Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy
Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy
Ep. 9 - Cannabis-infused and keto-friendly cocktails
Relax your day away with Lora and Gracie as they stray from edibles and create "drinkables." These marijuana-infused and keto-friendly cocktails take the off a rough day. Had a rough week? Maybe try one of each!
It's spa hour for these quirkly gals as they sit back, have a drink, peel their feet and burn their faces. Make a drink and join in on the fun!
Thanks for listening! Send us your ideas and recipes at potandkettlepodcast@gmail.com.
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Hey, guys, You're listening to Pot and Kettle, the comedy podcast where we are cooking with cannabis. I'm Gracie,
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and I'm Laura. We hope you enjoy your show. It's
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rehashed time. This is where we discuss our past episodes. And also correct are many errors. All right, so we need to talk about Avocado. Granny's
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bum episode mine. All right, Every 39 avocado brownie issues. I hope so, because I don't even remember now. Episode eight was brownies.
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So this is Episode nine. Welcome to episode nine. Yeah. Welcome. Nine. Really
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good at math. So how are the brownies? They were delicious. You know, I wasn't sure if it was gonna Taste is good as the place I got, um, being homemade when I don't really know how to bake Super well, but not super good. Big. I'm just have a pretty good there anyways, so they
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were really good.
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Okay. So I mean, um, and I think that the dosage again we got right on it was just just like enoughto You feel it, but it's not overpowering it all. So that was what I was looking for. So it was perfect. If you're looking for a good time you're gonna want to eat, like eight of them. Oh, okay. Okay. Well, that being said, yeah, I made them with gluten gluten free brownies. Brownies. Happens to be my seventh grader, who obviously is on the medical marijuana for his crone's disease. His favorite food in the entire world. So I made
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them for him. Nice. And he loved that anyone you
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know. And you're right. The dosage, they did not. I gave him a little tiny little piece. You have a piece. You know what I mean? The way that, you know, I had my husband do the math because I
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don't see Oh, So anyway, they're They're they're great. And he didn't,
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You know, they're avocados in the end, and he won't touch avocados with a 10 foot pole like he would rather, I think, die an avocado. That's something about the green. I don't know what it is with kids and green. Anything that Dexter's a little bit off on those. Yes, and he is a kind of a text. My husband and him are both texture people. So anyway, they were hit in our house, so yeah, and I think my husband even tried them and thought they were good. I didn't even tell them. And no one even knows they have a
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code within them. So
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he tried the weed. Brownies? No, no, no, no. You made two batches. Know I'd be gluten free. And because I'm gluten free, okay? She made gluten free, and we'd won, Yes. Gotcha. Yeah. So we were cooking. We did the same thing. I do that. When? Because I don't bake a lot. Yes. Ever gonna bake? I had to make. I can't make brownies for my seventh grader and then be fourth grader. Sorry. You can't have any. So, yes. So we made. We made. Just wasn't clear. I
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thought they was. No, wear these. No, we cannot do that. It's only the one that's illegal. Oh,
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no. Yeah. Especially my. I'd be, like, thrown in jail. Oh, my poor little fourth grader. So no regular remedies for the rest of the fan, but still the same recipe? Yes. And it was good, you know, without the weed. And according to my something
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greater amazing with it.
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So perfect. It was It was a win win. I'm really happy with the brownies. I was looking forward to it. I mean, we should. I mean, that's a no brainer. Yeah, you're right. That's a cook. Those for sure. And knowing that he likes thumb and you can cut them into his daily dosage and then freeze so much what you did, right? I made a pan. Well, not forever, but long time, regular gluten free because nothing regular about gluten free. But the regular brownies that we made are gone. These are all cut up and put freezer. So perfect.
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Yeah, it was good. It was great. So I'm so glad you found that recipe. Woo. So, yeah, the other things
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that we were gonna talk about from last episode. Waas Oh, Are
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you going to
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the older shit people thing? Yeah. Yeah, actually, in two days, she's getting married. Not the one who called me on the show. My friend is getting married, so yeah, that'll be fun. Right? Well, we'll see if I am, in fact, older shit or if there are possibly maybe people who are older than me who are also in attendance, I'm sure there will be. It'll be a fun little game to play another people who I believe are older versus number that are younger. There you go. I'll turn it into a drinking game. Oh, and we know that some good We didn't make appointments for our, um, bad mental therapy. Uh, what is it? Therapy. I know what kind of therapy physical
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physical are vaginal physical therapy
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or vaginal mental. So I will get on that. It's my It'll happen sometime in the future. I don't know. I'm so shy about that. So I don't know when that's gonna happen. So what? We will do it. All right, well, we'll make it up. All right. Well,
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is there anything else we need to rehash? I don't think so.
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Let's get ready for the show. All right? Today on the show, we are going to be making What
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are we
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making? Making alcoholic drinks? Because Gracie was feeling left out. However, we are also making tincture that we're going to add to our drinks. Yes. So there's a little bit better yours? Yes, but s Oh, so we're gonna be making drinks. You're remaking tincture, though? Yes, For your drink. Yes. And I know we made it before, but I am doing it a different way, so I just wanted Thio compare notes on which we think aesthetics. I made the tincture before and we put it in the lollipops and in the gummy bears. Yes. So this time I'm doing it differently. I'll talk. I'll tell you what I did. Why don't you tell us about the tincture and then we'll talk about what kind of drinks we're gonna be making. Okay, So what I did is I took the same amount, so I use I just used one gram of, um weed and marijuana. Ok, um, half a cup of Everclear. Okay, so So I started that. Okay, already. And it's almost done because what we had I'm last time, If you remember. We cooked it first, and then we shook it for, like, three or four minutes. And the Everclear This time I'm cooking it on a much lower heat. 130 degrees. But for eight hours. So it's been cooking all day. No wonder it smelled a little aromatic in here
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is delicious. Okay, so this has been
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cooking. And you said it's it's getting close. Yeah, Thio. Yeah. So I just wanted Thio, but, you know, we couldn't talk about whatever we composite and come back when it's done. Whatever. However you want to do it, it's almost done. But I wanted you to, like, walk through the finishing it in this training and all that what we do from their sounds. Good. So, um, doesn't need to cool before you can drink it in your little cocktail. Yeah, but there's not that much. That shouldn't take too long. Okay? Just throw it in the fridge or something, okay? Yeah. We could finally have to, So it's not gonna phrase we can pry stick it in the freezer. Yeah, we'll try it. Experiment? Yeah, We'll see what happens. Okay. Sounds
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good. Okay, so today I am
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going to be making a I am now, I I'm gluten free, as everyone knows, and I'm also trying to be really low carb. So this is going to be a key toe friendly cocktail. And, um, I prefer gin. The recipe calls for vodka. So whatever you feel, and
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I'm going to be using
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the little meows to make my cocktail. So this one I mean, they're gonna use the tropical cherry, um, or maybe the black cherry. I don't know which chair and my mix him. And I'm like, go crazy. But tropical and black cherry and one drink. Yes, Count World. So yummy. So I'm gonna make a really fun, fruity cocktail is usually I only can have, you know, seltzer water some gin, and I'm done with, you know, on on the rock. So I
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wanted something fruity and fun today. Look, you
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have vitamins in a Tuesday, actually, super healthy. You could do some of caffeine to. I heard those ones are good. I don't know how that goes with alcohol, but
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try bad. Yeah,
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it'll be like, you know, when you do the energy drinks in the alcohol, be good times. Good times.
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So So what are you doing
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for your drink That you're adding the tincture to? I'm just gonna do a basic gin dirty martini. Oh, Young. Yes. I might have to do a dirty martini after the fruity stuff. Regular should I will. Oh, well, you're the reason that I drink them. I didn't know you were talking about too. So we're gonna go with the dirty marketing with the with the dirty martini. And it's funny because my grandfather always this was his drink, and I never liked, and then you I met you and you started drinking. And so I'm like, Okay, one more person, I drink it. And now when I drink it, I think of both of you, and I actually really
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enjoy it now. Oh, yeah? Well, you know what? To
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I think that, um, making it because you love all of sudden. So And you've you've been where if you make it extra dirty, then you get that delicious olive, and you gotta get past all the other stuff, and then, you know, it's good. Yeah. So? So how it is when you dropped the wheat tincture in it. So yeah, so you have You have to let us know, but what is the next step or tincture? Where we at? How many minutes we've got? Okay, so we have about we're about five minutes. You know, I think we're close enough. It's been eight hours spent. Seven hours and 55 minutes. I don't think the last five minutes is crucial. Okay. Such a rebel,
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You know, between you and your Cherries and five minutes Oh, everything goes today. Must be a full moon. Oh, my goodness. So Oh, I
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just before we grab, start, you know, doing the draining and the straining. And what the heck were doing? Um, I wanted to let everyone who's
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listening know what we're gonna be doing. What? We're drinking our cocktails. Yes. So we thought we deserve
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Cem. Relax a shit and pampering, and we're
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going to
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take an entire hour of our day and we're going to do foot peels,
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peel. I say it right while we
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drink our drinks. We don't We won't subject you to the whole time. You know, we'll record. We'll cut some
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snippets out. Yes. And then we can let you guys know what the foot peels I'm overstating. Fills the foot, foot, foot pales what they you know, if they worked and how that, you know, and all that good stuff. And I think you're even found some face masks
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that I did. I found some things, Max, that we can try. I just wish that we could have it go. The whole rest of the day. I was at all Is next time we have to have a whole day dedicated to relaxation and cocktails. Yes. Okay, perfect.
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But you know what? I'm happy
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we're getting this, and I'm excited. Yes, me too. And you know what? One of these times we're gonna make a savory so we can have a dinner. So we'll do like a glaze, like a weed glaze or something. And then you can you can have it without Then we can enjoy a nice dinner and maybe some some cocktails as well. Oh, that sounds so much fun,
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Right? Okay, way. Make a day of it. Okay, let's get going. All right, Tell me
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what we need to D'oh! Okay, So, like I said, this has been cooking for, like, ever So eight hours and 57 3 minutes now. Sorry. Seven hours and 53 minutes at this point. But, settler, what I say three, seven hours and 53 minutes is what I was going to say. Thank you. Four minutes, because we're almost there. And yes, I'm not even saying
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it. Ready? Okay, Okay. I don't know
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what I'm saying. It's OK. OK, thanks. Uh, it's almost done. It's almost like it's all like, looks like pasty. And we're looking after eight hours of cooking What you have to do the oh, no flour left. It's like a pace. I'm gonna strain it. Okay, let's D'oh! Still green. Super green. Wow. Okay. All right. So just pour it. Pour everything. Oh, nice strain. All right. Okay. All right. I'm just gonna Okay, just pour it. What do you do with all the stuff that's in there? Um, so what? All the stuff that's in there, I'm gonna catch in the strainer, and I'm so throw it out. Because at this point, it's just like like, it's, like, crumbling in my hands. Okay? It's like a paste. I can't even do anything with that. Okay, So OK, I am going to I'm just gonna put still really green. It's super super green. This would be good for ST Patty's Day. You're right.
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No. Right. Maybe
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do some kind of green something for Well, I mean, it's not hard. Everything. The screen with this stuff. Okay, so you got that, and Wow. Looks good. That's it? Yeah. That's all have to do for for the tincture. I actually got a good strainer. Thank you. Congratulations. Thank you. So I don't have to look for cheesecloth or your co filters. Whatever. I can actually strain it like a normal human being. and takes about five seconds instead of 20 minutes. Yeah. So this is cooling. And, um, do you wanna get started on your drink? Yes. And then I'll let you make my drink because I don't actually know how to mix drinks. Oh, I'll do that. People were looking for me, so I'll put the picture in and I'll let you make a drink. Okay? Do you want peace and love or what does this one say? Generous pour dinners, pours Got out some fancy glasses. E want peace and love. And you have Dinner is poured. Sea always a food thing. Okay. Okay. Ready? Okay. So for the, um, Kato drink, you can just add the meo straight into your gin or your vodka. But what I like to d'oh, it's really strong. So if you like a really strong drink than just you can drink black history. But if you're you know, you can add a little bit. It was still a little too strong for me, so I like to make it more of a
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cocktail. So what I'm gonna do is
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I'm actually gonna add about four ounces of ice water. Okay, that's about four ounces And then we're gonna add in about one ounce of the alcohol choice. Like I said, they used vodka. I'm getting use gin because it's my favorite. It's yummy. And then you're gonna love it when Jin Gracie comes to visit. Oh, yeah, Yeah, I am. Um I have I have, ah, issues with some filters.
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Filters. All right, here's a scored of a tropical
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Pretty. That's pretty. And then, um, I guess you wanna wait till it's done. We'll know. Why can I like it? It's, like a little bit little bit tied. I with the two different the two different Jerry's cherry juices. You are so rebellious I can't even stand. It s okay. So give this little mix. It's most good. And I actually like a little ice. So So I like a little ice s I'm gonna put it on the rocks because I really
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Whoa, I
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splashed. All right, a laura mess. Um, and then that's it. It's taste.
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Mmm. Fruity goodness. It is good. And guess what? It's You could have it on Qi toe. There's no carbs, so yeah, I mean, you can
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try. Try yours. You can't try mine. Yeah, you can try mine. E shut that strong.
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I assume you like to try to, like,
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shoot. I should put a couple more scores in for you
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because I know if you put
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like two more sports and it would be you, he would like it. Yeah, I could taste any alcohol in my drinks. Yeah, I like my alcohol like I like my coffee. Hey, if you do, like, sweet like Laura does, they're meo green thunder, and that is one. So be careful because it is the one has the caffeine in it. But if you add that it's, like, delicious, it's like candy. You can't even taste the alcohol. Someone, you know, It says it's a It's a little like a rock star, like an energy drink, But you can't taste the alcohol, so maybe we should try that one. Okay. And then when we put our green dragon tincture in our what was I called Green Butterfly?
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Now, green thunder, You're probably put a
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green dragon are green thunder. Yeah, we'll come out with green fire.
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Oh! Oh, you're so clever. That'll be our drink name. Okay, Fantastic.
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So, yes. So I'm gonna trademark that green fire.
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So Anyway, this is a yummy way to get a fruity cocktail and, you
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know, be able to drink it if you're, you know, gluten free and no carbs like I am so fun. Fun, fun. All right. Ready for mi Teoh? Make you a delicious. Yes, but make mine. So
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So Okay, I have her move.
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I have everything I need now. I don't know what how much, um, gin usually add, So I mean, like, for your tincture. Okay, so, deal. That's just what I'm gonna do it. Okay, Make it regular. That's what I'm saying. You don't like 50 50 Make a little bit less than you would normally put in because I'll probably put like droppers of tincture. OK, so that's not your strong It's gonna be because I've never cooked it this long. So perfect. Okay, so I got the olive juice. I'm going to do two parts gin, cause you like gin martinis over vodka. But you can use vodka in this as well, and then we have driver remove. It's like 1/2 ounce and then, um, half an ounce of all of juice. But I know you. So you're getting more because you like an extra dirty. Do you like extra dirty? Because it anything to cover up the taste of the alcohol. Yeah. Oh, and now I'm at Isis and shake it. Okay, so then I, um I gotta put in the ice, give it some shakes. I'd have a shaker. So it's getting not gonna be as shaky, but that's fine. I pick up, so I'm gonna shake it. And then, um, I did not put his much alcohol's I normally would put in. So you can add your think. Sure. Yeah. So do I mean, theoretically, I believe the alcohol should be cooked out of the tincture since it cook for eight hours, but it cooked at such low heat. I really don't know. Okay. Really, Mama. Scientists. Right. I need your strainer. And you already used it for the tincture. So let me try to do what I can do this. Okay, so I shook
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and now we're getting all the ice out and gave you four follows on a sword.
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I don't think you heard so
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cute. My mom got those when she was in Spain way long time ago. All right, well, enjoy your drink. All right. You have to add your story after t take out your olives that you can do what you need to do. You have a dropper yet? I don't know what this is from. I think that's what we use for the gummy bears thinking with the gummy bear. Oh, okay. Yeah, this is me. Tincture dropper. Okay, well, half brothers because of one and 1/2 and half droppers. All right, What a stir with Thea Lose. All right, so we're moving here to drink or moving to. Thank you. Comfy couches. I'm first. So you have you tasted years, right? I didn't. I did. You just say it's mine yet? No. Kind of scared. Uh, well, it looks what it tastes like. Ass. You mean because of the stuff you added. Yeah, I was gonna
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say, cause I not that terrible. Oh, Okay. So here's to pardon. Little cheers. Cheers. Yeah. How was it? Oh, it's good, actually. Yeah. Yeah. You looks like it's looks like
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it's good It didn't make that bitter face. No, you didn't. Not like when you drank my Oh, that's better than yours. Minus so sweet. I can't. I'm surprised you made that much of a better face, and he was gonna be a little one, but, uh all right, so yeah, you guys gotta try these drinks. Everyone listening. You'll see how fast it kicks into with the tincture. It's supposed to not take us long, but we'll see
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how this is it
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usually. So when you smoke, how long does it take for you to kick in? 5 to 10 minutes. Okay. And then when you eat, it's like an hour hour to two. Wow. Okay, some of those those browning time it took for Really? Yeah, first of that. Oh, no. Work on then. You're like There it is. Oh, okay. So I got it's called the baby foot. A simple way to baby soft your feet Original exfoliation. Foot field people have under scented this from a woman who hates feet. I do hate her fee. We'll have another yoga with me because of her feet. And I won't get a pedicure either. Right? My freak feet. So you're not freak show fie foe. They're so but that's beside the point. The point is, that means I have to take care of my feet myself so I can't go get it
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pathetic here. So I ordered this
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stuff. This is one of my weak moments in the middle of the night. It wasn't an Abdur is a lot cheaper than that. So all right, that became my town rack
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for many years. All right, so it's supposed
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to remove all the dead skin and all that good stuff. So before you use, you need to do no. Okay. So what's yours? Mine is just, um oh, moisturizing foot mask. Sorry. It's written in a whole bunch of other languages. It is a Yeah, it's just a moisturizing foot mask, so mine doesn't take as long. Mine only takes 20 to 30 minutes. Okay, so don't worry, I have three pairs, so just do it twice. That's okay. I just put him on. Okay. So basically, I've already cleaned my feet. I took a shower, I got clean feet. Uh oh. I didn't do that. Okay. Says it recommends putting a pair of socks over the beauties. I have no problem doing that, because that way you can't see my feet. And then I waited for an hour, and then I rinse them off, and that's it. And then that's it. And you couldn't do that? Well, the last
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six months, you didn't have time to go. Let's move on and put sauce. Shut up. So it's first appeal
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and stuff, so I got really freaked out about it. You're not supposed to. You're supposed to not peel it. Just kind of let the dead skin. I'm just so afraid they're gonna be more freak show feet than they already are. You saying peel, though growing up so fast? I'm working. I'm working so hard on it. Okay, so, um, what's one? Okay, let's do this. All right. You got your baggy? Yeah. What do you have to do with yours? I'm sorry. I was so only into my own world. That's OK. It's the same thing. Washing dry feet thoroughly to remove moisture. Done that. Insert feet inside. Put masks about to do that. Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes. Okay. Can do that. Then I can massage any excess product onto the skin for long lasting hydration.
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Do these are way like those
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booties that like like they're workers put on when they go into the house, You know? I mean, you don't know. I mean, I do know you mean Thio. Yeah, like fold it if you could see that. I mean, how big your feet have to be. Large
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Goodness, this is for all people in case I need scissors. Huh? I didn't even read that
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part. Okay, so thank you for this is all right. I have to cut mine back are yours. I don't know that c
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stick together. Incorporated. It looks like a toilet seat cover. Well,
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are you Just rip him apart? Yeah. Oh, wow. Okay. All right. Well, they look stupider than yours, but there are a lot smarter guys. I don't need scissors
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and cutting mine. I'm scared. Like what? Like my ankles.
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Looks like the ankles of both of mine were attached with preparations like this trip down the middle.
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Yeah, but my looks like I'm putting my
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feet and some kind of scary. You definitely are
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Scared. Should be. What kind of shit In here, it's not dry. Oh, who
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really cold. It's like a gentle kind of in there. I don't
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know possible like help. Oh, I think I did it on the 1st 1 but
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it was still unexpected on the 2nd 1 Wow, that's cold it is. All right. So now we just wait the time. Hey, Google set a timer for 30 minutes. Okay, so you're more important for an hour. How'm I gonna know? Mine's done. At least this way we know yours. This okay, There you go. They're not my second letter. Gonna be super hydrated. I got little stickers toe like I'm gonna lock in the freshness. Hold all of the horrible chemicals that air melting my feet right now. So just feel starts to burn. I'm taking them off since that's what it says to Dio. Yeah, it does. Agreeing with you. I'm sealing it. You're stealing years up. You know, moisture gets in. Well, honey and more stars have some. Sure. You know, I only used to Cool. Okay, Face, mask it to where we just Yeah, let's face mask. Oh, God. Is it the kind that you like? Is it like, a stuff that you put on and you have to peel it off? Like I don't like that. I don't either.
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Get this
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card. It really one of them. I didn't realize that's what it was. And the other one was a gift clearance. Okay, you find anyway? Well, it was still a face mask, and I thought, Well, you know, sometimes it really doesn't matter why I bought it. My stickers apparently don't work on you know, they really saw Keep coming off You like going on mine? My booties All right, My booty bigger than yours My booties air
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so much bigger than you You could put
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my booties on your head They're huge, big Sony. I tell me anything exciting happen about in your week this week? Exciting in my week. Well, we went snowboarding in Virginia.
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So fun. Yeah, it was fun.
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We met, um, Shawn's family there. We had a good time. However, you know, I don't snowboard, and I don't like the cold. I thought you were skiing again. Uh, no contest I'm doing on that. Okay? I don't actually like skiing, OK? Because I think it's boring mental. Lots of people love it. It's just not, but snowboarding looks like something I would like Just suck so bad at it till the first time I went. I want you. I told you I was going down, and I you know, like you're going down. You're facing up the mountain and then you can drop your heel down a little bit and you go like a ninja time, and you lift your heel and you drop it. You just must kind of inch down the mountain. Yeah, well, I put my heel down on my toe edge, I guess Caught of the board got caught on the ice or something. I found backward. Anyway. Bang my head. Thank goodness I had a home. Atomic still really hurt. And I broke my tailbone. Yeah, so that was the worst pain ever. It lasted a while, too. Yeah. And
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you? I mean, you tried. It's not like you didn't give
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it the old college try. No, I went back up. You took lessons and you did all the things you do. So anyway, I went out there this time. Yeah, and a whole. You have to get lesson. We try to get lessons. So we finally we got out there for the lessons. Those look delicious bythe. Did you want one? Can I still want you? There's more over there right now. We'll go get him later. So we're good anyway, So we out there? I'm like, Okay, I need to take a lesson. He's like, So is this everybody's first time? I said, Well, no, I've taken the first time lesson like eight
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times E. But
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I have the skill level of a first timer, so don't worry about me. And did he agree with you? It was all said and done. Yeah,
spk_0: 28:23
well, he was a
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really shitty teacher in my defense, but yeah, everybody else is better than me. It's really hard. And I feel like I've been doing this. So I thought, if you want my core is a little better so I can stand up easier because that was part of the problem. That no, that would be easier. And my balance is a little bit better. It didn't really help. It's still the problem is, I figured it out. I thought you were gonna kind of rock it a little bit more this time. Yes. Sorry, but I got complimented. My outfits. It was not really what matters, because it is cute. Your door bs. Yeah, so you might look good. You look good doing it. You still have the coal board and all that seconds. I know you went out. You went all out. Got everything. Well, yeah. If I don't have the skill, at least I wanna look good. Yeah, well, I mean, if I had the skill to back it up, but I don't I never went skiing as a kid, so my boys both snowboard and my husband so I wanted Thio learn howto new snowboarding was going to be not in my cart. So I thought, Let's go skiing, everybody Kinsky, right? Not this girl.
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I e pointed to myself and poked myself in that way. Keep
spk_1: 29:32
you away from all sharp objects. Apparently including steeping in.
spk_0: 29:36
So but I took a lesson. And my kid, he was a great teacher,
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but he was about 15 and he was maybe a buck 25 wait. And, um, I fell over,
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I couldn't get up. And I said, I need to pick up my species like, No, we're gonna get you up, not taking over skis. I'm like, that's not gonna happen. And I'm laying there and I
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mean, for the life of me, he's pulling. I'm like, buddy, I was like, You're never gonna pay, will pick me up. There's just no way that I was right. And
spk_0: 30:08
you have 15 minutes trying
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to, you know, the beach. Get the beach, Will.
spk_0: 30:14
It's what you call down. It's hard to get. I was so in my class
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of beginner of skiing people was an 85 year old woman who'd never skied before in her life. And she was zipping around me like I was an idiot. So,
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yeah, skin's not for me. But I'll sit in
spk_1: 30:30
a lodge any day with you. Sweet. Drink some hot chocolate. Yeah. No, that's about my my level. I try. Yeah, I tried again. This time I didn't get hurt. Substantially. That's good. Oh, I consider that a win. But it wasn't fun, Did everyone else? It has everyone else gone. That was They're gone. Skiing or snowboarding or no, Shawn's family. None of them had ever been Oh, it all ever? Never. Wow, apparently, yeah. Never think some of them might have done No, I don't think they even ever Skeeter done anything out, like outdoorsy in the winter. So, like snow tubing or anything? From what we did,
spk_0: 31:07
Go tubing.
spk_1: 31:07
Though I know that probably was more fun. That was more fun. Except we went from 8 to 10 at night. but it was fun. It was just, you know, it was a long day. We retired, but that was like it was like ice. And you could tie like you could tie multiple tubes up so you could have 3 to 3 tubes tied together. And holy crap, it was so fast, I bet would you go and then, like you get, like, the rumble strips or whatever at the end, And then it starts to go uphill with rumble strips to, like, make you stop like there was a minute there. I thought we were gonna shoot through the whole thing. And I go straight through the frenzy, like in the cartoons. Oh, you're okay. That's good. I'm okay. I survived. How about
spk_0: 31:52
you? Um, you know, nothing too
spk_1: 31:55
exciting. You know, I was part of a C s, a community supported agriculture where you buy apportioning, yes, bulls and stuff like that. Well, you get a bunch of stuff that you know you're not always familiar with. A lot of times I get it from us. Organic C s A. And it's delicious. And it's all kinds of stuff. And it's exciting because then I can learn new things and taste new things that I wouldn't wouldn't normally buy. I got turn ups and I've never prepared turn ups before. So I my husband's more the cook in our house only because he's so damn picky that he needs to cook because it's what he doesn't need anything. No, he doesn't know anything, so I'm you know, how many things. It's because I'm a bad cook, which there
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are. You know, there's proof
spk_1: 32:39
out there to, you know, support
spk_0: 32:40
that. However, I think there's a
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lot of things that I can cook really well, just that's all I'm gonna say on that matter. So
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terms I I've never cooked before.
spk_1: 32:48
I like him like I could just eat them. They remind me of like a radish radish in a potato had a baby.
spk_0: 32:53
You gotta turn up so so delicious. I wasn't really
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sure, you know, aside, just non on it raw what to do with it. So I called my husband and he said, because I figured he know what to dio, and I was like, Okay, honey, you know, it's funny. All right, dear, tell me you love of my life, you know? Do you
spk_0: 33:15
know howto cook a turnip said Absolutely great.
spk_1: 33:19
He's like, Okay, grab a pot. So grab a pot and he's like, fill it with water. Put it on. We're gonna boil it. I'm a great grab a cutting board. Great. I got the cutting board. The knife. He's like, Okay, you're gonna You're gonna peel it. I've healed it. He's like, Okay, now dice it, dicing it to the don. He's like, he's like, Okay, great. How's the water? I'm like it's boy. It's almost It's almost boiling. Wonderful. He's like, Okay, now open up the garbage can and throw that
spk_0: 33:43
shit. I said What he
spk_1: 33:47
said no one's eating that
spk_0: 33:50
e no idea. Howto make turn up. He was just being a dick about right? It was like, there look. So at the end of the
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day, I just ate it. A little bit of salt was delicious. You just boiled
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it. No, I just hate him wrong. Oh, I don't like potatoes.
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And I love radishes. So it was just delicious, and I ate it.
spk_0: 34:11
So I'm sure
spk_1: 34:12
there's lots of good turn up recipes out there. If anyone would like to send this poor lady a recipe for turnips. That's awesome, because I haven't have some left, but yeah, you know what? If that recipe included a butter glaze, I wouldn't be opposed to making anything. There you go. We'll make some canna butter. So yes, over mine. I throw that shit right. The dress.
spk_0: 34:32
After all the work that I did, it was really funny. Oh, yeah.
spk_1: 34:42
My husband has quite the sense of humor. Did I ever tell you you know how he's kind of an accident in life? His sisters were planned, but he was He was like, Whoops. The accident. Yeah. So yeah. So he hey was not planned. Um, um and his His father actually wrote a very scathing letter to the Trojan company because of the
spk_0: 35:09
failed in this. Not your story. And then tell my husband about it. How? He was very disappointed
spk_1: 35:16
in the Trojan condos because my husband was
spk_0: 35:19
born bad s Oh, yes. Oh, yeah. Do you have
spk_1: 35:26
a copy of the letter? And I think it is on still on his, uh, I think they still have it on the computer or something. Maybe not. That was a long time ago. They probably don't have it. He kept a copy. It would have been like a word processor. Well, you know, the carbon copy paper that
spk_0: 35:41
Purple Way first
spk_1: 35:44
got married. His dad gave us a print out of all the money that he's wasted on cars that my husband racked. Yeah, we had an entire leg spreadsheet of how much it costs for him to have my husband. How? I'm sure for the girls, he's got a very money mindset. We should have done that. You know, you like after having kids and you see all these cute things that parents D'oh, you just leave him a
spk_0: 36:11
bill like like the ones with you.
spk_1: 36:14
Like the they have come if you want one is that that places all the places you'll go where they have Dr Seuss. Yes, and they have each teacher sign it for the kids from kindergarten. That's planning. That's amazing. And I don't think of these things, you know, until my kids in, like, second grade or 30 right
spk_0: 36:30
now is in
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seventh and I've done nothing. So if it's too late for me
spk_0: 36:33
But you did
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like you, you did a cute blanket. You know, you do with all the shirts That was a beautiful thing that you did That was really I was planning and that was great. That was in the moment. Here's what I'm gonna do, but yeah, yes, I love it. But like, planning ahead. So he's got something really great when he graduates. I mean, even that, like, you know, that your husband's father did. Here's a bill
spk_0: 36:54
I haven't been tracking that. I personally
spk_1: 36:57
think that's hilarious to give your kid a graduation. This is how much you cost me. So you better pay it forward in the world. Yeah, I think it's kind of funny. I love it.
spk_0: 37:07
I've seen all
spk_1: 37:08
kinds of different ones. I've seen that people have done like a clear lamp where they put different things in the lamp through the hole every every time. The, uh I almost stabbed myself with this.
spk_0: 37:23
No more olives. Well, no, because I ate them all, and it's like a little baby sword.
spk_1: 37:27
Just I just had it in my hand and I went to rest my hand, line shit in my hand and realized like this would go straight through my neck. I could make your jugular
spk_0: 37:35
jugular. I could kill myself with this. You
spk_1: 37:38
put it down anyway. No. I was just saying, like, I saw a funny one where they were each of backward they were doing like, everytime she walked. Did washing the and dryer everything you found in the dryer and her son's clothes. Everything she found in the dryer on her son's clothes, she would put it in this leg lamp thing. So it was like a little like coins and marbles and obviously
spk_0: 38:03
fun. Stop. That's cool.
spk_1: 38:05
Like a tar picks when you got older and just like that. So cool. And it was a really cool gift, so that was kind of cool sheet. Now it's too late. Yeah, Mr. Opportunities. Well, what do you mean? D'oh? Somebody else needs to go do this stuff we could be in all I agree. I'm really interesting dynamic, you know? What did you get for your graduation? I only bullcrap a very sentimental and full of crap. Yeah, Yeah. So good. So good. Mmm. Oh, my drink is gone. Oh, you need to get you You one more drink? I don't know. What do you want similar or something? I don't know. We'll do our face masks Yes. All right. Where That? I don't know. There's one right there. All right, so this is a We should do half in half, and we can compare like we'll do one side of her face, one on one side. I think together we can see which one you like better. Okay. All right. I'm game. All right, Cool. That's a red one. Okay, so this is called cranberry seed oil, and I don't know how to say this. T go, go to Dodo. Jojoba. Jojoba. Jojoba. Ho ho. Ba beads gently removed of skin for smooth, clear complexion. Its ingredients are 93% natural. Who makes this nuke? Nug. No. Okay. All right. So ready for the masks? Yeah. Let's do this. Okay. And by the way, I think that this tincture might be working because I feel like my liver stomach with your liver working
spk_0: 39:43
overtime, I feel it in my
spk_1: 39:47
stomach. Feels like it's on fire foe from the inside. Oh, I meant that is a good thing. Like, I think it's working. No. What was
spk_0: 39:59
that? Not clear? I've been
spk_1: 40:01
Cleaver Cleaver. All right, so this one's black and this black, it's called instead of intense black peel off mass. Now it's bye. Que Bella que Bella? Like how pretty? Oh, en espanol is Cabana. You know Spanish? Yeah. I don't know if that's actually Spanish. I'm going to say yes. Gets Italian. Okay, so this is for an intense peel off to, uh, put intense peel off treatment. I don't know if you think this is gonna hurt. I don't want to cut my hair off my face. Okay? Yeah, that's not the best part. It's black, and it's going to rip our hair off. I've seen it on TV. It's a horrible one where the people are crying.
spk_0: 40:44
I don't cry. How about we
spk_1: 40:46
just put that one on our knows the black one? Okay. Okay. Waken do the other stuff. Other places. You go first. I'm not going to go for you. Go first. All right,
spk_0: 40:55
look, it's great. Who am I? Pretty. No. How about now? Oh, it's not even pink. Oh,
spk_1: 41:05
it's white. Yeah. It's, like, clear wise. I'm jealous. Yeah. Here. I'm gonna take I'm
spk_0: 41:10
gonna put
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you're making a mess, huh? Now am I pretty now?
spk_0: 41:15
I, um I pretty you know, something like
spk_1: 41:20
it's really black. Its route one is really goopy. You're gonna drip your blackness is gonna drop on your yellow sweater. Who? Okay, like this wiper knows. Oh, okay. All right, Cool. Now what? Oh, I can feel it. Tingling pool. All right, So now we use this one. Yeah. Then we're gonna put white on the rest of our face because I
spk_0: 41:40
don't trust the black. I've seen. What? What? Oh, we look so good. I just did it
spk_1: 41:52
so good. I just did a microdermabrasion. Snakes. This is gonna make my face really rad, I bet. Oh, he did do that already did this morning. Oh, well, e do it once a week. I didn't know that.
spk_0: 42:04
Yeah, he left a land
spk_1: 42:05
stuff about you every day. Yeah, that's because I look, I don't like old skin. And my I feel like I need to get bangs because the wrinkles in my forehead this maybe you are on a ship.
spk_0: 42:19
spk_1: 42:19
just saying we need like it or not, by the way, in case you were wondering, Ok, I don't think it's supposed to burn, is it? I don't know. I feel burning Tingling. Your feelings
spk_0: 42:29
is not tingling. It's birdie. So
spk_1: 42:31
the white is more of a clear. Yeah, yeah, rights, not consistency. So, what are we supposed to do with this? I don't know. Put it on. I
spk_0: 42:42
did put
spk_1: 42:42
it on. It's on reading the instructions. I don't know. I guess I was in charge of that. Sorry again. Oh, leave on for 5 to 10 minutes and rinse off Fenner. In this one, we do the same thing we put on. Oh, no. This one is 25 minutes, and it's a enjoy for 25 minutes until it's dry. I mean, you peel it off. Yeah, and peel it off. That sounds awful. It's houses. Oh, look, this is goopy. All right? I'm gonna pause. We'll be back. Okay?
spk_0: 43:17
Oh, you
spk_1: 43:19
got your drink, darling. Drink do To tell you Looks like cum on your face I see me see me, You know, like jizz jizz all over your face
spk_0: 43:32
Oh, you're black Just dripping down your never easy drippy Yeah, like boogie So I think it's safe to
spk_1: 43:45
say that either one the gin is working which I think Yes, yes, in both of our cases and to the tinctures also working. Okay, because I'm because I feel good. I feel pretty. All right. Oh, you got black stuff and white stuff.
spk_0: 44:02
Oh, listen, I wanted to
spk_1: 44:04
tell you I never really got to thank you for getting those aprons Kettle apron More fun. They are fun. So, Gray Sky. Yeah. So she got aprons made with our partners. Candlelight. I'm sorry. Go ahead. Say it
spk_0: 44:22
again. You're so you
spk_1: 44:25
look so good right now. You thank you. Anyway, she got aprons made with our pot and kettle logo on them. The other third orbs. Parador Bs. So, um, I wanted to get you a little something, so I didn't get you anything with our logo on it. However, I did get you. Yeah. Check that out. It's deodorant eyes. You're like I don't wear deodorant, Tamar.
spk_0: 44:54
I were stuff, you know, but nice perfume anymore. Or do you write about? Look, it's all a
spk_1: 45:01
healthy for you, which has little boutique in D. C. Oh, I can take my foot shit off. I mean, my foot moisture. Now I'm have
spk_0: 45:09
appeal. Hey, Google, Stop! Hey, Google. Set a timer for 30 minutes. Oh, thanks. It's theater away. It's This is a
spk_1: 45:20
interest. Have you smelled it. No, it's black Pepper and Cleary Sage. I'm gonna smell like a dude.
spk_0: 45:26
No, no, no. It's okay.
spk_1: 45:27
Look, it's a little Okay, so it's not like a stick deodorant. No, I see it. It's like cream. Yes. The underarm area is such a sensitive spot. This is why we have sourced the highest quality ingredients and purest essential oils we could find to craft this luxurious and incredibly effective deodorant. Change
spk_0: 45:45
your life. So if I put pepper and sage in my pits, it's good shape my life. Listen. Okay. Method with your finger. School your finger.
spk_1: 45:57
Only 11 finger. Okay. Not to really not with your finger. Singular scoop. A pea sized amount of deodorant and so often in the calm of hand. If necessary, apply. It seemed like a lot of fucking work. Apply a thin layer to clean and dry skin. Okay, look, I want you to try it and let me know if you like and turn
spk_0: 46:18
right now. Well, perfect. I just took a
spk_1: 46:22
shower. Not wearing deodorant, are you?
spk_0: 46:24
I have
spk_1: 46:24
Tom's on, but it's fun. You can add it to it. Sure. Let's smell it first. I lied. I did smell it in the store. It was a better of smells. It smells delicious.
spk_0: 46:39
Like Young's sales, like savoury food. All right, so a piece. It's kind of like
spk_1: 46:47
waxy white said massage in the palm of your hand is necessary. Well, it's going to be necessary. Well, there you go. That's why I told you that piece, that pea sized amount, I'd say. Yeah, okay. I'm gonna massage it so deeply. Way I can take my foot. So you take your first. Are you doing? I don't remember, but I'm massaging, massaging, massaging. Now it's like butter. I'm gonna be putting butter and my armpits. I hope it doesn't mess up my clothes. It's
spk_0: 47:17
not mess up your clothes, Pepper sage, You know, in your armpits on your neck when you get back to my armpits. Have to go through my sleeve. I'm not gonna take my shirt off.
spk_1: 47:27
Oh, almost got a show. All
spk_0: 47:30
right. Who? Look, I like my foot
spk_1: 47:32
stuff. Really? Stupor it. All right. You know, I'm getting second pea size. Okay, now my armpits are burning.
spk_0: 47:40
It's the pepper is the pepper, cayenne pepper. Oh, my gosh. I just put my
spk_1: 47:45
hand on my face is e semen that it's gritty. I think we're supposed to massage it. So let's keep with massage. Or if you think that's exfoliating e feel it. You just got that. Okay? You thought it just ripped out of
spk_0: 48:05
a piece of skin. I thought it was It was like
spk_1: 48:08
your hair so dark. I thought it was more of the black nose on one side of your face. And I realize now it's just your hair. It was just me.
spk_0: 48:14
Oh, you're so pretty. Where we
spk_1: 48:19
gonna go tonight? Oh, goodness gracious. You should take us out on the town. People still do that. Go out on the
spk_0: 48:25
way. People to go
spk_1: 48:29
driving around, hang out in Wal Mart parking lots. Do people still do that? Who does that? I don't know. Remember way back when growing up, we used to drive the shopping center. But it wasn't. We didn't. It was Ah, I think I was a Kmart, to be honest in a Taco Bell. And our Walmart was with our Taco Bell, okay? And we were just circle a We didn't, but people did. Wow, I want Before I had a license. Yeah, we would just kind of be at, like one of the like food places. I think Eton Park or Denny's And then, as we got older than we would get in a car, remember, my friend Heather had her mom's like, big old beat up. I don't even know. It was like a huge boat car. It was falling apart. That's what we had. And that's what she's driving in. And I remember we were like looking at these really hot guys and they're like the And then these girls apparently
spk_0: 49:20
listen way. We're like following these
spk_1: 49:23
guys in a truck and they were handsome. And apparently these other girls, these were the girlfriends. So they start yelling at us and our big boat car going.
spk_0: 49:32
You're taking grandma's car out, are you? And we've
spk_1: 49:35
got scared. Yeah, and they were like they were like And of course, I have a big mouth, you know that? No way. I was like, you horse
spk_0: 49:43
thing. They want to beat us up. So that looks very short. Yeah, we made up in a place like she was like, I'm sorry. She was like the girl was like, Well, you know, it is
spk_1: 49:54
a grandma car and we're like, Okay, that was It was it
spk_0: 49:58
says away its story.
spk_1: 50:03
Grandma car. Yeah. Well, what did you used to do when you were Did you ever go cruising or were you too cool by that we would drive around and make fun of the people you were sitting in the parking lots because I had a boyfriend. I I and my boyfriend had a girlfriend. Whatever. Which was me way had better things to do than sit in parking lot.
spk_0: 50:27
These air
spk_1: 50:27
really hard to walk in, By the way, the way I wouldn't wreck almost fell over over there. It might be the gym. Fine. Often I think it's still be hard for me to walk, so way went so anyway, so that's two thumbs up on the tincture in case I forget to say it later. Okay. She likes it. Yeah. And she said it was tasty. Yummy. It was tasting you, me and her drink. You couldn't even tell. No, but I'm kind of thirsty now. OK, well, I've got my water. Probably dry mouth. Drink your water. So anyway, so later years later, my husband and I went to the same parking lot and they were kids were still doing that. Okay. Okay. And, um, but I was hungry for Taco Bell. Okay, So you want to talk about we're pulling in to talk about and there's one of those kids hit the front end of our car tendon like seven kids jumped out of a tiny little four passenger car and went scattered running because they were there all drunk or high. And then one little kid stay behind and they totaled his car because it was literally hanging on with duct tape and stuff. He got a brand new car out of it.
spk_0: 51:28
Are you
spk_1: 51:29
kidding? I'm not kidding. And that's the story of kids going in the parking lot that happened. Yeah, way end up getting that kid a whole brand new car.
spk_0: 51:38
Good for you. You know, we're so nice. You should put that on
spk_1: 51:43
your resume. I know, right? You know how, like you donate money to something and then I send you a letter, and they're like, Oh, you just health? Yes. Helped us take one step towards research bubble blah, blah, blah. I think we should be Will include that on a rest. May I think You're right. Cancer research on my recipe. Yeah, well, it's how Alzheimer's research resume. Yes, all of it. Leukemia research I get That's a form of cancer, but it's different resume.
spk_0: 52:11
Oh, it would look good working
spk_1: 52:14
if you wanna work for any kind of medical facility, right? Which I don't know. I mean, not that I'm against it. I'm just saying that's not Oh, I couldn't do it. No, those those air Amazing people, special people. I can't. That whole blood drawing thing. Bodily fluids thing. I I like I can handle bodily fluids from those I love, dear.
spk_0: 52:33
No, I mean, like, I could take a diaper. You dirty e? Yeah. We were talking about your honey hacking that could take your body it all day. I hold out my hands just right. I handle it. Go.
spk_1: 52:51
Don't get up here. We're here. Throw in the
spk_0: 52:53
toilet is so great. I was wrong with you. I was
spk_1: 52:57
thinking semen because that's what I've been
spk_0: 52:58
looking on your face. I wasn't thinking you're in, but that's fine. I'm gonna go that
spk_1: 53:03
way. Go that way. That's why you're taking dump on me. Yeah, I'm
spk_0: 53:11
not into
spk_1: 53:12
that either. By the way I know that some people are not
spk_0: 53:15
gonna judge. Wait did
spk_1: 53:27
say that Grace on gin. There are no filter so
spk_0: 53:31
bad. Whatever goes in my head just comes out. It's so good anyway. All right.
spk_1: 53:39
Is it about time for you to do your feet stuff or No. Oh, I bet
spk_0: 53:41
you we
spk_1: 53:41
should wash our faces though, huh? Get Arges stuff off the black stuff. Needs to stay a little
spk_0: 53:47
bit. Gonna do that? How we're gonna wash all the Jews off and keep the black. Told me on her nose. No, but that's it's gonna
spk_1: 53:55
take some effort because I just like we can't watch it all up. No one watched all around. You're absolutely right. I think we're just gonna leave it. My thing's gonna be beeping, too, because I had to reset the timer for my feet. Member. You were the 30 minutes Now is the hour. Yeah, so I'm still relaxing, but if you
spk_0: 54:14
want to go wash, that's
spk_1: 54:15
fine. So, I mean, I guess you know, the drinks were a success. The relax ation,
spk_0: 54:20
and I'm not saying I
spk_1: 54:21
want to end. I'm just saying I think I need to wash the jizz off my face. I'll be right back. Okay? Okay. One second. Oh, CASS, we're gonna We're gonna call this the burning episodes because
spk_0: 54:32
she's burning at my my face. Your face is burning in. Your eyes are burning. Right? Glad I got my period because tampon helps with Look, I got control. Okay, So on that note, I guess that
spk_1: 55:03
it's probably time. Thio, take this. So lovely Footbath off your foot. Pill off your feet. Foot peel. Okay. Wash the jizz and shit off. Your face has been fine. That's been real on DDE. Say goodbye, Everybody all
spk_0: 55:19
right? Well, I think I think we have successful relaxation will make it longer next time. And until then, please listen like
spk_1: 55:26
such a ride. All of those things. Email us at pot and kettle podcast at gmail dot com. Yeah, and that's
spk_0: 55:35
it. Great. So I'll have a dope day by