this problem. I don't understand it. Yeah, well, you know, I know. I met them on the some people that don't gain weight when they get pregnant. And some people that just love being pregnant. Oh, yeah. Fuck you all. You know, Not really. Not really. Like if you love it and you feel beautiful and glowing, I felt fat and gross time and sick. Yeah. I mean, I love my kids, but being pregnant and there are, there's a lot of people live. My sister is one of them. She could have baby. She could pop out babies all day long. She loved it so good. You look good. Her boobs got bigger. She with it, you know, but whatever. So so, Yeah, that looks really good. All right, So you're gonna try

spk_1:   48:11
it now? I think it's time for testing. All right. Okay.

spk_0:   48:16
Slice a piece. Oh, that looks so

spk_1:   48:18
good. Look at

spk_0:   48:20
that. Okay, I'm gonna take the corner. That corner is always the best. Custard corners, not the gross crusty corner see, it's still really Oh, it's like steaming. That's like going look at the little chuckle chips arguing that Julia chefs Well, Kara was started here with air cooled. The sum you have Thio let me know if the vanilla made a difference. Since you didn't do much vanilla. So hot one of ready? Yeah, I'm ready. Eyes burning my mouth. So Okay, I was trying not to, uh, screen.

spk_1:   49:02
I thought you'd take a little nibble.

spk_0:   49:05
You shut the whole thing in your mouth like a whole serving. Yeah. Okay. Like, really good. It doesn't taste, like, have a kind of it all

spk_1:   49:13
way. Did a good job. I think you know, we can't start

spk_0:   49:15
check. We can even add some What? We could do this again with even more like healthier ingredients. We can swap out things. Yeah, we could almost even make it Kato. Or we could like or we could We could swap least swap out the sugar and for something else. And the things that really make it really make it help. If we use Takeo on all that, it'll be super healthy. Ko. Yeah, Yeah, we could do that. Definitely. I don't know if That's how you say it. I don't know how I would say so. Yeah, that's wrong. Sorry. That's something we can talk about later. Okay. One of our many screw ups. This was perfection. Gum would be perfection. So I know what I don't think people understand the amount of references. You can have two friends at any given point in the day. I'm sure. I'm sure that Well, I mean, I don't know if people understand that, but yes, it's true. Yeah. Yeah. It's like at any situation. There's

spk_1:   50:13
a reference. It's there. We just said

spk_0:   50:15
we were taking stuff down the basement, and it wasn't fitting, and I was doing it with my youngest. And I'm

spk_1:   50:20
like, Pivot pivot going down the basement. And he's

spk_0:   50:24
looking at because he's never watched it. Like, Why are you saying that? I just

spk_1:   50:27
couldn't stop saying it because you have to keep saying it, right? So, yeah, I do it

spk_0:   50:33
all day. Yeah. Good. Me too. I'll just text you every time I've got one. All right? Yeah.

spk_1:   50:37
We were

spk_0:   50:37
getting that for a while. Yeah, we need to You need to get back on that. But it's so funny. All

spk_1:   50:41
right. Well, I guess that's it.

spk_0:   50:42
All right, well, until we meet again like us and subscribe. Yeah, go to iTunes and rate review and subscribe. I guess that's how we get ratings and listeners. And I know, however, stop iTunes store algorithm. Facebook. What else do we we wantto what's our email? Um, a pot and kettle podcast at gmail dot com. You can email us and let us know if you have any suggestions or any ideas of food that you want us to make. Any stories you want to share. Yeah, like our Rice Krispie treat story. That was fun to hear. So anything else like that? Yeah. Shooting our way. All right. Sounds

spk_1:   51:16
good. Central. Next time, I by day, don't you say that?