Pot & Kettle: Cooking with Cannabis and Comedy

Ep. 10 - "Ounce" Cake

Grace and Lora Season 1 Episode 10

Listen along as Grace and Lora make their version of pound cake with marijuana-infused flour while they discuss the origins of Hitler's mustache (among other things).

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Hey, guys, you're listening to Pot and Kettle, the comedy podcast where we are cooking with cannabis. I'm Gracie,

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and I'm Laura. We hope you enjoy your show. It's

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rehash time. This is where we discuss our past episodes and correct are many errors. And today we're gonna be talking about cocktails from Episode nine. They were delicious. Did

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you love yours? I loved mine. I love yours. I did the cato Cocteau was delicious. And I think I had, like, three. I felt wonderful, and it was because I love gin and everything was good. So yes, years

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was with tincture gets. And we made a

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tincture in Episode two with a lollipop skits and we also made and it was a different tincture career in a different way of making God. Same tincture, Same tank. Sure. Okay, so we're gonna see which one did you like better? Well, I prefer the tincture in Episode nine. Um, we both both of them we made with the same amount of weed and ever grain Everclear alcohol way. Have a restaurant. I think there is that we keep from messing that up. Yeah, I couldn't remember which is which. One ideo when I drink

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for potato potato anyway, eso in Episode two

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I de carved the weed in the oven and then shook it with the Everclear. Okay? And Episode nine for the cocktails. I de carved it in the oven, but then I cooked it at 130 degrees for eight hours. Wow, that's right. Stirring once an hour. And that made a huge difference. I think so. Okay. I don't know if it was because I made a gin cocktail or a gin martini out of

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it then, Right? Right. The two mixed pop. Yeah, but

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yes. Um, I'll tell you, then I also made the green fire.

spk_1:   1:59
Oh, yeah, that we're talking about

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that we invented. Yes. Green Dragon in it. Yeah. And then it was also the meo, The green thunder. Me? Oh, yes, way would call it green fire. Right. It's perfect. Yes. So I used the green dragon picture, which is what the tincture is. And then, um, put some Romeo, innit? Yeah, and took a shot or more of it. Oh, and let me tell you, just a little shot. Well, you may be a big shot.

spk_1:   2:26
Holy shit. That

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took about five seconds to kick in. Oh, my

spk_1:   2:29
gosh. Kicked in that fast? Yes, I was on fire. I, like burned when it touched your lips and

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then burn the whole way down. Oh, my God. You remember? Um, I told you I got so fucked up from that I was laying on the couch. That was when I came over to your house then. And you're what did you drink? And I was like, Oh, don't even worry about

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it. So that's what you did. Is he Has this was this? Yeah. And I tried to explain it to you, but it was too late and I couldn't understand. You literally

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said, You know, I think I could pull my teeth out and I wouldn't feel

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it. I guess if

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you want something that is very quick Yes. And fucks you up really fast. This is your thing. This is your drink or this is your tincture. I was laying on the couch. Remember talking to you? Yeah. And my feet were up like back where your head should be. I wasn't sure I didn't realize it was the green. It was green. Fire TV was behind me. I could not for the life of me. Figure out how I was gonna talk to you because you were sitting kind of like across for me, so that when I was laying that way, I could see your face and also see the TV, which was behind me, Possibly I just turned around. Yeah, but I couldn't figure that out. And yet because the husbands were, like, so annoyed,

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because they were,

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you know, they didn't even start drinking yet, So they were like, Oh, my goodness, She's done. We can't go anywhere.

spk_1:   3:59
I don't think this was gonna do that to me. I know, I know. No, Never. Like, you know, the last time you had it

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was good, you know, last little bit. This lasted for, like, hours and hours lasted long. Two hours. This is like, this is it was wonderful.

spk_1:   4:16
Oh, this is This has gotta

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be because, you know, ST Patrick's Day is coming up. Yes, and it's green. Yes.

spk_1:   4:21
This is the perfect same. Patrick, stay drink. Absolutely. If you don't want to feel anything inside I except for maybe the feeling of fire. But you said he said that

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and then it's just and then It was amazing. Wow. Yeah. So Oh, highly recommend it. Perfect. If you're gonna have some, though. Maybe don't do a shot of it. Maybe do a dropper of it. Okay. Okay. Unless, Okay, I'm like, this is your thing. So, Hee, I don't know. I think it's a dare, but that is awesome. Is there anything

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else we wanted to rehash? I think that is it. I think that's it. All right, Super.

spk_0:   5:01
Let's get ready for the show. Sounds good. Today on the show. We are making many

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pound cake, or as we like to call it, house cake. Fantastic. So, Laura,

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give us some ingredients, Gracie. I'd love to s so we need 1/4 cup of butter softened plus one tablespoon more for greasing. Or we could just spray the pan like we're going to do. Okay. Um 3/4 cup granulated sugar one large egg, 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract 3/4 cup All purpose Can A flower 18 teaspoon baking powder 18 teaspoon kosher salt At 1/4 cup Low fat milk. Okay, great. So I don't need to ask. You said, can a flower So this will be a cannabis flower recipe. Yes. Fantastic. However, what's cool about this one is we could make it this way. We could make the sugar, we could make the butter, or we could make the milk. Oh, so we could do this. It's perfect. Then it's called ounce cake. Yes, that we could make it three different ways with three different types of cannabis.

spk_1:   6:09
What if you put

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all of them in there

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before four eyes? You

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know, I'm a good counter.

spk_1:   6:18
Really? Eso eso What if you put

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all four? What would you do? I mean, that would be

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crazy. Crazy. I

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wasn't thinking about the milk. Refer. Got there smoking this too. That's crazy. Yeah. And what we have to do that one time, we'll call it, you know, crazy cake

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state. So All right. Sounds good. So where? Okay, let's get started.

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Way he preheated the oven. That's how we're gonna start. Well, yeah. Do you want to talk about, um, the flower or the How you what you did ahead of time? Are we going to do it? Uh, sure. Why

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don't we make the

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farmer first? You did the flower a different way This time I did. So I d card the cannabis differently this time. Okay. So normally we would just put it on like a baking tray and stick it in the oven. So I read something about wrapping it in aluminum foil. Okay, so I don't know if it'll make a difference or not, but I thought, Why not? It's a cute little package. A little kind, like an envelope out of foil and put it in the oven. It, um, 2 50 for 40 minutes. Okay, so it's been cold now. So now we can make the flower when you do it on the pan. Is it 40 minutes as well? Yeah. Okay. It's about time. Didn't change? No, no. I mean, when you just have You have never liked for flower. Oh, yeah, but like in an oven. Yeah. And not just on a baking sheet. Yes. Sorry. I don't understand the question. And I was saying and compared to the way you used to make flour Yeah, so, just yesterday, me just just see if it turns out better. Yeah. No, no. Stay. Maybe, maybe not. Cool beans. It looks good. Yeah. So Okay, so we need what? 3/4 cups of flour. I start with the dry ingredients. Yeah. So I'm gonna make a flower first. Right? Right. Little already lost. Okay, the whole cooking thing.

spk_1:   8:00
So we just had a

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traumatic near death experience. So whoever had been cooking in Laura's Oven, it wasn't Laura. But whoever in her house had been cooking, apparently spilled a bunch of stuff in the bottom of the Evan and

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decided not to clean

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it. Under which man in your house did that anyway, any of them. So the oven started smoking ridiculously. And

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Laura has

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this crazy fire alarm system where a woman gets on and like, just calmly announces that there's going to be a really loud sound coming because the alarms about to go off because there's an emergency of smoke and she's fair, is it? And just so you know, it is

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very loud. So she's like, gives you like so many seconds to clear your house

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when we didn't clear it in time. Then

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the alarm starts going up floors jumping up and

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down with a broom, and she's calmly telling us, You know, you could push this button to stop the alarm because the whole house filled with smoke. I mean, you could swim through it and says You push the button and then just a little bit ago, finally, she's like your emergency is over

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so well with you. Thank you so much.

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Weird lady in my ceiling.

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I feel like she's

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watching over me at all times. And I was like, I was impressed. Like she was so calm. What did you do before? Technology? We just burned alive,

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right track of our timers

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with Google bitch. You know what? I will tell you, This usually was smoking stuff. You smell it? We weren't, like, asleep or anything. So you know that the fact that a meeting we immediately couldn't see your hand in

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front? Yes, that'll do it. Oh, are you all right, Margo? Alright, let's hang Some

spk_0:   9:39
can a flower. So I put the 3/4 cup flour in, and I put our d card cannabis and I'm the school every freaking time. So bad. Just put it making messes. Good award. All right, call me. Um Mm. All right, so yet flour is sifted. Let's start the recipe. Ready? Yes, ma'am. All right. So first you're gonna take your butter sugar and we're gonna mix it in a small bowl. We're gonna beat, Beat the butter beat that better? Yeah. See my use of alliteration. Yes. Um all right, Butters in the bowl. All right. And then also sugar in the bowl. And that is what? 3/4 cup. Okay, here's my 3/4. All right. Where should I get 1/4 cup? Do it three times. No so proud of you for being prepared today. Really, Really growing up. But you're not responsible. Not yet. No, I'm so what we're gonna and we have to beat in the egg and the lemon juice and the vanilla. So butter and sugar and I will mix. Okay, let me do this. It makes it Okay. Okay. So easy. Yeah, because you did it right. All right, all right. I just mix it, Theo. All right. Butter and sugar look good. Okay. You need to add in your lemon juice. Half teaspoon. Have to use 1/4 teaspoon twice. Course you are.

spk_1:   11:30
You have 1/2 right there.

spk_0:   11:32
No. Okay, anyway, and then 1/4 teaspoon of vanilla extract. You just want don't want dirty two spoons. Yes. Okay, If somebody else was going to do the dishes, I would totally do it that way. Okay, so yeah, except for the fact that they're all connected and you're just gonna throw them all in the same, they're all gonna get washed at the same time. Well, gee, smarty pants!

spk_1:   11:54
D'oh! D'oh! D'oh! D'oh! Take it off. Yeah, Look at that. Okay, whatever. So, um Okay, so you're

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gonna beat that. I'm gonna put the again too, right? Yeah. So, yeah, we need sugar. Already did that. The butter soups calm because you were such a matter. I don't understand. Okay, now I just turn this on.

spk_1:   12:18
Yeah, The two so pretty smooth. Scrambled eggs, chunky scrambled eggs. So scrambled eggs chunky, like, almost cooked. Like really running his family. Yeah, you're right. I don't like it at all.

spk_0:   12:44
I'm sure they'll be fine, though. It's gives our butter is it's soft, but it's not like super super soft. So that's why it's gonna get a minute, breathe on it and warm it up a little bit. Oh, yeah, yeah. Quirky. Not weird, Corky. So I couldn't hear you say it again. Not weird, Corky. Thank you. You're welcome. I always forget that my friend is Corky. So Okay, so in a separate bowl, which Oh, you don't have a super

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bowl out.

spk_0:   13:22
Why? What we should, you know, put the dry ingredients inseparable. So,

spk_1:   13:25
so close. You had everything

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except for a separable. So we get that boat and then then you put them together. Well, well, what? Don't break it. That was horrible. All right. Perfect s o

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in the

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bowl, In the separate bowl, we're gonna whisk together the flower and the baking

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powder and the salt. What are you saying? That because you were

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squeezing your flower, you're losing flower. You should not be allowed. I think we should just be doing butter because you should not do Flower Flower is everywhere. Award. All right. Gonna be here because you're gonna sweep up every little bit. Oh, it's fine. Okay. What's next? I got flour. Obviously, I'm good to go. Yeah. Okay. So 3/4 cups, all persons, all perky. All purpose flour and a flower. 3/4 cup. All purpose can a flower, and then we need our baking powder and salt, so Oh, that's just a little bit. Yeah, It's just eight of a teaspoon of baking powder Todo you're going. Don't tell me you're not dirty and you are ridiculous. So the name of our show should be. Laura can do everything with 1/4 teaspoon. Might take a while, but it could be done. It can't be done. Oh, you're so quirky. Sorry. All right. So after you get your dry ingredients together and add that to the butter

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mixture. Really? I had to get a separate

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bowl. Just add half a teaspoon of the flower. Yes.

spk_1:   15:03

spk_0:   15:04
It's just what we're doing with the instruction set. Okay? You dirty a bowl? Clearly important. Totally. Teligent your time. Your night to do dishes. Oh, all right. And then once we do that, we're gonna We're gonna mix. Mix. All right, Here we go. Ready? Ready for anything? I'm ready. Okay.

spk_1:   15:25
Do it. Makes people nervous, huh? How fast I turn

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it up. Well, they think you gonna star in the milk while you're doing that. Oh,

spk_1:   15:33
no. Get that milk. Just 1/4 cup. Okay. Got it. Low fat milk. Look who's prepared with cream. Wow, It's even in the cup. You I am impressed. It was like, Yeah, this is fantastic. today. So it turns out I need a sushi. Yes. Which is, you know, 18. That's what. What? What?

spk_0:   15:57
People don't understand. Who's listening is that I'm actually the

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one that I'm given floor all the props and yeah, it was me. I think it was my idea to be more prepared. Technically, technically, it

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wasn't me. You had everything out the counter. I just went through the list and made sure we had the cop. You're really So you did you did You hurt the flower out the sugar out everything. But I'm like,

spk_1:   16:23
let's go through the list and just make sure so we're not, you know, our normal pausing it, looking for a spoon. Yeah, this'll time. It was just full of read the directions and not just the ingredients Way. Fine. Lesson learned. Technically, it's your fault, right? Because I only read half of it. Uh, that's not right. Shit sucks for you. All right? No, that's it. After we do that and looks good. Looks good. You're gonna pour that batter into the baking dish. I'm sorry. What? It's poor.

spk_0:   17:05
That batter in the pan. Did we spray the pan? Obviously, yes. Us priests break the pan. That's what's that sound, Laura? That spraying. So I just had a spray paint project I had to finish. All right, all right. You got brought out the aqua net. Yeah. You know, your hair stop from the eighties. Give some extra flavor looks. All right. So now

spk_1:   17:27
that you've freed the big you can pour your battery and we're gonna cook it. Look how tiny little Pan is. Yeah, it is a minute. Many because it's a many outs cake. It's so cute. So yes. So we're gonna put that in there for 40 to

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45 minutes at 3 50 until it the top of it is golden brown golden brown, and you're gonna let it cool for, like, 10 minutes before you eat it. Then you inverted over a plate, so but it's best served warm. Who so there's a window there? It's amazing. 10 minute right at right. A 10 minutes. Fto Don't dilly dally. No dilly dallying you. That's what the dilly bars came from. Dili. Daly

spk_1:   18:14
I don't know.

spk_0:   18:15
I do know that you're sure it's a mess right now. That's because I dripped stuff on it.

spk_1:   18:19
I know there's flour on there. There's butter on there.

spk_0:   18:24
Looks like a little bit of the power are bouncing cake. Maybe we should go shopping for new clothes for me. You don't need new clothes. Well, my understand. Oh, put them in the washing machine. Your read it. I mean, Corky.

spk_1:   18:41
All right, so that's baking. What do you want to d'oh? I don't know. I feel like there's so much to catch up on. Yes, you won't. You went away.

spk_0:   18:48
It did. But before that, So remember I told you that I edited that book yet for Nathan Grey? Yes. So then he had to his record release party. All right, I know I didn't I couldn't go. And I was a big jerk. Yeah, you're a big jerk. It was wasn't so far away, but looks like you had a lot of fun. We did have fun, so I got to go and talk to him a little bit. He gave me a hug and gave me a proof copy of the book. I saw so cool and then wrote Thank you in it with a law. It was so nice seeing Thio. There was a U S. O show. That's fantastic. people were there. It looked like a really intimate audience. Maybe like 40. That's fantastic. It was a lot of fun. I wish you were there. I know. I'm sorry. It wasn't as much fun as it would have been, but we still had a good time. I'm glad I had so much fun. That's exciting s Oh, yeah. So you just took a trip with your mama and your sister? I did? Because it's fucking cold here right now. There's no son now. You needed son. So Florida, Florida, we're at in Florida. You guys go panhandle. Okay, so it was nice and it wasn't hot. It was like sixties seventies. But anyway, so we're on the plane, right? And we're driver were driving on the plane, as one does. Anyways, we're flying. You have our drinks, and I pick my drink up and I dump it all down my leg. Of course you did. In my shoe. Did you bring with you just two. So one. But I just planned on wearing flip flops the whole time because they can't hear. So the shoes were soaked on. Then they served us drinks because it's kind of what would drink. Was it with water? Okay, so I was fine. And then we got other drinks, and then I dumped that one. My sisters all over. Oh, I would have punched

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in your fakes. Like, ready for vacation, kid. Lis, you know, husband lists, and then I'm relaxing. I

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would have a cocktail that my wine would win all in my lap. Oh, my gosh. What did she D'oh! She just looked at me and then started laughing

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because it was What? It was it at

spk_0:   20:51
least water again? No. Ah! What was it? You a soda, she says. Yeah, but anyway, were you in the middle of the of your mom and your sister? No, I was on the window. So only sisters in the middle. At least you didn't. Your mother would've got them to know for sure. We're thinking that's fantastic. Oh, so yeah. So Okay, so did you get better? At least from there? Uh, yes. Sorry. So anyway, we got there, and we have a habit of last year in the Dominican. When we went, there was the bathroom and the bedroom were connected by a window with shutters that you can open. Okay. And we thought. Well, that's weird. Who wants to be in the bedroom and like looking at somebody taking a bath or shower in the hotel? But whatever. It was like that in Canada. Okay,

spk_1:   21:42
well, it was like that here, too. That's weird, right? I thought

spk_0:   21:46
so. I think people just like to watch people bathe or something, I guess because it was our sweet everything, like you could clutch of it, but you could open it up, and then you literally could be sitting in the bathtub looking at the falls. But the bed was closer. It was weird. This makes it was bad. And then the bath. But it was like in this I don't know, it was beautiful, but all I kept on thinking is like, if it wasn't if it was like other people in here, I just would feel uncomfortable. Yeah, like I'm waiting for, like, I don't know what I'd like you to be like, open the shutters and be

spk_1:   22:15
like those others and right away, like I don't know. I just make it fun. Get out of the bathroom. Were waiting. We gotta go. Be.

spk_0:   22:25
I don't know what stories in my head right now, but all I know is that it could be disastrous. It could be, especially if you're with, like, a new. So we're just trying to figure out what time we put everything in. I'm sure you could tell us, but I'd be too late. Um hey, Google

spk_1:   22:43
set a time

spk_0:   22:44
for for 40 minutes. 40 minutes, starting now. Here we go. Is that it? Says for all 40 Thing has been about five minutes to figure out. Five minutes. We'll keep an eye on

spk_1:   22:54
you. So anyway, I'm like, if you're even if

spk_0:   22:59
you know honestly, even if you're with, like, a new relationship, you have to poop. No one wants to be matching that or

spk_1:   23:07
even an old relation. But

spk_0:   23:09
it could walked out like they were. Ours were like shutters, but they had, like, it was like shutters.

spk_1:   23:15
You know what I'm

spk_0:   23:16
talking about? Like this? Like in your bathroom. What do you call those on your window? Your old bathroom. The would blind that you had on the big window that doesn't open over the top like those shutters.

spk_1:   23:27
Okay. But, I mean, they

spk_0:   23:29
had gaps in between them. It's not like you don't mean so, like your shutters. Okay. That's what I would call them if there's another word for him. I don't know why. Because I would call them shutters. Okay. Anyway, so it's not a solid piece of wood. Someone some shutters are yes.

spk_1:   23:43
Lax. That's the word. I was looking slatted shutters. Yes. Thank you. Okay, so thank you. So it's killing me. It would have killed me, so Yeah. So that's exactly what is thinking.

spk_0:   23:54
I was like, Well, you know, But they do have boobery. I love it. It's, like, awesome. You have to bring it anywhere you go. Yes, it saves tiny things. You have to remember to pack it cause you can't put on your carry on. No, you have a packet. And I got in. They took it. No, I remember when we went to the Dominican. I forgot at this time. And anyway, So here was the same situation, right? Right. And it was weird, but anyway, no, I didn't take the poo free, but I was gonna tell you another story, if I may about the bathroom there. Okay. Because then I I'm looking at you, and I realize we might not have been done with that one yet? No, I didn't think

spk_1:   24:30
of her

spk_0:   24:30
down. Sorry. Oh, are we? Don't

spk_1:   24:34
Oh, no, I Yeah, I guess where you ever done so insane. Quirky. So, no, I was just going

spk_0:   24:44
to finish it up with you know, when? When you know, when you stinking you boobery. That's I don't think there's gonna have to take it. Yes, Time. All right, So then I was gonna say and honestly for me, if if if I felt uncomfortable, like I would in that situation that I can't prove it all like, I go instant, no poop when I travel. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You can see how that could happen. Like, remember, Went to Boston? Yeah. Bathroom. Maybe uncomfortable. Didn't have a long and I couldn't poop. The whole time we were there,

spk_1:   25:12
we were like, What is wrong with you? And I'm like, It's not like it's like it's not It's not voluntary. You should. Even if I hold the door shut like that right there. We already

spk_0:   25:23
have the house. No way. Tried. We try. My butt's like No, and this This is a really big problem that I have. Sometimes they wouldn't have done Well, no. So, anyway, what? Sure. That was my sorry. That's what was in my head, you know. Oh, my gosh. I would be constipated. Yeah. So that was just my introduction to this bathroom. You don't There's anything weird with it. What it's like for me, like my butt has to go on a comfortable toilet. Like when I go home where I grew up, I can go the bathroom instantly. But if I, like, stay like hotels, there seems to be okay because I'm comfortable with my family. But, like, this is when we're staying with friends or people that I don't normally poop around my butt just stops working just as new. Interesting. Is that crazy? I wonder how many other people get like shy, but from Lila, Right? Okay. Each other people have the opposite. Just where they're like, Oh, my gosh. I'm in a strange place. I feel so uncomfortable. Should not have got diarrhea. Oh, my irritable. Yeah. Seared It will be as Cecil in all rights

spk_1:   26:18
anyway, but are irritable. But who were you? Let us know. Okay. Okay. More about that.

spk_0:   26:27
Tell me more. Just going to say was that so this bathroom started out weird like that. Like, not weird. But anyway, so we walked in and then on the wall was one of those giant mirrors you know, mounted that you can like, That's, like, 500,000 times zoom. I love those. Oh, yeah, And it was like, You can't not look at it. It was so big and where it was mounted. So I looked at it like, Oh, my God, Like you can see every in professor every pore Yes, And your pores look enormous. And then you get that's like a, um, train wreck. You know, if you're looking at me like, Oh, my God. Well, you know how I have this apple aider. Oh, shit. Your fascination Where if I see a hair that I did you see Well, I saw

spk_1:   27:08
one on my upper lip like just one little

spk_0:   27:10
tiny fine hairs that like nobody could see. Sure, ever. But under this zoom, I could see it felt like millions, and then they were there forever. And you couldn't see them, right? I because I came prepared. I didn't bring, you know, stuff that normal people would take. But I took my apple later both my leg one and my face one in case you're wondering what your man Oh, my God. True story. So I was eh? Pilate ing? Yeah. And I discovered I'm pretty sure that hip Hitler ep elated rather than shaving his

spk_1:   27:47
face. Because as I'm doing

spk_0:   27:51
it, I'm like, Fuck, this hurts, You know? And then I got to the center part, like, right above your lip, and I realized this hurts like a son of a bitch. I'm just not going to

spk_1:   28:01
do this part. You're telling me, like, ouch. Oh, Stace was exactly Waas

spk_0:   28:25
being women. We can power through it. All right? Look at the rest of our moustache. Needed pussy that he

spk_1:   28:30
waas this'll This part's these. Okay? Quirky. I usually make up the stories

spk_0:   28:43
in my head. That one that came into your hands. You know, I I don't know. I don't know. I don't know how to

spk_1:   28:49
process. Speaking of bathroom stories, is

spk_0:   28:56
there? Is there anything else you want to say? No, that was it. That was my big revelation in the bathroom, you know, generally happen. They're just not like this is so not as funny. But I got downstairs and I realized I'm taking a shower in the morning and I was rushing around, so I got down. So I got downstairs and I realized I didn't put the odor. And on Iran, I called up to my youngest and I was like, Dude, can you grab the deodorant? And he doesn't. You know, my oldest uses deodorant, but he doesn't trying to describe to him what it looked like. So he comes down, he's looking at it. He's like, Looks like lip gloss. And I'm like, a really big lip cost. And then he goes,

spk_1:   29:32
It's pig loss. Now all the unit in our house is pit gloss. So start calling it there. I was like, You're so brilliant. I would buy that right? How fun is that? It's fun. It's just I don't know.

spk_0:   29:48
It just makes it sound fun. So, yeah, we could you could glitter it up, you know, really have something to show go out on town,

spk_1:   29:53
right? Especially like

spk_0:   29:54
if you got you got, like, tank tops on and

spk_1:   29:56
stuff. That would be fun. We should make

spk_0:   29:58
coochie gloss. I'm sure they do. They probably do. If not, we're on it. Okay, I can do that. Okay. All right. Yeah. Oh, my gosh. That's so funny. What else you got going on? Um, I feel like there's so much to talk to. I tell you how my son lost one of his air pots that he just got for Christmas. No, I'm not really surprised, but they're really small, and they're really easy to lose. Well, I like to call them air buds, and that pisses him off, so Oh, because you know, that's a movie about a dog, Mom, it's cute to their air pods. And your buttons. I would kill them. Air buds. Two don't and not even think about. No, that's wrong. Okay, Wrong. Thank you. Yeah, you're welcome. It's what I'm here for. So also tell them wrong. Nobody says Bt dubs anymore. What does that even What is that, by the way? Btw, I don't do that ever. You know, I'm I'm the one that, like I get in trouble because I use punctuation and more than four words. No, because apparently you don't do that either. Yeah, what else do anyway? So he called me crying from school. He was supposed to be walking down thio the fitness center toe workout before being picked up. So he called me hysterical. I'm like, Oh, my God. What happened? Happened? I lost one of my airboats. Are you fucking you kidding me? No, they So I start yelling out of which makes him crime. Or so I drive to the school and he tells me the whole story of what happened to it or outside looking around because he thought he dropped it outside somewhere, was in his pocket. Long story short. I couldn't find it anywhere. Find my airpods wasn't working so well. Go tell the principal and see if anybody turned it in. Nobody turned it in. You go home, I texted, Um oh, no, I was at work. That's what's happened. I was leaving work one, and I saw one of my friends that was there, and she's like, where you're going. And I said, um, I gotta go. My idiot son just lost its air pod was freaking out, and she's like, Okay, but yeah, care. But

spk_1:   32:01
a small dog I think can

spk_0:   32:05
fly. I think you're right. You definitely plays basketball dunk. I think I'm pretty sure anyway, So I go home anyway. So then She texts me later. Jews. You're not gonna believe this. My daughter's boyfriend found an AARP but school. And so they met up the next day, and it was Hiss. Where did he find it? On the ground. In the school. He had

spk_1:   32:32
principles at this?

spk_0:   32:33
No, no, my friend's daughter.

spk_1:   32:35
Oh, she was telling them at dinner. Oh, that's crazy. What? The eye. Right? So she said, Oh,

spk_0:   32:42
uh, Laura Sam Lawson air part of school. And the daughter goes, Oh, my gosh, my boyfriends, But accidentally kicked one and picked it up and stuck it in his pocket. Wow. And it was his. Yeah, that's crazy, right? He is blessed, charmed or whatever the word is, things happen. Yeah. Okay. For him? Yeah. If that was me, I would have dropped it in the snow. Right where he was down. A great right. Yeah. You never to be seen again or somebody would have stepped on it. It would be gone. Yeah, Not like some random kid has some seventh degree connection to me.

spk_1:   33:16
That's crazy, right? It's awesome,

spk_0:   33:19
though. I'm so glad you got him back because those things aren't cheap, you know? That's cool. But then I couldn't teach him a lesson. Yeah, because he was about to have to clean out a savings account, buy a new one and learned the lesson. No, the only lesson was be more careful because next time your friend might not find it.

spk_1:   33:34
Well, it's

spk_0:   33:35
still lesson, and he still freaked out about it. It's still good impactful. I hope so. We'll see. So let's let's talk about our something new. Yes, let's so I don't know. We went Thio Afloat Spa? Yes. And you actually had tried to go for a while. It was It was a group on. It was a group on. Yeah, and we finally decided to just do it. And it was cool. Like I thought that first I thought it would like you. You get in and you could be naked, which I didn't know that. So it was, you know, So you get in and you're naked. We have to rinse off. You get in your naked, have to put your things in. Um, when you get in, I thought was interesting. Like I thought it was gonna like clothes on me and be like closed. And it's not. There is a gap. So it wasn't what I expected? No. I thought it would be complete. Like an egg, Wilma. Like like you were, like a like a sow. The sound. So it was like deprivation. I thought, like deprivation. And it wasn't No, I think that would be cool. The water

spk_1:   34:32
was it was nice.

spk_0:   34:33
It was a hot accidentally tasted some. It was so salty. I almost like die. And then you didn't You get someone Your eyes. Oh, yeah, that burned. Yeah, like a son of a bitch.

spk_1:   34:43
So, yeah, I don't think we're gonna go back, But

spk_0:   34:45
it was a cool first, you know, It was fun. This is, um I got bored. I know you did. And then I was started thinking and, um that I pulled my knees up and I started bouncing myself around like a ping pong ball in there. That was fun. You

spk_1:   35:00
could do that. You could float.

spk_0:   35:01
Yeah, so I mean, it wasn't

spk_1:   35:02
We didn't

spk_0:   35:03
even stay in the whole time. No, because you broke it. I

spk_1:   35:06
didn't break it. You break everything. I don't know where, like this is. This is a consistent,

spk_0:   35:11
like feel, so I don't know. So When I was spending myself around in there like a ping pong ball, I got twisted around and I was looking up at where my head was and I saw something dark dripping from the top and that freaked me out like I couldn't give me, like, a P G's.

spk_1:   35:27
I could see it in your I got

spk_0:   35:32
Love them, I have them. So I'm getting out of here. But this es I took up the lid and then, like I got dressed And then I waited for you, right? Mm. I went out and hold the woman and she goes, Yeah, I saw that your hair dye ran and you ruined it,

spk_1:   35:47
but I didn't do that. That's not

spk_0:   35:49
me. Well, because they ask you before you go, you have to answer all these questions like they have to make sure that you don't have, like, fresh tattoos, and they have to make sure that your hair dye is not recent. And it wasn't and it wasn't. However you used that you have that bright red and stuff, which but this was brown. You send the red down and the rendering of their own. And the red does run cause I used you because even if you do that it was a long time ago. It's still can run. Yeah, but anyway, she, uh, lady couldn't clean off whatever Lord did to it. Even though Laura says this is air quotes, bunny ears, she didn't do anything and it wasn't hers. It was broken. No, we can't go back. Just like the one we went to the escape room. Oh, yeah, I didn't like that either. Yes. Oh, no, no, no. You can't deny that. You

spk_1:   36:33
can deny

spk_0:   36:34
you know, your face mass place that you did last episode. I didn't even touch that. Yeah, okay. But it was just your presence on and then you can, you know, you can deny Maybe that wasn't your hair dye way. All know, wink, wink. However, there's no denying we witnessed your breakage of We were in the escape room for three minutes, and Laura turns to this like cabinet that had this pipe on top. And she's

spk_1:   36:58
like, this is a clue, and

spk_0:   37:00
she's shaken. And I think we had had a few drinks and she's shaken it and shaking and shaking it. Actually, I think you probably were high and then she's

spk_1:   37:07
thinking of taking it and she, like, rips his pipe right off. So we get

spk_0:   37:12
through, like, 98% of the escape room activities just to come to find out that the final challenge to get out of the fucking room

spk_1:   37:22
had to do with putting something down This pipe Laura ripped off and was carrying around with her like she thought it was a glue to get a key that was inside. So needless to say, the guy check him on the speaker

spk_0:   37:35
and he's like, I don't even know

spk_1:   37:36
what to say. I don't know why that's off. And they had to let us out. And then we still they were like, You still escapes because

spk_0:   37:43
Laura broke the fucking escape room. Not even five seconds in. Not even five seconds in.

spk_1:   37:49
So so you really

spk_0:   37:50
do not have a leg to stand on your break? Everything and and you're a mess.

spk_1:   37:55
But you're Corky. I love you. Been hearing it isn't very. It's only endearing if I'm not sitting this. You want a plane? I don't care if you

spk_0:   38:05
do to yourself. Don't seem too May. Well, I would never do it to you on purpose. I know. That's the problem. Then suppose happens. Oh,

spk_1:   38:12
my God. You're just licking the batter

spk_0:   38:13
from the mole. So, um, there's a good chance Kiki is gonna be good. All right. Cool question for you. Yep. So, well, background first. Okay, then. A question. Okay, So I was talking with some of my friends at work the other day about, um, how people with multiple kids like, don't leave their kids places. And, you know, do you ever panic when you're getting in a car? You know, I only have one kid, but like what? I got to have a kid. You put everything else in. Where's my kid? Okay, I think that's a pretty pretty normal panic. Right. And then she took my one friend civil. Did your parents ever leave you anywhere? No. I've never been left anywhere. You? She was Oh, God, Yeah, all the time.

spk_1:   38:54
What, like why you've been left like that? She goes.

spk_0:   38:57
Well, my favorite is we were at the grocery store. We loaded the groceries and my mom asked me to go return the

spk_1:   39:04
cart because I want to return the cart. Hey, she forgot Goes See, That's mama brain for you. Just let my sister go. So we're just gonna leave her. And my mom just kind of laughed. She got

spk_0:   39:22
almost home before realizing that my sister was serious and came

spk_1:   39:24
back for me.

spk_0:   39:26
Oh, my God.

spk_1:   39:29
Yeah. So my question for you

spk_0:   39:31
was to have your parents ever left you anywhere. Um, So my mom was notorious. And stop me if I already told you this. But my mom was notorious for for always having our stuff in the car and driving away. So we get to school and our backpacks would be in the back and she would drive away, like, or we get to a friend's house and our bag are sleeping bag our pillow are close, would all be in there. And she would drive away like she was so excited just to get rid of us. Like she, like, took off so fast and we wouldn't have our stuff. So that happened quite a bit. And then

spk_1:   40:06
I don't

spk_0:   40:06
know. Dude, let's get angry. This is kind of a different road, but Wade got really hungry. A seniors. I have two sisters and a brother, so I was okay, but my sister still gets angry. Yeah, we do really bad, so I don't know what that's all about, but my mom would see what she would be past lunchtime, and she'd be out grocery shopping or something. And not with us. When we were a little bit older and she would come, she would throw the groceries in like, the front door. And then my dad and her would leave until we have eaten because she didn't want to deal with us because she said were also bitches. Three term hungry was discovered later, but this is Yeah, this is me. Is, like, you know, a preteen teen ager, like

spk_1:   40:47
when we

spk_0:   40:47
were old enough to stay home. But yeah, so I mean, but not actually leaving me anywhere. I'm sure she's done. It's my sisters, but because I was the oldest, So everything was done with more mind. And then by the time my sister and my brother gonna have a baby brother So it's me. It's three girls and a boy and I'm the oldest. I know they have all kinds of stories, you know, being less relations

spk_1:   41:15
because, you

spk_0:   41:16
know, my mom's a little She could be absent minded I lost. Um, no, but I Yeah, one of mine had in a grocery store, and he panics way. We just turned the corner, and he was looking at cereal, and we thought he realized we were doing that. And he was 45 and I wasn't far, but he panicked and, like, ran to someone I'm freaked out. I'm like, where is it? Just me. It was literally, like three set, like, it could have been a minute. Wow. Yeah, I lost my niece. Um, target, did you? But in my defense, I didn't know I was supposed to be watching her. That's a good defense. Yeah. I mean, it was me and my mom and my sister and the two girls. I assumed that one of them would keep an eye on them, and they thought because she was with me, I had her. Oh, and I don't want to be with you because we're just like, looking at stuff. And she was following me looking at stuff while I was looking at stuff and I didn't realize that she was with me, so I just left. Oh, and then I ran into my mom and sister later. They're like, uh

spk_1:   42:20
where is she? I don't know. Oh,

spk_0:   42:25
What do you mean, you don't know him? Like I don't know. Where is she? There, like you had her. Like, I absolutely did not have her, But you kind of did. Apparently they thought I did. But if she was alone with you and they weren't like I shot, I didn't know

spk_1:   42:38
I wasn't paying attention. Oh, my gosh. This is after you had a child, too. So it makes me sad about this story. Think we're starting to

spk_0:   42:45
see where the, uh, portrait came from? This is a different me Spaces where she was older at the time, so she might have a memory of it. Oh, nobody was scarred. Nobody cared. Oh, you know, she was fine. She's not feeling She made friends. How? She found a employee founder and was walking around with her. Okay. Just holding her hand. You know,

spk_1:   43:06
she was in gene

spk_0:   43:07
care Rock on. Yeah, okay. Did you ever get lost? Were you ever left? Um, no, I never got it left anywhere. I got lost okay? In a store. And I think I was hiding in the clothing racks and then I didn't get found. No, no. One of the employees had to find me and page my mom. And it was the whole thing, But I was little. I'm over it now, you know? And did you believe your son anywhere? Uh, no, no, no. We left the youngest at summer camp. Oh, yeah. That was kind of like the worst time of my entire life. Oh, that's right. But, you know, my husband was away for, like, the first time for a new job, and my oldest was sick and we ended up in the emergency room. And then they kept us in the emergency room. And I don't have family that lives nearby. You guys were away. It was horrible. And then he needed to be picked up. And I was thinking mini camp ended on Wednesday and it ended on Tuesday. And I was not. I was in the hot Children's Hospital, and the director of the Children's Hospital brought him, or the director of the Children's camp brought him home. But I felt awful, like I felt awful. I still feel awful about that. Be cagey. You brought that subject up. You know, you were going to go down a dark

spk_1:   44:25
path and ruin everybody's buzz. I can't help. It is like the worst day of

spk_0:   44:29
my life. All I asked Waas, did your parents ever drive off while you're returning a cart in a grocery store?

spk_1:   44:36
Because that's funny. Shit. No, I just

spk_0:   44:40
left my young one. C C U. But now he'll have a funny story when he gets older. I'm sure her her mom doesn't laugh about leaving her, but she showed us. Oh my God, I'm sure she's horrified and doesn't let the mom probably horrified. And it's like, Please don't tell that story, But she's like

spk_1:   44:55
It's a fucking malaria. She just left me. There's a doctor in the car, told my mom, You know

spk_0:   44:59
what she guys like? She orders food, pays for it and then leaving

spk_1:   45:03
She Does that mean that similar? Yeah, that's way funnier. Shut up! Uh, anyway, and then you know

spk_0:   45:16
what movie I can't get over. What? Dude, where's my car? I know you love that. I know. And it's so dumb. There's somebody that I think are just fun or to watch. Yeah, you know, are mindless, like Spaceballs and stuff like that. Yeah,

spk_1:   45:30
dude, where's my You know, I think it's because, you know, I mean, Ashton Kosher. He's fine. Yeah, I just like the end. And I'll take some, uh, cookie's fortune and, uh, that's it. And

spk_0:   45:48
now and then, you know, I could go on. I e love it. I get That tells me you get stuff stuck in my head all the time, quote stuff, and then I'll do it at work And the nodal note I'm talking about and I laughed to myself, so I know

spk_1:   46:04
they're judging me. Yeah, I do it all the time. I mean, we just did.

spk_0:   46:09
I was just on the stairs, putting encrypted tire was putting decorations away. Yeah, of whatever most recent holiday we had. Because, you know, I decorate

spk_1:   46:18
for every one

spk_0:   46:22
of your many charms. Oh, yeah. Quirky. Quirky. I'm I don't even know. It's kind of I don't know. So anyway, we'll think of a word for me. Okay, Um and then the whole way down the stairs, I'm going, Eva, because I can't Not like I cannot actually move anything without thinking of that. Yeah, so yeah, I do. Don't I know. You know what? I watched Thea Friends Pilot episode last night. Did you? Yeah. I don't usually like watching the like, the newer ones. Well, 20 years old now, 20 some years old, but anyway, and I put the pilot on and there was so many, like moments that were, like, ingrained in my head, like grabbing a spoon. And you're all those, like, Wait. I realize we're in the pilot episode. Oh, yeah. It was just nice. It was fun. Yeah. Yeah. You into watching anything? Right now that's cool or good. Who? Um yes. What? I like Grace and Frankie. So I'm watching that at the moment. No, I don't know.

spk_1:   47:20
Oh, that is a good

spk_0:   47:21
one, huh? Also binged Veronica Mars. That's like a guilty pleasure. I just love that show so much. They're high school kids. We talked about this last time. I don't think so. They're high school kids, huh? Who? It's like 902 A no, on steroids. Oh, God. I feel about love it. I'll have to check it out. Like there's a lot of adult TV, even even? No, because you watched Children stuff. We've talked about that, but

spk_1:   47:48
not always

spk_0:   47:49
by choice. Yeah, yeah, but sometimes and sometimes it's more than that. Watched D jango.

spk_1:   48:00
Do you know what that is? It's the

spk_0:   48:02
one with no Django. Django with a little I never saw it. I heard. No, I did. See. And it was awful. It was It was a Quentin Tarantino movie. I didn't like the West. Did you like it? So I didn't understand what I was watching. Wasn't Johnny Depp in it? Uh, I don't remember him, innit? Yeah, but he could have been in it. Is there a lizard in it? I don't remember a

spk_1:   48:23
lizard, but you could have been a lizard in it. I might

spk_0:   48:28
be thinking of different movies. This movie had Jamie Foxx as a cowboy. Maybe I didn't do it. He's a slave we might be talking about. No, we're talking about different movies. I didn't see this one filming in. Okay,

spk_1:   48:39
I think it was

spk_0:   48:41
a long time ago. I don't think it's a new movie. I just It was on. So we watched it and I never saw before. And I

spk_1:   48:46
thought like there was so

spk_0:   48:46
many famous actors. And I think it's like a Quentin Tarantino movie. I don't know. So it's got a lot of blood anyway. There's

spk_1:   48:54
a lot of his actors, and a lot of them

spk_0:   48:55
were comedic. And I really thought, like his Even Jamie Foxx can be comedic, And I thought it was going to be. I thought it was gonna be like a

spk_1:   49:00
satire. Some of it came across the Terkel, but I don't even

spk_0:   49:05
have explain. It was so strange. It took this really sharp, dark turn. Isn't that what he's known for? Yeah, and low in Bo. I don't I don't pay 10. Then you're surprised. And, you know, my husband informs me that's what he's known for. So yeah, apparently, yes. That's what he's okay, Tarantino. Man, I know you don't like any of that stuff, so I don't understand why using to watch it in the first place.

spk_1:   49:26
I was trying to tell you that I watch adult shit not just kids stiff, but it starts for life. I got your

spk_0:   49:40
point is, this is why I don't watch adult stuff. Yep. Because you make bad decisions and watch stuff that scars. You

spk_1:   49:46
shouldn't that Yes. Well, so I watch

spk_0:   49:49
comedy. That's as far as I go. Perfect. I thought this was it. wasn't

spk_1:   49:53
e then I get sucked in. And I was anyway, like, watch. Like, 24 hours

spk_0:   49:58
of Jeffrey Dahmer's Jeffy Jeffy, you know, is it was like a, like, a three hour like thing. And I'm like, Why am I watching this? It's awful. Yeah. Anyway, yeah. Excellent. So I'm glad you found some good TV.

spk_1:   50:14
Oh, yeah. No. Me too.

spk_0:   50:16
All right. So it smells delicious in here. Yeah, right. Oh, my goodness. So it should be, I think about it is Hey, Google. All right, let's check it, shall we? Yeah, well, uh, yes, it iss That looks beautiful up yet past the toothpick test. Way got to you. Got to get a picture of that. Yeah, it looks pretty. Then it has to rest for a couple minutes, right? Yeah. I think we could just let rest for second. Uh, I'll tell you a joke. Okay. Wait. You would hear my joke? Maybe. Why

spk_1:   51:03
did the cows

spk_0:   51:05
keep going? Thio going into the marijuana field? I don't know. It was the pot calling the cattle

spk_1:   51:16
back. Well, yeah, Yeah, I saw it last like I gotta read that jump to you, because it's perfect. So maybe That's what

spk_0:   51:33
we should call her podcast pot calling the cattle back. No, no, no, no. But it was appropriate. Joke made me laugh. Well, shall we eat

spk_1:   51:44
it? You eat it. I always say

spk_0:   51:46
that everything is a weak team mentality. Well, should I eat it? It's the British. We know none of your Laura British, please. Oh, no. OK, well, it does say hot. It has not been 10 minutes. But you know what? You never listen to the rules anyway. So, stepfather, you know, that's, you know, I live through you because I'm a rule follower. Yeah, all right. You're very much like my sister in that way. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. It

spk_1:   52:18
looks kind of like,

spk_0:   52:19
um, like lemon poppy seed bread. I think that's the weed.

spk_1:   52:23
Oh, wow. Does s. So it is like

spk_0:   52:29
poppy seeds. You know what you know? Well, well, I'm a very talented cook, o e. I could tell by your face it is so good. Oh,

spk_1:   52:39
good, good, good. Hey, we did it. Oh, so cool. So, Kate,

spk_0:   52:45
that cracks me up, by the way. So yeah, so I guess that's it, right? I guess that's it. Well, so send us your stories. Um share. Subscribe. Follow Facebook. All of it. Email. Yep. Instagram Oh, yeah. Anything. Please follow us. Find us. And I'm also in case you didn't hear on one of the last episodes. We do have our giveaway coming up. So we need this to so many followers. Do so many shares on Facebook. Yeah. So if you share any of our sweet will go, you will go into a

spk_1:   53:21
drawing to win a smoke

spk_0:   53:23
buddy. On April 20th at 4 20 5 24 24 24 20 year. There was a reason

spk_1:   53:30
for that I'm like is April 24 20 Wonder why s so weird? Yeah. So until next time, everyone

spk_0:   53:39
have a dupe day by